Feb 12, 2018
I would love some pointers to additional references for each video. Also, the instructor keeps saying that the math behind backprop is hard. What about an optional video with that? Otherwise, awesome!
Jan 25, 2021
Lot of courses teach theory and uses python in built libraries. This is the only course learners are encourage to built the algorithm from scratch to gain more understanding of things under the hood.
By Shweta S
•Apr 18, 2020
The course was very informative for a student having no prior knowledge of Deep Learning. The explanations were also good. Thank You.
By Lau H
•Apr 15, 2020
I love Andrew NG :D Thank you for your effort and the coursera team to make such valuable knowdlegde accessable everyone in the world
By Akash D
•Mar 9, 2020
This course really helped me to understand the basics of Neural networks. Thank you, Team Coursera for providing me with the course.
By Miguel Á R L
•Jan 26, 2020
Awesome course with a progressive learning path from the basics of AI to building a neural network and understanding its complexities
By Giacomo V
•Jan 22, 2020
Helpful even after a few months of work with AI. It clarifies several aspects and let me to practice in a easy-still-educational way.
By Kenny D
•Nov 22, 2019
Fantastic course! Strongly recommended! The subject is presented well. The course covers the theoretical and intuitive aspects of NN.
By Pankaj J
•Aug 7, 2019
This is a nice hands-on course. And if you have completed the Introduction to ML course earlier then this is a really good refresher.
By Yogesh D
•Jun 30, 2019
Great course to start for someone with no prior knowledge of Neural network. Recommended to everyone who wants to learn deep learning
By Mahesh K P
•Jun 18, 2019
Awesome course with deep knowledge which will help me to carry out my research work in facial recognition with deep emotion analysis.
By Gisela G G
•Jun 2, 2019
Very detailed explanations about the foundations of neural networks and deep learning and well explained so it is very easy to follow
By Jan K
•May 19, 2019
This course is the very best resource for learning about DL that I have found. Both lectures and auto-graded assignments are amazing.
•May 8, 2019
With clear explanation and step by step guidance, can quickly learn the basics of feedforward neural network training and prediction.
By xiaoyang
•May 1, 2019
Very good introduction to deep learning, a step by step tutorial to help you build a L-layers neural network. Interesting and useful!
By Gyan P
•Apr 1, 2019
This course is very insightful and all the contents and assignments are very well structured and are very intuitive. Thanks Andrew !!
By Giovanni C
•Mar 13, 2019
Good starter class in Deep Learning; I wish there was as much intuition taught as in the earlier Machine Learning class by Andrew Ng.
By Aladu P
•Mar 7, 2019
Beautifully organised and guided course for any beginner !
PRogramming assignments were really organised well . Very much recomended!
By Ufuk T
•Jan 10, 2019
The fundamentals of neural networks and deep learning. The course is well prepared, and you can learn a lot how neural networks work.
By Anusha M
•Apr 19, 2018
Course is really good, but felt a little bit of too much clarification and spoon-feeding. Felt the Machine Learning course was ideal.
By J V
•Apr 1, 2018
Well Modelled course. Recommended for an excellent inspiring introduction to deep learning. Looking forward to the following courses.
By Alexandre G E
•Feb 6, 2018
Genial curso para introducirse en el mundo del deep learning y las redes neuronales. Contenido muy interesante y potencialmente útil.
By Rama K P
•Jan 16, 2018
Sir Andrew Ng I love the way you deliver the subject in the easiest fashion. This course was really well-organized and extraordinary.
By 龙宪磊
•Nov 22, 2017
very good.from simple to complex.let us know the reason and how does the neural networks work.from forward to backward! thanks a lot!
By Diego N M
•Nov 16, 2017
Great Course
I already know Python however most of the need things that you need in python are here.
The theory is explained very well.
By Souvik S B
•Nov 4, 2017
Excellent approach to teaching. Makes things very clear and intuitive. The hands-on are very well designed to clarify understandings.
By Michel B
•Oct 25, 2017
Cours vraiment très bien expliqué, cela dit les exercices sont un petit peu trop simple et trop guidé. Ils restent correct quand même