Oct 7, 2015
Excellent course that really helped me focus on efficient study skills and pass these on to my school students. Thoroughly enjoyed the course content and the way in which is was structured.Thank you.
Sep 10, 2016
This is a course which I enjoyed. It gave a good insight of the learning methodologies which we have often heard of but not given due importance. Also, the brain facts is cool :) My 5/5 to this course
By Golovin A
•Nov 1, 2019
It was very useful for me to have this course.
Video was very exciting, interesting and understandable.
I found a lot of tricks how to approach toward learning new material.
By Karen L
•Jul 19, 2019
This course has discussed many important concepts and techniques that helps people to develop a systematic way of learning and how to deal effectively with procrastination.
By alex_toth
•May 4, 2019
The course is very helpful and contains advice backed up by scientific research.I would recomend it to anyone who would like to improve their ability to learn new subjects.
By Abduvelieva M
•Sep 2, 2018
This course is really helpful!! I recommend it to my friend and classmates. My English is not good, but it is only practice of it!:) I love the course! Thank you, Coursera!
By Valentina C
•May 19, 2018
The course provides useful insights and tips on learning. The suggested techniques are simple and can really make a big difference. I think it should be taught to all kids!
By Antonio S
•Feb 22, 2018
Very simple and easy to understand, very rich in information and very well organized. You can either learn the basics or dig deeper with the additional readings and videos.
By Mohaned G
•Jan 6, 2018
Excellent course. Useful for everyone, not only students.
I had some ideas about these concepts, but when it is delivered in a systematic way the benefit is so much higher.
By Ronald L
•Aug 3, 2017
Helpful and well organized course. I hope to use the techniques I have learned in school to achieve higher grades, less frustration, and a better understanding of material.
By James K
•Jul 7, 2017
Even though I am long past my undergraduate years (BA 1966) I found this course filled with useful information. I expect to make good use of what I learned/was reminded of.
By Deleted A
•Jun 24, 2017
It was very good. Big Thanks for Barbara and Terrence who has done such tremendous work for us. Hope to see you soon. As Terrence said, "Happy learning, till we meet again"
By msujatha
•Apr 13, 2017
Very good Course. I like it a lot. The different learning techniques which i have learnt will be very useful for my future learning. Thanks for offering such a good course.
By Minh N D
•Mar 27, 2017
This course helped me a lot. I know more tips and effective techniques for learning and working. I will share this couse to my co-workers. Thank you mery much, instructors!
By Vla V
•Nov 23, 2016
Thanks for so great and useful course. I was surprised about different technics for learning. Will read your book to look on all of the methods from different perspective;)
•Oct 9, 2016
Very helpful. I hope I can read your new book as soon as possible.
What's more, for non-English people, it is really a hard course, but I overcome it :)
Thank you all people!
By Slim K
•Jul 12, 2016
Excellent course! These skills should be taught at every University. Thank you very much Dr. Oakely and Dr. Sejnowski for allowing me to better myself through this course.
By Elaine Y
•Mar 23, 2016
Really liked this course! It is very well-organized and informational. Would love to recommend to anyone who wants to learn more scientific and productive ways of learning.
By alejandro b
•Feb 25, 2016
Great course!, I learnt a lot, and I've been able to apply immediately the techniques teached to improve my learning. I should have know all this many years ago!
Thank you!
By Gerardo L G
•Jan 9, 2016
Un curso que sin duda vale la pena, sin importar a que area del conocimiento te dediques ya que lo que aprendes aquí se puede aplicar en absolutamente cualquier disciplina.
By Antonio J
•Dec 16, 2015
Dr.Oakley and Dr.Senojwski are two of the best online teachers i've ever encountered and make understanding how to learn one of the best online courses you could ever take.
By jiawen
•Nov 23, 2015
This course taught me learning skills that I didn't know before, which are very practical and powerful! Thanks all the teachers and mates who share their knowledge with me!
By Leopoldo R S
•Oct 10, 2015
Excelente curso, realmente me hizo descubrir nuevas maneras de poder aprender nuevos conceptos. No importa, a que te dediques o que quieras aprender, esto te ayudara mucho.
By Demetry S
•Sep 24, 2015
Eye opening and very relevant to the world we live in. This course should be taught to every teacher and professor in the world before they ever step foot into a classroom.
By Julie D P
•Sep 6, 2015
Really enjoyed this course. Thank you very much Barbara for making this course. I wished my professors would use more pictures and less sentences on their presentations. ;)
By Juan C E
•Aug 15, 2015
With this course I've learned to improve my study habits and the techniques it describes had been of much help at work where I have to deal with unpleasant tasks sometimes.
By Nina C
•Nov 2, 2023
Very interesting! Lots of tips! For sure I learnt a lot through this course and I am now very motivated to follow my dreams! Thank you Barbara Oakley and Terry Sejnowski