Jul 13, 2022
learned alot on this course. Very knowledgeable and full of healthy recipes. Great way to start your goal. Along with excersice and healthy eating you are on your way to a great healthy mind and body.
Dec 6, 2020
Foods and us have a relationship, and this course defines that relationship. Personally, this course provides positive experience for me in regards of food, meal preparation, and eating in moderation.
By Jordanna M
•Jun 9, 2017
Very basic but high quality information. I was disappointed that all the recipes at the end were gluten free, even though very few people need to avoid gluten
By Metzuyan N
•Nov 26, 2022
A well-outlined course. It simplifies the to-dos motivating me to determine a new way of perceiving what it entails to regularly prepare meals for my family.
By Yongsi C
•May 12, 2017
Very helpful information. Simple enough to remember, easy enough to follow every day. Recommended to those who are looking for the first step to eat healthy.
By Amanda B R
•Apr 7, 2017
loved the course. I believe this course is vital to all American's today. I believe this class should be a necessary class offered in our children's schools.
By Beth Z
•Jul 21, 2022
Good beginner and review lessons. It's informative, well given. I did thoroughly enjoy it! Love the recipes at the end of the course as well, Thank you!
By Angela B
•Dec 7, 2021
This course was great.I think everyone who wants a healthy lifestyle should attend this course.Now I know a lot more about carbohydrates,fats and proteins.
By Shinai G
•May 27, 2016
Learned a lot of the history of food and procedures it goes through to come to our table. This course helped me start making healthier decisions day to day.
By Marie - L
•Feb 24, 2024
I already knew most things but still learned something new. I enjoyed taking the course and it also helped me improve my eating habits. I recommend it 100%
By Luis E A R
•Oct 6, 2022
Resulto bastante instructivo acerca de métodos eficaces para mejorar la dieta, mantener un peso saludable, y planificar una estrategia de alimentos sanos.
By Maria G
•Jan 17, 2020
Very comprehensive. thank you.I would like more specific knowledge about the nutrients of the food and couple of suggestions about the combination of food.
By John
•Nov 20, 2019
Great for someone that knows nothing about Nutrition. Not so great if one wants to go significantly more in-depth. It's a great foundation for it, however.
By Stanislav K
•Feb 23, 2016
Good course in a sense of introduction to healthy eating habits. Would like to see more advanced courses with larger emphasis on vegetarian/vegan lifestyle
By Clara E D V
•Mar 17, 2020
The basics for understanding how to take control over your food intake.
A great course that will help you understand how to improve personal eating habits.
By Emiko M
•Feb 12, 2017
This corse is very useful as a basic learning of food and health. If you are interested in how to control your health through food, I recommend it to you.
By Sunday H
•Mar 6, 2016
Very engaging. Well presented and friendly. I would recommend this to high school students and really anyone who wants a basic primer on eating healthier.
By Aum A
•Jun 30, 2020
It's been honoured to get basic information about food and nutrition .Content was good to experience , many new things came across me through this course
By Pablo I R
•Apr 11, 2020
Está muy didáctico y entretenido. Tal vez un poco más de información respecto a como funcionan los nutrientes en nuestro organismo hubiera estado bueno.
By Karen K M
•Aug 13, 2017
It's more of a refresher course for me because I have been reading a lot about nutrition, so it's nice to be familiar with it. I enjoyed the recipes :)
By Laura S
•Mar 8, 2016
It is a basic course about food and health. You could learn the most important issues about food and our habits. You can learn easy tips about how to bu
By Arun K
•Apr 2, 2018
Its really good to start with for somebody who has no or little experience with food. Would have been great if it included topics with greater details.
By Pamela F
•Aug 12, 2021
Estoy encantada con el curso, ha sido de toda mi satisfaccion. Solamente podria agregar, que los cuestionarios no estan en espaol y dificulta un poco.
By Dawid S
•Jan 12, 2020
Structured like a documentary rather than a class. I mean, its okay, but not exactly what I was looking for. It appeals to the masses, which is ideal.
By Anastasiya V
•Aug 4, 2019
This course has both theoretical and practical parts. And for me, it was interesting to review some ideas that I already have in my head.
Thanks a lot!
By Esperanza S
•Feb 21, 2023
Excellent introduction to food and nutrition. It clarifies much of the misconceptions about those matters. I only missed some info on food additives.
By Patrick L
•Sep 14, 2020
Good general intro to food and health, overall I learned a good deal of the basics and have a better understanding of what healthy eating looks like.