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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Python for Data Science, AI & Development by IBM

39,959 ratings

About the Course

Kickstart your learning of Python with this beginner-friendly self-paced course taught by an expert. Python is one of the most popular languages in the programming and data science world and demand for individuals who have the ability to apply Python has never been higher. This introduction to Python course will take you from zero to programming in Python in a matter of hours—no prior programming experience necessary! You will learn about Python basics and the different data types. You will familiarize yourself with Python Data structures like List and Tuples, as well as logic concepts like conditions and branching. You will use Python libraries such as Pandas, Numpy & Beautiful Soup. You’ll also use Python to perform tasks such as data collection and web scraping with APIs. You will practice and apply what you learn through hands-on labs using Jupyter Notebooks. By the end of this course, you’ll feel comfortable creating basic programs, working with data, and automating real-world tasks using Python. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to learn Data Science, Data Analytics, Software Development, Data Engineering, AI, and DevOps as well as a number of other job roles....

Top reviews


Dec 1, 2020

It is a good course and teaches with the basic of Python so that anyone can understand it very well. Videos are good and can easily be understandable to anyone who is new to Python and Data Science.


Sep 28, 2024

This course was really helpful in make me understand all the topics of Python from scratch, including the slightly advanced topics, of APIs, for my level as a freshman just getting settled in college.

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6726 - 6750 of 7,152 Reviews for Python for Data Science, AI & Development

By Brandon H


Aug 1, 2021

Videos and therefor transcripts need to be improved "like this" shown on the screen is not acceptable. "Teaching staff" also need to be better as they often said they had no issues and no follow up on why multiple students had the same issue. The listed instructor was nowhere to be found in the discussion forums or the videos. I did still learn a bit which is why I decided to go for 2 stars instead of 1 star.

By Pritpal W


Apr 30, 2021

Structure is good but the quality of tuition and support are both terrible. Teaching is via 1) mpeg videos, with some slides being on-screen for under 2 seconds, and 2) hands-on lab exercises which often require knowledge not taught in the videos. And there are no slides to use for reference, and the teaching staff have a habit of 1) not responding to students' queries or 2) providing irrelevant responses.

By Mike M


Oct 26, 2022

This course is not for beginners. Participants should come with a background in programming languages if not also a basic foundation in Python. This course also needs QA review to improve organization of the lessons (some concepts were introduced AFTER referring to them in previous lessons) and further processing (breaking down) of large labs into separate, smaller labs or even smaller concept videos.

By Nicholas J F


Apr 24, 2019

Too many problems with the last assignment

1) The code given is insufficient to make the graph. A helpful student posted the extra modules you need to import.

2) Instructions unclear about how to set up bucket. Caused lots of problems for many including myself

3) Type in the assignment says "Submit to IMB Cloud" REALLY , you pay that little attention to spelling you cant' get the course create name right?

By Jason L


Jun 25, 2019

Content is great. Speed is a little fast for some chapters so had to slow it down. I have a little bit of background in Python so I could keep up. What I liked was having practice problems in the Lab, but there were some labs were there were no practice questions so we couldn't really test our knowledge. Overall good introductory course, but could have been better with more interactive questions.

By Martin G


Aug 29, 2019

The course is good, the contents and the difficulty are fine. As negative points I can say that the tests were blocked (I paid to have the certificate) and I could not finish the course before, even having time to do so I had to wait. Very little or almost no support from both Coursera and the Staff of Teachers in the Forum. No one answered the requests to be able to advance in the course.

By Rick G


Jul 31, 2019

The first 3.5 weeks go over basic programming skills like what variables are, conditionals, loops. The last week and half go over briefly using Python in a data science setting, which is just using pandas and numpy. The title of this class is misleading. I figured we'd start doing Python coding from the beginning. Most of the code is already done for you. Disappointing.

By Vidmantas Å 


Jul 11, 2023

I felt like comparing to other courses in 'IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate' series this one felt short in terms of quality. Quiz questions were blatantly copied from videos, the pace of the course was very quick and hardly comfortable for someone just starting out in Python, and there were hardly any truly practical information besides the very basics of Python.

By Waleed A M


Jul 2, 2020

The course was not designed and taught properly. Although python language is very interesting, but this course presented it in a very boring way. I couldn't understand the bigger picture in this course and its relevance to AI. Practice assignments were not enough. Compared to other IBM courses in this certification, this course was definitely not of the standard.

By Ute L


Nov 11, 2022

Für Anfänger ist der Kurs zum Teil schwer zu verstehen. Es wird nicht einmal erklärt, dass die Einrückungen bedeutsam sind.

In den Videos wird nicht klar unterschieden, was ist Programmcode, was ist die Ausgabe. Variablen heißen ähnlich wie die definierten Objekte, so das es nicht immer eindeutig erkennbar ist. Beispiele sind oft nicht einfach nachzuvollziehen.

By Marie D


Mar 18, 2020

I feel overwhelmed by the amount of information presented in the course and frustrated that you don't really get to practice what you learn. Most of the labs (if they load) already have the code entered and you just run it. You can play with it if you want, but I don't feel like I really retained all the coding and syntax that was presented.

By T W


Apr 14, 2020

There are simpler ways to present information. The narrative was extremely fast paced. I found myself having to slow the narration down quite a bit. The course was not for me and I will seek to learn Python through a different means. I do appreciate the limitless opportunities to test and run your code, which is why I gave two stars.

By Karl R


Sep 7, 2021

Course is full of typos, random words in random places and other kinds of errors. I wish the instructors would at least once go through the course to see what a mess it is. I really am grateful but this course was a constant headache. Not because it was difficult but because of all the mistakes. Thanks and please fix it !

By Mitch L


Sep 1, 2023

Weeks three and four need a major overhaul in their examples and exercises. The examples themselves are not translatable to what the student is expected to do in the exercises. For example, at one point the module teaches you how to create circles and rectangles. When you get into the exercise, it is building a database.

By Touhami W


Feb 2, 2021

I am disappointed with this course and especially with the APIs part and the use of IBM Watson Studio. It is very poorly explained, we talk about predicting house prices and then we work on US economy. It deserves to be reworked. I wasted a lot of time figuring out what is required and not getting started with python

By Agustín O


Aug 12, 2024

Son demasiados los errores. Especialmente en las etapas de evaluación, la traducción automática hace desastres y a veces es difícil identificar la respuesta correcta o incluso entender la pregunta. En el módulo de webscraping incluso hay errores en el código. Por otra parte, no hay siquiera menciones a IA.

By Krzysztof O


Dec 21, 2019

The course is too easy, there are not enough examples for self-practicing. The examples should demand enough effort to get rid of people who are just "certificate collectors". After all, the value of the certificate will be almost zero, anyone how just wants and has money to pay the fee is able to get it.

By Florent M


May 7, 2019

Cours intéressant mais pas très concret dans son approche. Evaluation très décevante ne permettant pas de mettre en oeuvre le langage mais encore une fois tournée vers une publicité déguisée pour IBM. Le fait que l'entreprise soit à l'origine du cours ne devrait pas impacter la pertinence de son contenu.

By Xuebin C


Aug 28, 2021

unclear structure, jumping between weeks and modules, for example course went back to process different types of data mainly using pandas after API and scrapping sessions. Even for me as who already has experience with python, it's a bit confusing to understand why the course is organized in such a way.

By Michal H


Mar 30, 2024

I still have my paid period access till 31.3.2024 (included) but when I want to have a a look at any hand on lab again I am getting internal server error after clicking 'launch app' for all of them - the message with the I paid for having 1 month access but that's not what I got...disappointed

By David B


Nov 15, 2022

This course does a poor job at giving someone a foundation in Python programming. Furthermore, there are a number of mistakes in the lab giving one the sense of very little care being put into the course creation. The quizzes are such low difficulty that one wonders what the aims are in its design.

By Michael S


Feb 4, 2022

I feel like there are a lot of holes in my understanding of Pyton, to the point where I am going to take an additional course on Python. I am a little disappointed because this course was advertised as "everything I will need to know for data analytics", and based on this Python course, it is not.

By Keith F


Jan 29, 2022

While I did learn some useful things from this course, the videos go way too deep in a short space of time. There is a lot of code snippets on the videos and in Jupyter where there is no explanation what it actually does. There are modules imported in Jupyter with no explanation what they are for.

By Roque G G


May 15, 2019

It jumps to some slightly more advanced code without enough explanation or breakdown to explain how to use it for other things. A ton of stuff in the labs does not work when trying it out for yourself. Seems a little packed with information that should be expanded upon over the several more weeks.

By Karolis V


Jan 26, 2021

This is too fast and not detailed enough for someone who is new with Python. Also, always trying to plug IBM Watson studio, which is slow and sometimes requires multiple attempts to de-bug. Why wont you let us use local jupyter notebook? There are definitely better python courses on this site