Oct 7, 2015
Excellent course that really helped me focus on efficient study skills and pass these on to my school students. Thoroughly enjoyed the course content and the way in which is was structured.Thank you.
Apr 29, 2020
One of the best course in Coursera. Explained in very simple manner to understand how to learn. Very powerful explanation and tricks. Recommended to all those who really want to explore their skills.
By Maria I
•Sep 7, 2015
It really helped me understand how our brain works when we learn something. Using this knowledge, I now know how to work effectively when learning a new material.
By 朱博言
•Aug 23, 2015
This particular course provides some efficiency method to study new things, and explains how our brains work when we are studying. It's vivid and easy-understand.
By Deirdre S
•Aug 21, 2015
Excellent course, I learned so many ways to improve my learning and to reduce procrastination. I love the Pomodoro technique I learned and am using it every day.
By Ryan F C
•Jul 27, 2024
Great course! I was able to gain an understanding on how the brain functions and discover techniques to optimize your memory and enhance your learning abilities.
By Jhade M
•Aug 17, 2023
This is the best course I have taken online so far. I learned a lot and was able to understand some things about myself that I wasn't aware of before. Thank you!
By Guy C
•Jan 28, 2023
Some great material in here, all from a 'hard science' perspective. I'm now fired up for my next semester with a number of new tools in my kit. Highly recommend!
By Mirlene H
•Aug 25, 2022
This course teached me to about all the mental gate I have build in my mind aboud learning,now that I identified them I'm ready to put them to work in my favor.
By Paulina B V
•May 5, 2022
Very helpfull to everyday life, but this course really gets important when you are trying to learn something new. Excellent tips, you'll use them all your life.
By Cristian C
•Jan 26, 2022
Tuve la oportunidad de aprender nuevas técnicas que nunca antes había pensado que existían. Técnicas útiles que utilizaré a partir de hoy por el resto de mi vida
By Jackieeeee
•Aug 3, 2021
I love course absolutely! even my 6 years old daughter felt excited when I told her about the zombies. Thank you Professor and the team for the fantastic course.
By Mehmet c
•Nov 10, 2020
Its really helpful to learning methods. I am stresful person because of the uknkown stiuations after that course i feel better.
Thank you so much Barbara Oakley.
By Mark D
•Oct 10, 2020
This course offers so many insights as to effective learning habits, and helps you overcome the challenges which would inhibit learning. Kudos to Barb and Terry!
By JosepM F
•Sep 7, 2020
Gran feina en prepara el curs. Els videos es segueixen bé, ho expliquen de manera molt didàctica i amena i hi ha molt material per complementar el que s'ensenya.
By David P C
•Aug 4, 2020
Went so awesome! I learn so much and understand that study with smarty and constantly is best than study only so much. Thank you so much team Learn How to learn!
By Ana S N J V
•Aug 3, 2020
Great, interesting and very fruitfull course! I really learned new studying and learning techniques and also, new information about my own brain and study style!
By Ahmed A 2
•Jul 18, 2020
I have learned a lot from this course about myself and how my brain learns. The techniques mentioned in this course is helping my pursue my career in engineering
By Patricia W
•Jun 8, 2020
The course gave me an insight how the brain learns and tips to how to learn efficiently. The instructors were great. The additional videos was informative too.
By Glen R
•May 2, 2020
Great Course. High school and college students could benefit greatly by completing it. I'm beyond college in the middle of my career and found it useful as well.
By Quang H
•Apr 12, 2020
Thanks a lot! It is extremely useful! It helps me to learn more.I will teach my family learning how to learnI hope this course will be approached by more people.
By Osman S S
•Apr 5, 2020
Kesinlikle şans verilmeli. Öğrenciler için daha faydalı olabilir ancak genel anlamda öğrenmeye dair ve beynimizin yapısına dair çok şey anlatıyor. Tavsiye edilir
By Shunmuga S V
•Apr 2, 2020
wonderful and well presented couse materials and overwhelmed by instructors knowledge depth on the topic.Much useful and enjoyable.Really it was a happy learning
By Catia P
•Feb 1, 2020
corso ben fatto! Dovrebbero seguirlo tutti coloro che studiano perchè fornisce consigli preziosi e utili per apprendere più velocemente ed efficacemente. Ottimo!
By Gokhan C
•Dec 14, 2019
Appreciated your great work. Its very influencing. I do recomend many people around me and keep courage them to complete this course. Eve they dont knwo english.
By Joseph M
•Dec 12, 2019
This course does a great job of helping you understand and self reflect on the ways that you learn and how to ensure new concepts are retained for the long term.
By Omar M T
•Nov 30, 2019
the amazing course at all increase your knowledge of how to learn with new concepts for sure you will learn to know new techniques on how to study effectively.