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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Clinical Terminology for International and U.S. Students by University of Pittsburgh

3,133 ratings

About the Course

Understanding the clinical terms and abbreviations commonly used during verbal or written communication in U.S. hospitals is challenging. This course is designed for U.S. health care profession students and for international students and practitioners who want to become more familiar with the language of the U.S. clinical setting. Others, such as caregivers and medical interpreters, who wish to develop a better understanding of terms and abbreviations used by health care providers will find this course helpful. The course provides visual and auditory learning experiences to enhance the understanding of terms and abbreviations commonly encountered on a general U.S. hospital unit. All content including quizzes are available at no cost to the learner. If you need a certificate, you can apply for financial aid or pay the fee. To find out more, click Learn more and apply next to the information about Financial Aid. (Use a computer, not a mobile device, for this step.)...

Top reviews


Jan 2, 2018

This course was really helpful. I took notes and will review them often to keep abreast with the medical terms. These will also help me communicate clinically with my PCP. I truly enjoyed this course!


May 14, 2020

This course gave me an opportunity to improve my medical abbreviations as I am a medical student. This course is awesome. Not only medical students but also other students should enroll this course.

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101 - 125 of 823 Reviews for Clinical Terminology for International and U.S. Students

By Asghar k

Jul 24, 2022


By Hương P

Oct 7, 2020

I think this course is amazing. Useful videos, clinical terminology, and acronyms make it easier for medical students to access the lesson. I think this course has been very helpful and should be spread. I will recommend the course to my friends.


Mar 14, 2022

I really liked having been part of this course, where I was able to learn in the best way about the terminology used in hospitals in the United States with one of the best universities learning from the best doctors. I thank you very much.

By Nhật N

Dec 6, 2019

thank you your course! I have learnt huge amounts of mediacal terminology to apply for my career. it is also the motivation for me to continue to try to study and find more medical materials to improve my skills, and cure my illness people

By David S

Apr 18, 2021

This was a WONDERFUL introduction to the world of Medical Terminology, scribing, and the patient-care experience. I have just received a job offer for scribing, and so I am excited to see how this course has prepared me for the real deal!

By Margaret S

May 13, 2020

Content presented in a clear and logical way that was simple, step-by-step and easy to learn. I would highly recommend this course as an intro course. There were many tools to assist you and avenues of support for additional assistance.

By Nkurunziza P

May 13, 2022

it was very useful and very informative i got to know many clinical terminology which i have not be able to konw now am able to interprete everything i learnt many thanks to Coursera and everyone else who make this course to be poossible

By Dat T

Jul 24, 2019

Dear Teachers,

First of all, I'd like to appreciate it for your contributions. Even though I was struggling with it but finally I did it already. One of the most motivation is because your lesson is really useful, exciting. Thank a lot.

By Angga E P

May 31, 2020

This course is very useful to enhance the knowledge and skills related to the clinical terminology. Thanks to all lecturers and University of Pittsburgh that let me to enroll to this course so that i can learn a lot of materials on it.

By Renelus P M

Apr 17, 2019

My name is Renelus I want to say you thank you for the classes. I am very satisfy honestly I learned so lots it was wonderful even sometimes hard but at the end I got success, I am proud of me . Might God bless you and Thank you again.

By Janeth R C F

Aug 31, 2020

Thank you so much for this course. For me it was so important to learn clinical terminology, because I am a registered nurse with background from Peru and I am planning to work at Pittsburgh USA. Definitely, I recommend this course!

By Mahwish N

Jun 1, 2020

I learned many medial terms in this course that we regularly see in our physical visits and labs. The course is made very interesting for beginners who wants to start their career in medical field. I enjoyed this course thoroughly !

By Lê T B N

Aug 24, 2021

thanks a lot this course. After hard studing, I have learned so much things such as many abbreviatons or acronyms about the systems in the body. Also, I can understand some acronyms in "The good doctor" film. That's great for me.

By Ny N L

Mar 14, 2020

After finishing this course, I have been learned a term or abbreviation before hearing it on the clinical unit and better communicator and more effective healthcare team member as well as help me update and improve my knowledge .

By Hanna K

Apr 2, 2021

Thanks a lot for all the team who made this course. Thanks for the opportunity to grow up in professional aspect.

The course is interesting and very useful. Also I would like to note that audio samples is a great idea.

Good luck!

By Natalia J

Oct 25, 2020

Great course as a crash course introduction to clinical terminology! I was able to finish the course in a week doing one week's worth of work per day and it was manageable and easy to digest! Great instruction. I learned a lot.

By Dang T V

Sep 15, 2019

This course is really helpful for my job. I have learned a lot of practical terminologies related to my practice in the hospital. Thank you so much the University of Pittsburgh for creating this course for students like us.

By Kim S

Jul 8, 2020

Great introduction to nursing clinical terminology! It touched the basis for each body system, laid out examples in videos and lecture format and I enjoyed the quizzes after every lesson as way to assess my learning so far

By L M

Jun 19, 2021

Great introductory course to clinical medical terminology. The course was well designed, engaging & comprehensive. I am very glad I took it & look forward to applying what I have learned. Thank you Coursera! ~ Lou M.


Nov 24, 2022

I really learnt a lot from this course. It taught me first-hand the basic operations in a typical hospital unit and helped me gain better understanding of clinical terms and I must add, the teacher was really amazing.

By Cheri R D

Dec 1, 2019

I was expecting to be drilled on a lot of new words but instead I learned them more naturally by seeing and hearing them in the context of the clinical field. I learned about clinical workflows along with terminology.


Apr 16, 2020

Este curso fue excelente, explica las cosas de manera sencilla, lo cual hace muy fácil el aprender. Sus tiempos son flexibles así que con constancia y dedicación puedes sacar el curso adelante. TOTALMENTE RECOMENDADO

By 刘师学

Apr 11, 2019

this course is so useful~ as an international student who is participating in observeship in the us, the class give me a whole picture of the system of hospital. thank you very much for giving us this fabulous class~

By Fabricio M L

Jan 29, 2024

I found it to be an excellent course, with enough examples and tests to practice each of the skills acquired in the course. It is highly recommended if you are a medical student or in my case, a medical interpreter.

By Shelly R L

May 23, 2020

I think the videos and assignments were easily understood and yet had some items that made you think and use your learning as it progressed. I'm glad I signed up to refresh myself on the medical language. Thank you.