Jul 20, 2023
It was a great learning curve for me giving the professionalism of the different tutors who did justice to this course. I couldn't have it any better with any learning institution. Coursera, you rock!
Apr 1, 2021
I just finished the 2nd Course in the Google Data Analyst course - even though I have experience in the field, this course reminded of areas that I should focus on and work to strengthen my skills in.
By Srinivasan I
•Sep 13, 2024
Great Course and a good start to the Data Analytic Journey. The only feedback I had was around the SOW part of the training and its sudden jump during the practise. Might confuse the trainees, the group discussion suggest the same.
By Javed A
•Mar 20, 2022
A Great Course. Learnings: Crafting Effective Questions, Quantitative and Qualitative Data, Types of Dashboards, The most important two hands-on activities. Understanding stakeholders and Meeting Best Practices...Great Experience.
By Anocha P
•Sep 19, 2021
Great to learn about how to ask question to make data-driven decision, I have learned so much information big, small spot that i haven't thought but it's really really helpful. Thanks for the making this for us Google and Coursera.
By Lammiya H
•Oct 30, 2022
Well ,this course helped me alot in terms of improving my communication skills, setting milestones to achieve my goals , stakeholders, power of data .To top it all,I really appreciate this course framing team.kudos to you google!!
By Vishal K
•Apr 30, 2022
The Instructor is very good and knowledgable, She has a good accent so that anyone can easily understand what she is telling and the course is well designed in a step by step manner. Liked the course. Thank you google and coursera.
•Jun 10, 2021
Even though you already aware of how you could react at the office ettique, it reminds you how you have the professional, intelligent Analyst and representative the team member with your cooperation name. It pulls up to the brand.
By Ruby A
•Jun 14, 2023
Concise and comprehensive resource that empowers learners to make informed choices backed by evidence and insights. It's a must for professionals, students, and anyone interested in leveraging data effectively. Highly recommended!
By Максим Р
•Apr 10, 2023
Интересный, понятный курс для людей, которые только начинают изучать данную стезю. Правда многое из этого курса покажется слишком легким, наподобие работы с таблицами (если ты студент/учился, то уже работал с этим и должен знать)
By Kevin C
•Aug 14, 2021
This course helped me a lot of analytical thinking, and I learned a lot of how to prepare my meetings with stakeholders, and of course to ask what is needed for a project, and to work with an agenda to reduce fault of something.
By Vashu m
•Apr 27, 2022
It was great. I learned a lot about how to proceed on working on a project in the begining, how o stay connected and communicate effectively with my teammates, how to communicate any problems that I am facing with my supervisor.
By Dhruvil S
•Apr 9, 2023
Excellent course materials, and on top of that the teachers, quizzes, it was all top notch. Loved the exam pattern in the end where we were given a quasi- real project to work on, very grateful for such learning opportunities.
By Siya M
•Apr 16, 2021
The second course was a fantastic way for a beginner such as myself to get their hands dirty. The hands on labs in this course were great, they were very informative and gave real world scenarios to further enforce the content.
By Jermaine T
•Jun 30, 2024
I think the first half of the course was amazing because I never thought of adding the smart methodology to questions however I failed to see how the last half connected to Asking Great Questions to make data-driven decisions.
By Deantosh D
•Mar 23, 2022
It's an amazing course for those who want to enter the field of data analysis. It is also quite descriptive in a very specific way. I feel like am learning a lot and almost everything from the course. Such a great experience.
By Miriam G D
•Sep 12, 2021
This course is very useful to learn about effective questioning techniques, exploring different kind of data, learn to better understand problems and come up with solutions, and how to establish clear communication. Thank you!
By Moninder G
•Aug 23, 2021
This course was definitely an eye-opener as to how a course can be taught professionally, by breaking down the overall content into smaller, much easy to understand video and written modules. Congrats for such an amazing job!!
By antonio q
•Jan 8, 2025
I thought I had a good grasp on how to ask effective questions, but this course has proven me wrong! I've learned so much about the art of questioning and its critical role in making data-driven decisions, highly recommended.
By Umair M
•Sep 4, 2024
I Learned a lot about asking questions and handling the pressure of top management. It helps me with critical thinking and asking more relevant questions about who might achieve our goals and present them to the stakeholders.
By Jade M L
•Jan 14, 2023
It gave me helpful insight on how to effectively communicate with my shareholders about the projects you will be working on as data analyst. It also gave me templates to apply the content of the course in real life situation.
By Achmad D
•Jul 16, 2022
Dalam kursus kali ini banyak sekali yang telah saya pelajari terutama bagaimana sebuah keputusan diambil akan jauh lebih baik jika berdasarkan data. Saya juga belajar bagaimana membangun komunikasi dengan stakeholder dan tim.
By Deleted A
•Oct 14, 2022
The course material was well-explained and easy to understand. I liked the way they included self reflection exercises. These allow you to really get a firm grasp of the concepts you have learned during the video tutorials.
By Anny
•Jan 12, 2022
I had great time in learning how to use formulas and functions in spreadsheets, how to ask questions effectively, how approach the stakeholders and how effective communication could smoothen any misunderstanding in a project
By Alejandro A O
•Aug 26, 2021
It was a good follow-up for the last course, activities were a bit longer but that's good for learning. There were some soft skills too and I also think that's great because sometimes not everything has a technical solution.
By Ignatius J
•Jun 21, 2021
This course is really great and challenging at the same time. I enjoyed this course which it greatly helped me with my current job and also equiped me to take up Data Analytics Role in any organization. Thank you very much.
By Supriya B
•May 14, 2021
This course is very useful for getting to know the motive or reason to start data analysis. It covers all the important points that a analyst should possess .This course helped me gain knowledge of basics of data analytics .