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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Psychology by Yale University

30,583 ratings

About the Course

What are people most afraid of? What do our dreams mean? Are we natural-born racists? What makes us happy? What are the causes and cures of mental illness? This course tries to answer these questions and many others, providing a comprehensive overview of the scientific study of thought and behavior. It explores topics such as perception, communication, learning, memory, decision-making, persuasion, emotions, and social behavior. We will look at how these aspects of the mind develop in children, how they differ across people, how they are wired-up in the brain, and how they break down due to illness and injury....

Top reviews


Aug 7, 2020

I cannot wait to enrol for my next course !! I feel like a different person, much more enlightened and educated. I cant begin tot hank the designers of this course and our very sweet professor Bloom.


Oct 17, 2020

Very kind and wise and humble words combined with a warm and tender voice ! The content could include more details. I also enjoyed Professor Bloom's avatar and his changing cloths and other cartoons.

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1551 - 1575 of 6,683 Reviews for Introduction to Psychology

By chris m

Jul 27, 2024

Thank you for this course; I have learned a lot. Although I took an introductory psychology course during my university years, the course offered by Yale University is more vivid.

By Florian C

Aug 2, 2023

I really liked this course. If you want to dive into the field of psychology this is the perfect course to take. It does a great job of introducing you to the field of psychology.

By Надтока А Э

Mar 13, 2022

Extaordinary! The professor is very interested in thr topic itself, points out different things that often get forgotten about and overall is extremely knowledgeable and charming!

By elizabeth r g

Sep 14, 2021

Me gustó mucho el curso, realmente muy bueno. Gracias profesor por su dedicación y a todos los que hacen posible que llegue este conocimiento hasta nosotros. Realmente lo aprecio.

By Κωνσταντίνος Κ

Dec 11, 2020

The subject is very interesting and although it just scratches the surface of psychology , the professor makes it very engaging. A must for anyone who is interested in psychology.

By Gabriella M

Oct 23, 2020

A great starting point. You'll probably be interested to know even more about psychology after finishing the course. The cartoon lecture style is brilliant, very entertaining! :)

By Ana H

Oct 22, 2020


By Silvia S S C

Oct 8, 2020

Fue muy gratificante concluir este curso, gracias por la ayuda que ofrece Coursera, estoy muy contenta con el contenido en general ya que es muy bueno y permite seguir aprendiendo

By Sarah C

Jul 23, 2020

The videos, accompanied by the readings, extra sources and videos really gave me a good grounding in the basics of the subject. Very interesting and engaging the whole way though!

By wim d

Apr 29, 2020

I learned quite a lot about the basics of Psychology, my understanding in Training and Coaching people on their communication skills have now a deaper meaning and stronger impact.

By Bora E

Mar 5, 2019

I think everyone who took a part in the creation of this online course did a wonderful job, and a special thanks to the professor who was truly engaging and very fun to listen to.

By Poduo W

Apr 14, 2022

I really like the courses, gave me some basic understanding about Psychology and helped me defining if I should choose Psychology as my future career or not. (Love it, chose it.)

By Michael M

Apr 12, 2022

This is the second online course I have taken with Paul Bloom. The course was very good; I enjoy his style of teaching very much. I got a lot out of both his courses. Thank you.

By Joan M

May 26, 2021

Very informative and to the point. a lot of information given and additional reading. I only had a minuscule knowledge of entails in Psychology. I now have a better understanding

By Mandy W

Jan 18, 2021

This course is encouraging! follow through the six weeks and found it's helpful for the beginner' comprehension about Psychology, it encouraged me to take further steps of study!

By Napoleón E L E

Dec 30, 2020

This was a great course! I was able to get a grasp of what psychology is and how it can help people. After finishing this course I'm feeling motivated to study further the field.

By Rosangela S

Dec 21, 2020

Excelente conteúdo com uma didática perfeita. Adorei fazer este curso e pretendo participar de outros sobre o tema. Parabéns à equipe Coursera. I am from Brazil ! Rosângela Dayse

By Althea M A

Nov 30, 2020

The course delivered interesting, informative, and essential materials. I was able to utilize the concepts for my Philosophy class and gained more knowledge about the human mind.

By Maria J A R

Oct 13, 2020

This is the best course that i receive in my life, Im so satisfaced of this course that get and learn to much of psychology...Thankssss for this oportunity that you give me ....

By Warda B

May 17, 2020

Amazing course! The videos and readings are very relevant and Prof. Bloom was the best instructor with his simple examples and sense of humour. Thank you for this quality course!

By Jan K

May 3, 2020

What an interesting course. It has motivated me to read more about psychology and related topics. Professor Bloom was wonderful, always talking to the point. Highly-recommended!

By Knowledge C

Dec 4, 2019

I am very happy to have acquired my certificate in Introduction to Psychology, I will keep on taking more online courses using the Coursera learning platform.

Thank you PROF BLOOM

By Samuel H

Aug 26, 2024

Solid intro to a wide range of topics! It's been many years since I first took an Intro to Psych class at Penn; I thoroughly enjoyed diving back in with a refreshed perspective.

By Mattéo

Aug 9, 2024

Excellent very informative course to develop your knowledge of human psychology finally the basics, everything is very clear and well explained with multiple images and diagrams

By Muhammed S

Sep 3, 2023

One of the best platforms for Psychology studying in my life. It has improved my psychological skills and allowed me more to think higher about the course to study and continue.