May 2, 2017
This was course was very informative. I really enjoyed the content being that I wasn't on the paid version. I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything but learn a lot from this course. 감사합니다!!!!
Aug 28, 2021
I have learned so much and I really enjoyed learning this beautiful language. I know that I will learn to speak and read with lots of practice and perseverance. Thank you so much for this opportunity!
By Maria B d N R
•Apr 5, 2020
Obrigada pela a oportunidade em conhecer um pouco sobre a língua coreana e sua cultura. 감사합니다 Coursera.
By Sheau C T
•Dec 5, 2019
It is a comprehensive course. Simple and easy to follow. Important aspects of language use highlighted.
By Kalai s A
•Jun 24, 2019
Thankyou coursera for giving me hanguel course and providing me easy way of Learning,thankyou!!!hatsoff
By Nichii N
•Jul 27, 2017
I love this lesson so much. Thank you for everybody. and then i would like to learn next Korean lesson.
By Miriam M F
•Jun 2, 2017
Fue un curso bastante enriquecedor, además de la facilidad con la que se manejaron los temas abordados.
By Christine U
•Mar 26, 2016
Excellent introduction to Korean. The course has a very clear structure and the workload is manageable.
By marvic A
•Jul 5, 2024
By Miriam C
•Oct 29, 2023
Excelente, siento que aprendi a leerlo con facilidad, a entender y a escribir.. muy agradecida con uds
By Sinta N V
•Oct 7, 2023
Penyampaian jelas dan mudah dimengerti ,setelah penjelasan vidio disertakan juga pdf nya masing masing
By lalass s
•May 14, 2023
I really like the coursera application to make the spirit of learning languages at Yonsei University
By Sofia S
•Apr 23, 2023
I really love the course. I learned a lot and I will continue learning and practising Korean language.
By Deysi
•Nov 26, 2022
Me encanto este curso, aprendí mas cosas nuevas y a pronunciarlas, espero muy pronto dominar el idioma
By Sarah F
•Aug 20, 2022
this is a great introduction to learning Korean. It definitkey fills in the gaps that Duolingo lacks.
By Romina B
•May 23, 2022
I'm in ove with my course, i'm learning faster as i can. And i can't describe how incredible its feels
By nayeli a
•Feb 21, 2022
El curso está muy bien estructurado. todo es entendible y ayuda a facilitar el aprendizaje del idioma.
By Anny H
•Jan 31, 2022
The content is easy to understand and the lessons have a good sequence. Overall, it is a great course.
By Tatiana J M C
•Oct 27, 2021
Muy bueno el curso, pero falta mejorar la traducciones. Muchas gracias por este aporte de aprendizaje.
By Vania A
•Sep 8, 2021
I really thankful to get this course. It really helpful for person like me who study Korean Language.
By Judy B
•Sep 6, 2021
Greatest! So easy to learn! This is the best choise to have a really joyable start in Korean Language!
By noryumnie r
•Jul 18, 2021
Really helpful for me to learn the language. Hard at first but need to study for understand it better.
By Ana G
•Jul 14, 2021
선생님 감사합니다! This was a great beginner's course, hopefully there will be a Second Step Korean class too!
By s
•Jul 4, 2021
Thank you so much. I am not a person that can study by myself. So I benefitted a lot from this course.
By Livie L
•Jun 29, 2021
I have learnt lots of things from this.This is actually helpful.Also the teacher teaches very clearly.
By Andrea O
•Jun 8, 2021
I really like it I feel like I learned a lot, but I wish I could make more test to know my improvement
By Rocio C
•May 20, 2021
Este curso me ayudo muchísimo para mejorar mi nivel de coreano y aprender a hablar. Infinitas gracias.