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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

91,576 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information. We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you ideas for turbocharging successful learning, including counter-intuitive test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem sets. If you’re struggling, you’ll see a structured treasure trove of practical techniques that walk you through what you need to do to get on track. If you’ve ever wanted to become better at anything, this course will help serve as your guide. This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or prior to, its companion course, Mindshift. (Learning How to Learn is more learning-focused, and Mindshift is more career-focused.) A related course by the same instructors is Uncommon Sense Teaching. To join the fully translated Portuguese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Spanish version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Chinese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated French version of the course, visit :

Top reviews


Sep 7, 2015

I am a more effective learner as a result of this course. It has also, surprisingly, increased my enjoyment while learning. Thanks to Barbara and Terry for a well presented and informative production.


Aug 14, 2017

I really appreciate the time these guys invested in this course and am willing to take it again if they re-explain some topics in order to refresh some things that with time haven't stayed in my mind.

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4476 - 4500 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

By Bruno S B

Oct 21, 2020

Curso FANTÁSTICO! Aprendi muita coisa neste curso. Técnicas de memorização, formas de evitar a procrastinação, informações extremamente relevantes relacionadas ao funcionamento do nosso cérebro. Um curso que recomendo fortemente!

By Ranjan K S

Jul 10, 2020

it was the first course that I had pursued in my "Coursera" journey. I liked it and most importantly, I had learned something from this course. I would like to thank the instructors for this amazing course that they had provided.

By Andrés F R D

Jul 9, 2020

This course has several interesting topics to understand how our brain works and how we can improve the way we learn. The way in which the course is organized and how the contents are presented foster the learning process easily.

By Nicolás P M

Jun 1, 2020

El curso es muy completo y explica minuciosamente cómo convertirse en un mejor estudiante a través de numerosas técnicas de aprendizaje que están basadas en evidencia de estudios científicos sobre el aprendizaje. Muy recomendado!

By Ludlow P

May 2, 2020

Excellent course. Highly recommended. Learnt a new way of passing tests and understand how my brain works. I can apply these techniques to more efficiently learn other subjects. This has turbo boost my learning skills. Thank you.

By Wenqi T

Apr 18, 2020

The videos and contents are well organised in chunks which make them easy to follow and learn along. Many useful tips and tricks have been shared in the course which brought a new insight for me as a learner as well as a teacher!


Mar 22, 2020

I love this course. this course teaches me to learn new things easier because Babara makes me understand how the brain works. when you understand it you can get along it and more fun when you learn new things. you should try it!.

By Joshua B

Jan 1, 2020

Great course in learning how to implement effective ways of studying. This course instructs students in: studying habits, procrastination, test taking, and activities to increase learning potential. Loved learning how to learn!

By Ana-Maria C

Jan 23, 2019

Barbara is super inspiring! I leaned so far lots of useful tricks to how to learn better. I also appreciate very much the extra reading lists.

Every course is easy to follow, it brings new info and it builds on previous knowledge.

By Clinton K

Dec 22, 2017

Super useful class. I wish I had learned this material decades ago (I am in my 40s). I'm excited to apply these techniques to help myself learn more now! The optional interviews and readings are also excellent.

Highly recommended!

By Anshuman V

Jun 5, 2017

It was a really good course that gave a very nice summary of the important concepts related to what happens to the brain during the act of learning. Would strongly recommend this course to everybody who has taken any MOOC course.

By Mubashar I

Mar 7, 2017

Nice, I liked this course. Those students or people who are facing problems with learning new things or procrastination they can join this course to learn how to overcome these problems. Very effective course to help in learning.

By Nenad O

Nov 6, 2016

Best starting point before any kind of learning! If you want to understand how your brain is working, what are tips and tricks, and how to really learn and not just waste time over book then this is most important course for you.

By Roger M P

May 26, 2016

Enjoyed the entire course! Learnt more than I expected

The curriculum was well structured and meaningful.

Beneficial tips were given throughout the course.

Objectives were met with a breeze.

My knowledge has been enhanced thoroughly.

By Charlotte D

Feb 27, 2016

I got a lot out of this course. I am now paying particular attention to using the focused and diffuse modes of thinking, and spaced repetition in my learning - and the pomodoro technique for everything from academia to housework!

By Jessica H

Jan 13, 2016

This is a great way to familiarize yourself with the coursera learning experience and is relevant to any other learning endeavors you might have in all aspects of life. I recommend taking it before any other courses on the sight.

By Dm A U H

Jan 8, 2016

I learned a a lot about effective learning and maximizing the potential. I think I should have taken this course before I started my high school in 2001.

I recommend to every individual to take this course without any hesitation.

By James D

Dec 5, 2015

While most of this information can easily be found elsewhere, it's a great refresher course if you have learned this stuff, and a well organized introduction if you haven't. The thing that puts it over the edge is the Interviews.


Sep 5, 2015

The course exceeded my expectations.

My main reason for doing the course was to give me ideas as to how to learn a new language (my third) after the age of 60 and in a new country and environment. Needless to say, I am encouraged!

By 陳品橙

Apr 17, 2024

This course provides me with a new perspective on learning and teaches me some methods to avoid procrastination! If you're someone who wants to learn how to learn, welcome! You'll find the approach that is most suitable for you.

By Clara E

Aug 2, 2023

This course is amazing and the only thing I can say to express all the gratitude I have to the genius that made it is to recommended to whoever is reading this. It will change your life and the perspective you have about things.

By Amit B

Jul 20, 2023

This is a very excellent course in every discipline of life. It includes powerful mental techniques like recall, taking tests, Einstellung effect, procrastination, how to avoid it, and many other things. It's a very good course.

By Luis D

Mar 26, 2023

Excelente! obligatorio, si no entendemos como funciona el cerebro, ¿como vamos a usarlo eficientemente?

Curso Obligatorio para todos los que quieren salir del sufrimiento que genera la ignorancia de saber como funciona el cerebro

By Sam P H

Oct 11, 2022

I have found this course incredibly useful. I have noticed some very helpful changes in my approach to learning by using some of the learning techniques from the course. Highly recommend if you find learning things challenging.

By Damian

Aug 31, 2022

Great "eyes opening" course! I learnt a lot of new things during these couple weeks. Even if you are familiar with some of the topics it will help you to structurize knowledge. Great stuff! Thank you fot teaching how to learn :)