Sep 7, 2015
I am a more effective learner as a result of this course. It has also, surprisingly, increased my enjoyment while learning. Thanks to Barbara and Terry for a well presented and informative production.
Oct 7, 2015
Excellent course that really helped me focus on efficient study skills and pass these on to my school students. Thoroughly enjoyed the course content and the way in which is was structured.Thank you.
By Sara C
•Aug 22, 2015
This is a great course! It has inspired me to take on new subjects and challenges while also teaching me the skills needed to interweave them and apply them to my professional development!
By Anca E
•Oct 24, 2023
This course was, for me, a very relevant learning experience. It made me fully understand why "we don't learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience." I am very grateful!
By Natalie F
•Oct 7, 2023
What an amazing course. I think its beneficial for everyone at every level. It was unbelievably helpful, insightful, enlightening and of course educational. Thank you for saving my brain.
By Chetna K
•Sep 10, 2022
I found this course extremely useful as a parent, teacher and an instructional designer. The instructors were bang on with their explanations. Thanks !
I look forwrd to more such courses
By Rhonda D H
•Aug 5, 2022
Concepts I wish I had been aware of when I started kindergarten or even earlier. These techniques can be used at the very beginning of your learning process and as you learn through life.
By Kiran B D
•Nov 19, 2021
This is an excellent course and worth trying in your Life time. Clear concepts and techniques and best methods of learning are taught which will benefit immensely in your study or career.
By Guadalupe B
•Oct 13, 2021
I have never been more engaged with an online course like this one. The idea of learning how to learn has really shown me that it take the most simplest tools to achieve a deeper success.
By Diana d S M
•May 18, 2021
This course is REMARKABLE! I learned so much. Everything was very well explained. I believe this is truly an amazing opportunity for everyone. There's no way this course won't change you.
By Diyas S
•Mar 8, 2021
Barbara Oakley and team delivered a very useful subject which is very applicable for students and workers, as well as bosses and employees. The powerful knowledge for everyone. Thank you!
By Tuan N
•Jan 21, 2021
Amazing course to re-invent my study strategy. The diffuse - focus mode, hard jump technique is really useful not only for learning but for every problem solving process in my daily life.
By Nashwa E
•Jan 16, 2021
Thanks Coursera for all your efforts ,Its a great course thanks Dr. Barbara for all your efforts I appreciate what you spend your time with your guest to teach us the most valuable course
By Aedrian A
•Jan 11, 2021
This is the perfect MOOC to begin your quest for lifelong learning both online and physically. There are a lot of practical tips to make studying and learning more efficient on your part.
By Joaquin R
•Dec 24, 2020
Es oro puro háganlo vale la pena totalmente, aprendes como aprender que esto te sirve para todo en tu vida en general, arriésgate que no vas a perder nada y vas a ganar mucho, felicidades
By Patrick R
•Nov 30, 2020
Fantastic course, this should be required for anyone returning to their studies after a break, or desirous of learning a new skill. Teaches the tools for winning in any academic setting.
By 121910307005 G R R
•Oct 10, 2020
There is no grade associated with the cover sheet; however you are welcome to provide feedback specifically on the cover sheet in the text area below if one was provided with the project.
By Peter I C
•Aug 27, 2020
I am deeply greatful for the opportunity accorded me to be enrolled in this course, now am highly confident that any other course I may attempt going in my career shall be super mastered.
By Mandy S
•Jul 20, 2020
Great course with lots of fantastic tips for learning. Simple and easy lessons and great flow. I really appreciate the assignments, which truly made you recall and learn the mental tools.
•Jun 1, 2020
It was a very good experience and it was a good support on the lockdown periodI've learned a lot about how to manage my studies and I am doing better and I've already got a better results
By Кротова П В
•Apr 28, 2020
Спасибо Вам огромное! Курс очень интересный и полезный! Много нового извлекла лично для себя) и нашла объяснение тому, что происходит с моим мышлением) Ещё раз благодарю, буду применять))
By Margarita K
•Apr 26, 2020
I like this course. I found new useful tips on how to study effectively. Thank you! And I am so grateful that you have Russian subtitles. Also, I made some infographics for my study blog!
By Teacher B
•Feb 5, 2020
right length; well arranged with increased levels; useful and meaningful visual aids, lots of examples, tests are helpful for me to retain the key points, clear my misconceptions as well.
By Jared B
•Nov 14, 2019
Simply put... I wish this course was available 20 years ago when I was in High School! It would have saved me so much time and effort on studying coursework and taking tests! Thank you!
By Jillian L K
•Jun 26, 2019
I really enjoyed taking this course. It taught me useful techniques on how to study and why those techniques work better than others. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone th
By Agnes K
•May 23, 2019
Very useful tips on learning how to learn. Now I know why my learnings and even understandings were temporary. Thank you for putting the course together, I have benefited greatly from it!
By Deleted A
•May 22, 2019
This course is very helpful and also plenty of very good updated information on interviews and reference materials. Now I could tackle some of my challenging projects with more confidence