Feb 12, 2018
I would love some pointers to additional references for each video. Also, the instructor keeps saying that the math behind backprop is hard. What about an optional video with that? Otherwise, awesome!
Jan 25, 2021
Lot of courses teach theory and uses python in built libraries. This is the only course learners are encourage to built the algorithm from scratch to gain more understanding of things under the hood.
By Gabriel H P R
•Jul 27, 2020
The course was incredible, all the fundamentals were well taught and the cat recognizer application was really interesting and motivating.
By Mohith J
•Jul 26, 2020
Nice course. But I don't like the fact that most of the code is already there. I mean, I would like to do all this by myself from scratch.
By Nicolás P
•Jul 7, 2020
Un excelente curso al que se le puede sacar mucho provecho, si se tienen fundamentos previos de Python y álgebra lineal y algo de cálculo.
By Javier d P
•Jun 19, 2020
A great dive-in, well adjusted for both people completely new to the field of machine learning and professionals in other scientific areas
By Shakirul H
•May 10, 2020
I got my very basics of Neural Net and Deep Learning. And I'll suggest it to everyone who is starting their journey towards deep learning.
By Abylaikhan Y
•May 3, 2020
It is a great course with a great teacher. I am thankful for being your student mr. Andrew NG. Wish you a success in your future projects.
By Pedro H M P
•Apr 28, 2020
Curso bem ministrado, com um olhar profundo para o tema. Gostei muito, supriu a necessidade que eu tinha em entender a fundo redes neurais
By Humberto O D
•Apr 25, 2020
Great course. I also recommend the course "Machine Learning" by Andrew Ng, I think this course goes more deep in neural networks concepts.
By Umut E
•Apr 4, 2020
I hope this course was the starting point of my career in artificial intelligence field.Thanks a lot to everyone who prepared this course.
By suraj b
•Mar 3, 2020
Helped me immensely to understand the backpropagation algorithm and implement a neural network with backpropagation learning from scratch.
By Rezoanoor/CS/Rezoanoor R
•Jan 11, 2020
I was learning about deep learning randomly, this curse gave me some overview those are very useful in case of understanding the concepts.
By Pratikshit S
•Jan 10, 2020
This is really a good course to start with your deep learning. It provides basics and some useful hacks for python implementation as well.
By Tomás P K
•Jan 10, 2020
This is an amazing introductory course to Neural Networks, I really enjoyed it and I hope to also enjoy the rest of the specialization. :)
By Sabbir A
•Jan 5, 2020
I had so many doubts before taking this course. I am grateful to the entire team of coursera and for this course. AWESOME!
By Abhisek D
•Dec 6, 2019
Brilliant introductory course to get started. Provides a solid foundation and all the mathematical nitty-gritties have been explained well
By Shubham V
•Nov 5, 2019
I am just a beginner in the Machine Learning field and Andrew's course was really very helpful in kickstarting my knowledge in this field.
By Jian G
•Oct 6, 2019
The course is carefully designed. Hard concepts are repeated in many different ways so eventually I get it. Thanks for the great teaching!
By Carlos A
•Sep 28, 2019
Great course that will help you build from scratch the python code for a deep neural network. Its a great way to understand how they work!
By Mr.Doctor
•Sep 19, 2019
The programming is particularly excellent! Putting all the theory just learnt to the real code, It's so exciting and It has a great snese.
By Lucas K
•Aug 20, 2019
Great content! Thanks again, Andrew Ng and the rest of the crew for helping people all over the world!
Best regards, Lucas
Sao Paulo, Brazil
By Jean-auguste M
•Jul 22, 2019
Clair et efficace. Cours découpé en petites vidéos, idéal pour ceux qui ne disposent pas de plusieurs heures consécutives pour travailler.
By Jeyavinoth J
•Jun 5, 2019
Excellent introduction to Deep learning and neural networks. I really enjoyed the course, can't wait to finish up the remaining 4 courses.
•May 30, 2019
The basic logic of deep learning is explained in an easy-to-understand manner, and I think it will be very useful when creating it myself.
By Viveka R
•May 18, 2019
I really loved this course. Andrew so patiently explained each and every concept which I would have never found in another other tutorial.
By Stefan L
•Feb 12, 2019
This course is like a good movie, you can continue without getting every aspect at first, but it gets clearer and clearer towards the end.