Jun 27, 2021
This course is very very good to us especially for the students of Myanmar during Military Coup. We all must do self study because the government can't control the situation. So thank you very much.
Jan 7, 2018
The course is amazing for now! The teacher explains everything in a great order and it helps me a lot with Korean. I understand a lot more now. Thank you for that Seung Hae Kang and Yonsei University!
By dwi n
•May 28, 2023
Baik banget. Sangat membantu untuk awalan belajar bahasa korea. Mudah dipahami. Terimakasih
By Shafa K
•Nov 9, 2022
It is really good for you to understand Korean and hangul from beginner level. Nice course!
By Mayra A C E
•Sep 4, 2022
Es un buen curso donde enseñan lo básico que hay que saber sobre un idioma como el coreano.
By Aniqa N
•Aug 17, 2022
Just finished this course and I loved it and most importantly I will miss you professor ♥️
By ria f
•Mar 13, 2022
This course help me to start learning about korean language especially in learning hangeul.
By Dinda R S
•Feb 23, 2022
This course is really helping and really easy to understand for beginner like me. Thank you
By Ayu R D A
•Oct 17, 2021
Actually this learning is very interesting and i want to learn more about korean language.
By Aulia V S
•Sep 17, 2021
This course helps me to learn about Korean language and how to pronouncation it. Thank you!
By Pravistha U
•Sep 7, 2021
This was an amazing course and significantly improved my Korean reading and writing skiils.
By Khalisa U
•Sep 3, 2021
This course is great! I can understand all of subject and help me to write Hangeul as well.
By Rebecca A M
•Aug 29, 2021
It was very helpful for me and also it's great course and well explained. Thankyou so much!
By Milana B
•Aug 1, 2021
Thank you so much. This course was very informative. I really enjoyed the content. 감사합니다!!!
By Farihah R
•Jul 22, 2021
This course is really helpful for a beginner like me who never learn korean language before
By Sindhuja K
•Jun 20, 2021
This course made it easier to read and write Hangeul as well as to understand the language.
By Hernandez P O P
•Apr 14, 2021
It was very helpful for me, I thank 선생님 for her teachings, you have taught me a lot. 고맙습니다!
By jeon b
•Apr 10, 2021
Gracias fue de .mucha ayuda este curso me ayudo bastante con la gramatica y la presentacion
By Pia S
•Mar 20, 2021
I felt the course gave a nice introduction to the korean language. Would recommend further!
By Nata B
•Mar 15, 2021
Me parece un curso muy practico, ya que enseñan las cosas básicas para poder entender todo.
By Gabriella C
•Feb 23, 2021
el mejor curso que pueden tomar, aprendes lo basico para aprender coreano
100% recomendable
By Joy G
•Feb 10, 2021
Great teaching that enables us to further learn and develops skills in grammar and reading.
By Carina B
•Jan 10, 2021
Great course! I am a beginner and this course taught me the basics I need to keep learning.
By Montserrat S
•Nov 2, 2020
Muy buen curso, explica todo detalladamente y hace el aprender del coreano sea más sencillo
By Edgar S
•Sep 21, 2020
Grandes explicaciones y muy buena introducción al idioma, estoy muy satisfecho con el curso
By Daniela D M
•Aug 30, 2020
Excellent course. The teacher is very clear in her explanations. I really enjoyed learning.
By Keith P J
•Aug 23, 2020
I have learned the basics of Korean because of the effective set up and course that this is