Jan 18, 2018
Thank you Barbara. It was really enjoyable trip with you in this course. I have found many new learning techniques. Your positive behavior was very encouraging for me to begin a new list of my life!
May 27, 2020
Thank you so McMaster University & the professors who carried out the course so very well. I hope the course will help me in my life taking important decisions. I learnt a lot through this course.
By Kantesh G
•May 10, 2017
Excellent intro to how to improve your learning in a learning-crazed world! As the pace of change gets faster and faster, the ability to quickly absorb and learn new stuff is going to be critical for us to thrive as individuals in whatever stage of life we are at. This course gives you ideas about how to learn quickly and retain it and gain from it for a long time to come.
By Akif H
•Jul 7, 2020
Firstly , i don't have any idea about this MOOC , but eventually i feel very content because this MOOC showed me more towards life decisions and how to learn and all that stuff . also, once again they proved that nothing is impossible in a scientific approach.
I appreciate you and your teams time and effort to make this beautiful fun filled informative MOOC .
thank you all.
By Victoria B
•Jun 12, 2022
Insightful and helpful, I found this course to be quite interesting. Barb and Terry upped the presentation of material from their initial MOOC, Learning How to Learn. For me, I enjoyed the former more than the latter; probably because the focus was more on neuroscience and less on how to make a MOOC. That said, I gained knowledge from Mindshift, which is always valuable.
•Nov 17, 2017
the good stuff
catchy videos, nice videos simple , easy to watch and follow, giving just enough information without many (boring?) details. In general is fun to watch and learn :)
the "could be a little better" stuff
I think that in-lesson quizes and in general the quizes could be a notch up in difficulty , and I don't that would hinder the whole experience of this course.
By Lukas A
•Sep 5, 2024
This course is good in bringing up different ideas and ways to think about learning. However, I found that certain topics are only covered superficial, and you were sometimes left on you one at figuring out what to further do with the inputs received. At least for me, the overall the goal of the course of getting participants to start their own mindshift was achieved
By Goyo W C
•Oct 10, 2019
This course has helped increased my confidence in discovering my potential especially useful in breaking down some myths like slow learning is bad! Though the contents are in fact too full as a whole, they have been presented in small lots thus enhancing me to absorb the various concepts or tools one by one!
Well done, I must say, and congratulations!
By Luis S B L
•Apr 8, 2018
It´s an interesting course. You can find things inside you that can help you to live in a better way. You can perceive the things around you in a different way. If you do this course conscientiously you can learn a lot of thing about yourself that you have hidden. Thank you to Barb and Terry for show us these interesting concepts and insights.
By Tyson K
•Dec 20, 2019
I think if this material and the material from Learning to Learn, the first course before Mindshift, were just one course it would be the best mooc of all time. Alot of the material was repeated from Learning to Learn. Felt as if the course stretched on a little to long, and thats with the course only being four weeks.
By Wajeeha
•Dec 27, 2018
This was a very refreshing and innovative course. It opened parts of my mind which I didn't even know existed! I'm very fortunate that I could learn from Professor Barbara! The whole course in itself raised my optimism levels generally and I can't wait to start applying this newly gained knowledge in practical world!
By Chris A
•Jan 31, 2021
A very useful course to understand how to better learn and better teach, encompassing tools and techniques to facilitate learning and understand. A great motivator for everyone to keep on learning, whether for work, self-development or just even fun! Thanks to the teachers for keeping us motivated all along!
By Yohannes R H
•Jun 23, 2020
This is a good course. It gives you a lot of information about how you can change. One interesting point is that our "weakness" sometimes could be our assets we don't realize. There are many aspects you can try that you thing suit you best. Hopefully I could use one for myself as I just completed the course.
By Micheila S
•Dec 29, 2017
Nicely ties in with ideas, concepts, and lessons from Learning How to Learn. Frames the constantly changing world as a positive. Since change is the only constant, we might as well embrace it as an opportunity to broaden our passions, discover new skills, keep the brain young, and keep work life interesting.
By Deleted A
•Sep 19, 2017
Loved this class. Some important things I learned were to broaden my passions instead of following only one, reading books outside of my field will enrich my main focus by giving me a new perspective in my field, and our minds will continue to be sharp and fresh as long as we learn something new everyday.
By Jason K
•May 9, 2020
I enjoyed doing this course and you can tell the improvement in the quality since LHTL, which I also enjoyed. Barb is always great and explains concepts clearly. I Think Terry has improved a lot since LHTL which is great to see. Content was good and everything connected together well. Thank you!
By Deleted A
•Sep 3, 2020
In fact I have expected a bit more practical side of the mind shift and this was too theoretical. I knew about half of the presented material so not so mindshifting but I can see how it can help other people that are stuck in their lifes thinking it is too late to learn and achieve something new.
By Katarzyna L
•Aug 10, 2020
Overall it was a fun course, I have learned some interesting facts and changed my view of life and my capabilities a little. Good teacher, ingaging videos and funny quizzes. I gave it 4 stars because I expected a little more knowledge, tips, advice, research that could show me really what to do.
By Patrick M G
•Mar 7, 2018
I've kind of already had my "mindshift", but this information is great encouragement. I highly recommend this course for anyone who isn't sure what they might want to do with their life, or someone who feels like their life is in a rut. It will provide new ways for you to view your situation.
By Cristian B
•Jun 21, 2020
I learned a lot in this MOOC mindshift. I confirms my style of learning that to easily learn we need to actively do it. Also to learn new things and prepare for a shift of career in the future. I am looking forward to enroll again in the future.
I will recommend this MOOC to my colleague.
By Carmen C
•Mar 6, 2018
It kinda felt like a review of the first one, and while I learned some new things I did not feel like I learned anywhere close to the same amount as in 'Learning how to learn'.
It is however very motivating and you will certainly take something away from it, it's also very easy to follow.
•Apr 28, 2023
El curso es bueno, para la persona que quiere hacer un cambio en su forma de pensar las cosas. Y se encuentra indeciso en el camino que esta tomando en la vida. Te ayuda a abrir el panorama. Creo que algunos temas están de mas y no eran importantes, pero en general el curso es bueno.
By Ashish K V
•Jun 5, 2020
Mindshift is a very productive course & I'll learn & enjoy this course & and this instructor explanation language is very simple and easy to understand to all the topics clearly .....So , thanks to Dear teacher to Design this outstanding course on Coursera .....& Thanks to Coursera
By Karen B
•Apr 25, 2020
My first course that I have done through Coursera and it has encouraged me to learn more on Coursera. Thank you for letting me take this course as a free one. Very much appreciated . Have learnt ways to shift my mind that can only be positive for me in my life. Thank you.
By Gopinathan K P
•Aug 27, 2021
Very useful, but only when its a follow up course after you finish 'Learning how to Learn'. Many good ideas and insights, but the overall experience is that there's something missing! Too much technology and too little content sometimes leaves this sense of dissatisfaction!
By Stephanie P
•Oct 17, 2020
This course builds a lot off of Learning How to Learn, which is my favorite MOOC taken to date. I recommend completing Learning How to Learn first and then taking Mindshift. Both are very inspirational courses that make me want to keep learning actively throughout my life!
By Maria R
•Jun 11, 2020
The course is very inspirational and insightful, there is a place for further investigation. Probably, It could be slightly improved as now it is pretty simple - it would be nice to go deeper in neuroscience, the building of habits, learning techniques.
Thanks to everyone!