May 2, 2017
This was course was very informative. I really enjoyed the content being that I wasn't on the paid version. I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything but learn a lot from this course. 감사합니다!!!!
Aug 28, 2021
I have learned so much and I really enjoyed learning this beautiful language. I know that I will learn to speak and read with lots of practice and perseverance. Thank you so much for this opportunity!
By Kimchi J
•Jun 6, 2024
Thank you very much for the enjoyable learning, hopefully it will be useful for me in the future.
By Itzel P N G
•Dec 26, 2023
Me encantó, esta muy bien explicado, me encanta sus ejemplos pues ayudan a entender mejor el tema
By Yvonne G
•Oct 1, 2023
This course teach simple and understandable Korean, It's very convenient and enjoyable studying.
By Auliya S
•Jun 27, 2023
Penjelasannya mudah dipahami, disertai contoh dan penjelasan cara membacanya. Terimakasih banyak.
By Lorena G
•Mar 11, 2022
Great way to teach the basic things about the lenguage, easy to undersant, great support material
•Jan 25, 2022
Muy bueno, me ayudo a reforzar mucho el coreano básico que tenia y logre comprender muchas cosas.
By unzila s
•Dec 29, 2021
I love how Mrs. Seung Hae Kang make the module or the presentation so easy to learn and remember.
•Dec 15, 2021
Very easy to understand and straightforward. It helps me a lot in learning new grammar and words.
By Hayu
•Oct 18, 2021
This course is recommended for beginner to learn Korean, easy to follow and use real conversation
By Acha A
•Sep 13, 2021
i like how the prof teach me, so detail and easy to understand, thank you so much to prof Kang :)
By Boglarka A C
•Sep 5, 2021
iI really enjoyed and learn many new things. Thank you so much for making this opirtunity for us.
By Adhysta D W
•Sep 4, 2021
I can read hangul and add a lot of new vocabullary so it can help me to practice making sentences
By Shelsea B
•Aug 29, 2021
me encanto el curso aprendí muchas cosas, voy a seguir practicando y reforzando el idioma coreano
By Julissa V M
•Aug 7, 2021
Es un excelente curso de introducción. Gracias a la profesora que dio cada lección muy detallada.
By Carolina d V
•Aug 3, 2021
me gusto mucho aprendi muy rapido y facil . la profesora se explica muy bien y resuelve tus dudas
By Arwa
•Jul 6, 2021
it is really helpful with the nice pro.. thank u very much helping me in learning Korean language
By Nancy C
•Jun 24, 2021
La forma o manera de llevar el curso fue de mucha ayuda para facilitar el aprendizaje del idioma.
By 121812801023 g
•Jun 11, 2021
It really helped me in learning some of the essential basics that are necessary for communication
By Yeruv26
•May 29, 2021
Este curso es uno de los mejores para principiantes que quieren aprender coreano, muchas gracias
By 도영일[ 학 / 영 ]
•Feb 23, 2021
This course is really suitable to beginners and who wants to learn Korean at zero. Give it a try!
By Raynn M L C
•Feb 3, 2021
Basic Korean simplified. Really enjoyed it. A good first stepping stone to learn Korean language.
By Emine N K
•Jan 31, 2021
Kurs gerçekten verimliydi. Bilmediğim çok şey öğrendim.Umarım devam dersleri de gelir. 선생님 감사합니다.
By Mireya H
•Dec 14, 2020
Excelente el curso, muy claras las explicaciones y los exámenes muy bien pensados! Recomendable.-
By Nicole D
•Nov 22, 2020
This course helped me a lot in basic korean language vocabulary, grammar and speech. 고 맙 습 니 다 !~
By Jesse P
•Sep 13, 2020
Muy recomendado, me sirvió mucho para aprender a leer los caracteres y a mejorar mi pronunciación