Aug 27, 2017
This is a very good course for people who want to get started with neural networks. Andrew did a great job explaining the math behind the scenes. Assignments are well-designed too. Highly recommended.
Jan 25, 2021
Lot of courses teach theory and uses python in built libraries. This is the only course learners are encourage to built the algorithm from scratch to gain more understanding of things under the hood.
By Ruban V P
•Jun 3, 2021
Nice course to get started with DL. The assignments are at just the right difficulty and the codes are also written in an easy-to-understand fashion.
By Horacio L
•Apr 15, 2021
Es un gran curso, me llenó de entendimiento sobre las redes neuronales y el algoritmo para obtener parámetros y optimizar. Fue demasiado interesante.
By M. S P
•Nov 25, 2020
It was a wonderful course. It was very interesting and inspiring for to explore more. Also, like to hear some explanations for Programming Assignment
By Andre D
•Oct 25, 2020
Great approach, simplistic and elegant. I´ve had previous experience with neural networks and this course have made things clearer with a great code.
By Faisal R
•Sep 8, 2020
This course gives an excellent introduction to deep learning. It has a good combination of intuition and mathematics. Andrew is a brilliant teacher.
By Paulo M
•Aug 14, 2020
Muito bom! A base matemática foi um diferencial deste curso. Recomendo!/Very good! The mathematics base was the diference of this course. I recomend!
By Aditya R
•Jul 29, 2020
A great course for everybody. especially if you know calculus this course will give you deep insights on how things are going inside a Neural network
•Jul 27, 2020
The course is designed to understand the concept of Deep Learning in a simple way. The explanation and tutorials were much helpful to write the code.
By Hodaifa M
•Jul 21, 2020
It was one of the best courses that i ever had, it made me try and learn a lot of things that i knew theoricly, it was a pleasure to be part of that.
By Mingyuan T
•Jul 17, 2020
Easy to follow and very useful concepts. Really like how the coding assignment is constructed so that it is easy and clear for new-bee to get started
By Abhishek K
•Jul 17, 2020
Thank you sir, this course has helped me a lot to develop a new skill. I am so grateful, i don't know how to express my gratitude. Very great course.
By Yue W
•Jul 15, 2020
Very useful course. Clear instruction - much improved if comparing with the "machine learning" course which I took before taking this one. Thank you!
•Jun 13, 2020
An excellent lecture by andrew ng sir ,i am a beginner to machine learning but although the mathematics taught by andrew sir was so brief and easy .
By induraj
•Apr 30, 2020
Best course; Thanks to Professor Andrew and his team for creating best resource on deep learning. Special Thanks to Coursera for hosting this course.
By David S
•Apr 24, 2020
Very good introduction to Deep Learning. Python exercises helped a lot in understanding the aspects of a Deep Neural Network and how to implement it.
By Муратов А В
•Mar 21, 2020
I wish it was my first one. Was too easy but that's a positive moment. All shapes, all definitions are listed. So you focus only on the core problem.
By Haseeb K
•Mar 18, 2020
The course contents are very structured. The foundation concepts are covered very comprehensively and guided through practical examples step by step.
By Ankit
•Jan 30, 2020
Very thankful to andrew for this lovely explanation.Explanation was very simple and easy to understand and very easily teaches about neural network.
By Shahriyar R
•Oct 8, 2019
Excellent explanation, great intuition and motivation to go forward. Assignments are also great, indeed you learn a lot from assignments and quizzes.
By Rai S
•Aug 30, 2019
Very well planned and organized start for deep learning. Learned a lot! Highly recommended for people planning to pursue their careers in datascience
By Yassine L
•Jun 21, 2019
Awesome and detailed introduction the Neural Networks, a lot of intuition and implementation details explained very well. The last interview is gold!
By rakesh c c
•Nov 2, 2018
The best course on neural network basics I am totally in love with Andrew's structured way of teaching, why did not I take this course much sooner !!
By Shuo Y
•Mar 30, 2018
Very clear explanation. Andrew and his team did put a lot of efforts in the course material, including videos and exercise. Thanks a million to them!
By Aamir i
•Mar 16, 2018
Thank you very much, to all the contributors, special thanks to sir Andrew Ng and coursera.com. I am looking forward to complete whole DL curriculum.
By Felipe G
•Feb 6, 2018
This course is super illustrative and simple to follow, yet in the end you will gain knowledge and intuition in how deep learning really works, GREAT