Oct 21, 2020
function setup (){bacground( 255. google is the best . 255.0);It was amazing!!!! ;I will definitely continue to the next course. I gained a lot of interesting information. ; highly recommended. ; }
Aug 18, 2020
I strongly recommend this certificate to anyone trying to go into the information technology field, very informative. thanks google and coursera for making this available at such a comfortable price.
By Ryan C
•Apr 17, 2023
Very knowledgable, challenging, educational, easy to follow along, instructors made it fun. You can tell they love working at Google, and that is a rare thing in 2023.
By Jon L
•Mar 28, 2023
This course was great! It created a strong foundation of skills in IT. The videos were very personable and informative. The practice quizzes were good and challenging.
By Kanmi A
•Sep 26, 2022
Technical Support Fundamentals provide basic knowlege to student and equipt themm with the right technical information needed to begin their career in the world of IT.
By Hamza E
•Apr 1, 2022
I really loved learning this course, this my first online course and of course it won't be the last, thanks a lot for all the instructors for the good job hey offered.
By Zain-Abdeen H
•Feb 27, 2022
The course has taught me a lot skills needed to become an IT Support Specialist.
It is reaally a joyous monent foe me to be able to go through this course successfully.
By Isaac I O
•Jan 18, 2022
I absolutely enjoyed every topic discussed in this course. I am looking forward to completing the 5 courses left to get the Google IT Support Professional Certificate.
By Solomon A
•Nov 22, 2021
This is a good fundamental course as labelled. However, some courses are expected to be listed going forward for some of us who are changing careers and need guidance.
By Wilma ( F
•Sep 16, 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed Technical Support Fundamentals. This course is vital to anyone starting as a beginner in the IT support field. Best wishes to all future students.
By Saba A
•Jun 27, 2021
I learn so much with in short period of time starting from terminology to installing software , i got basic knowledge how computer works and I'm continue to learn more
By Stephen O
•Jun 19, 2021
This coure, although is a fundamental and introduces you to all the subsets of IT in general, I found super enlightining and makes me very excited about the IT career.
By Loretta L
•Jun 14, 2021
I really enjoyed this introductory course. I feel like I learned more in these six weeks than I did at the junior college I attended trying to learn IT for two years.
By Shara p
•Jun 10, 2021
I really learn a lot in this courses, before this course my level of IT knowledge was low, but now I have a great base, and surly I will defintly recommend this course
By Hoang F
•May 26, 2021
It was awesome. Even thou a lot of things were already known to me, I have also at the same time learned a lot of details which I would otherwise ignore and miss them.
By Alianna A
•Apr 30, 2021
I loved this course! The labs are amazing and really help you learn exactly what is taught. I will definitely recommend this course to anyone interested in this field.
By Quincy R
•Apr 4, 2021
I love this course. I learn more of things and get a fresher on things that I already knew. I love Technology and I will be taking mire in depth courses with Coursera.
By Kat K
•Feb 22, 2021
The course is very interesting and able to keep you interested throughout the whole course. I had a fun time learning everything and they made learning it really easy.
By Kristie B
•Feb 2, 2021
Great course overall! I was hesitant at first, however, I like that this course went a little into different areas of IT to help you grasp what avenues you can peruse.
By Chris T
•Jan 18, 2021
Excellent Intro into Technical Support Fundamentals. The only thing I wish that was included was a suggestion for what to take next after completing this intro course.
By Yexalen E
•Dec 23, 2020
I have learned so many new things with this course! I loved the way it was explained in a way that makes it easy to understand for someone who knows nothing about IT.
By Amarilis S
•Dec 11, 2020
This course is very complete and I never imagined it having so much useful information. English is not my native language and I found it easy to understand. Thank you!
By Tanya T
•Oct 27, 2020
The instructors were very knowledgeable and had a love for teaching that was obvious. I have a great understanding of the fundamentals of being in a Tech Support role.
By Veronica H
•Oct 24, 2020
This broke down the behind the scenes of a computer, it was so interesting to see the ins and outs of a system and how it all comes together into a device we can use.
By Ethan W
•Oct 20, 2020
This is my first course in Coursera and I am very happy that I can complete it. Next, I will continue to complete other related courses, thank you all google teachers.
By Mhee A G
•Sep 12, 2020
I learned how to access a remote desktop and how to deal with the command line, in addition to how to analyze the problem and find quick solutions for the client
•Aug 22, 2020
I really really enjoyed this course with all different topics and all the instructors where very efficient. Thanks a lot and I will take other Google courses for sure.