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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential by McMaster University

12,961 ratings

About the Course

Mindshift is designed to help boost your career and life in today’s fast-paced learning environment. Whatever your age or stage, Mindshift teaches you essentials such as how to get the most out of online learning and MOOCs, how to seek out and work with mentors, the secrets to avoiding career ruts (and catastrophes) and general ruts in life, and insights such as the value of selective ignorance over general competence. We’ll provide practical insights from science about how to learn and change effectively even in maturity, and we’ll build on what you already know to take your life’s learning in fantastic new directions. This course is designed to show you how to look at what you’re learning, and your place in what’s unfolding in the society around you, so you can be what you want to be, given the real world constraints that life puts on us all. You’ll see that by using certain mental tools and insights, you can learn and do more—far more—than you might have ever dreamed! This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or subsequent to, its companion course, Learning How to Learn. (Mindshift is more career focused, and Learning How to Learn is more learning focused.)...

Top reviews


Jan 18, 2018

Thank you Barbara. It was really enjoyable trip with you in this course. I have found many new learning techniques. Your positive behavior was very encouraging for me to begin a new list of my life!


May 27, 2020

Thank you so McMaster University & the professors who carried out the course so very well. I hope the course will help me in my life taking important decisions. I learnt a lot through this course.

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3651 - 3675 of 3,708 Reviews for Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential

By Rachel H


Jan 29, 2021

Pretty good, although not awesome. I took the previous course, Learning How to Learn, which covered a lot of the same material and with more depth than this Mindshift course. However, this course did have some additional info I found helpful and although they didn't have as many interviews, the ones they included tended to be more beneficial and interesting in my opinion.Also, the editing and video style and animations were much more advanced and modern than Learning How to Learn.

By maria


Mar 6, 2019

Overall the course itself was good. However I do have a problem with the assignments/discussions obligating you to be personal with a bunch of strangers. I understand that it helps, but not everyone likes talking or discussing their personal goals, values, life, plans, past, etc. I found it very difficult to partake in those assignments/discussions. However that is just my personality (which is why I gave it a lower rating). Sorry.

By Elizabeth D


Oct 20, 2021

The first two weeks had great information, but then weeks 3 and 4 go into areas that didn't seem to match the content from the first two weeks. I also did the Learning How To Learn course, which did a much better job teaching the skills I was looking for.

Also - the videos are tediously short. When I'm sitting down to focus, the frequent interruptions to advance to the next short video were distracting,

By Bogdan N


Sep 6, 2022

Learning how to learn is and excellent course. This course doesn't provide what i was hoping for. I really don't care how MOOCs are made and how you can buy green screen online. It is unneceseary long, covers everything and covers nothing at the same time. However, advices from people in Optional Bonus Videos helped me a lot.

By Christopher P


Jan 25, 2022

This is a good course. I recommend most people take it

However there is nothing really extraordinary about it, nor any newsbreaking information .

In spite of this , applying the lessons from this course has helped me think in a different way and contributed it's small part in my journey towards self improvement



May 11, 2017

the delivery was well done just as in learning how to learn, my 3 star rating is only based on some points i don't fully agree with. Nevertheless it gives good insight for those considering a mindshift and those who didn't know it is possible to mindshift. Thank you to my both professors!! Job well done again.

By Ben M


Jul 16, 2022

Most of the material is a "B-Side" or review of the material from the far more superior "Learning How to Learn" MOOC which I have found very helpful. Also, some of the weeks are filled with "gap-filling" videos that have no real purpose for the overarching goal of the course.

By Ashish K


Apr 6, 2020

Some concepts were really nice like importance of being slow learner,diffused/focused learning but other then that ,most of the things we regularly hear from our seniors like importance of mentor,reading books,defining goals etc.I expected something more out of this course.

By Rachelle F


Oct 23, 2020

Not nearly as good or informative as the previous course, Learning to Learn. Too vague, barely touches on the subjects I was hoping to receive more insight on such as career change and anything applicable to learning at a later age.

By Lucy S


Jan 6, 2021

I really liked the first couple of weeks of this course, but weeks 3 and 4 were not all that interesting or informative. I found the precursor to this MOOC, learning how to learn, more engaging overall.

By Madhurima C


Jun 16, 2020

Interesting new psychological concepts that can help one learn their respective subjects better . But this is not a course where you get a new skill . It is for self improvement and development.



Jul 29, 2019

Precisava ensinar mais sobre técnicas importantes para manter o foco e o aprendizado. Aqui nesse curso explica mais como funciona o processo de aprendizado mostrando como o cérebro age e etc.

By Ashanna B


Nov 15, 2019

It's not a bad class, but it doesn't cover many new topics. Most people would be better served by taking the Learning How To Learn course, which I found to be far superior.

By Pınar P S


Dec 17, 2017

I love their "Learn how to Learn" course, and I learned a lot. But his course for me full of repetition. Probably if I had taken this course alone I can give higher rates.

By Vilasna P


May 11, 2017

Limited new materials from Learning how to learn. It's more like a self-help series than an educational course. Might be useful for those needing encouragement.

By Mathias K


Feb 10, 2020

Too much focus on individual stories and not enough focus on research or strategies. Not as good as learning how to learn but still good. Would recommend.

By Judith K


Mar 8, 2022

I really like Learning How To Learn, but Mindshift is all over the place. There is a lot of repetition, especially is you already followed the first one.

By Almaz K


Oct 21, 2018

I put three stars because on Nelson Dellis video I saw actor Borat which shows our country in bad position. That's why I put three stars.

By Renzo M C D


Apr 4, 2020

It relates to preparing an alternative career path. A great course for those who are looking for tips and advice for a second skill.

By Arun B N


Oct 15, 2019

Not as fantastic as "Learning how to learn"(which was a 5 star course in my review) but still a good follow-up to that course.

By Lê T U H


May 21, 2020

It's cool but probably I already understood all this thing so I didn't really want to take my time to finish the whole course

By Sadie M


Jan 27, 2018

personally little boring when the professor was talking about making the video, but overall it was okay.

By saurav l


May 19, 2020

i have completed the course with honors and its just showing me normal certificate. that is sad for me.

By khushboo D


May 31, 2020

Could you please help me unenroll from this course .

I am not getting an option from my side to do so.

By Deleted A


Aug 28, 2017

The material is pretty useful. But I found the video a bit too distracting with too much effects.