Jun 30, 2020
I think that this course went a little bit too much into needy greedy details of the math behind deep neural networks, but overall I think that it is a great place to start a journey in deep learning!
Jun 16, 2019
Thank you so for this wonderful course. Thank you Andrew Sir and the entire team. The forum especially is very lively and helpful. Thank you for making my learning experience exciting and brilliant.
By Akshay V
•Mar 29, 2020
Great Course! I learned a lot about vectorization,broadcasting, neural networks basics etc. Thanks Andrew Ng and Coursera.
By Mehl C (
•Mar 25, 2020
Amazing teaching by Prof Ng. I strongly recommend this MOOC for anyone interested in acquiring knowledge on Deep Learning.
By Stefan W
•Jan 27, 2020
Great Course! Only the programming assignments could maybe be a bit more challenging, i.e. especially less pre-structured.
By Filippo L
•Jan 4, 2020
Great Course, gives useful insights on Neural Networks and guides along the way to develop algorithms for computer vision.
By Mansoor R K
•Nov 28, 2019
One of the most in-depth courses for Deep Learning. Highly recommended for anyone looking to begin a career in this field.
By Marcus V C A
•Nov 20, 2019
It's a very good course. I think it give us some insights and some mathematical background to go deep in deep learning! :)
By jiangjingwen
•Nov 13, 2019
I have learned the basic knowledge of the Neural Networks and Deep Learning.
I will recommend this course to my classmates.
By yegna s
•Aug 9, 2019
Just follow the course and it will walk you through all the concepts from rudiments and provide you the necessary insight.
By Gajula J
•Apr 7, 2019
Best course for getting started with deep learning on internet. Thank you coursera and teachers for creating the best one.
By Muhammad H M
•Apr 2, 2019
One of the best course out there on getting started with all the basic stuff related to Neural Networks and Deep Learning.
By Deleted A
•Feb 27, 2019
essential for Neural Networks and Deep Learning learners.
if you want to know how to make models you must listen this class
By Cajetan R
•Jan 15, 2019
Andrew Ng's course is best to give a kick start to your career in ML and Deep Learning .
He makes your fundamentals right!
By divya p p
•Jan 13, 2019
very clear explanation of concepts and well managed assignments. gives confidence on building multi layer neural networks.
By Hassan K
•Dec 16, 2018
I wish I had access to the Assignments and Quizzes as a free user even if they aren't graded.
By Rounak P
•Aug 16, 2018
This course goes to great lengths the explaining both the intrusion as well as mathematical background of neural networks.
By Niyas N S
•Jul 7, 2018
This course provide a in depth understanding of deep learning. I recommend this course for all machine learning beginners.
By OutOfBounds 9
•Jun 26, 2018
I enjoyed it a lot , most importantly the intuitions make things easier to understand and you get a feel for the subject .
By Stephen H
•May 7, 2018
This course was excellent. It included the clearest explanations and worked examples I have come across for deep learning.
By Furkan K
•Apr 17, 2018
Andrew and his team did it again! Everything is laid out so well, it is intuitive and I've learned so much in this course!
By Ivo C P
•Apr 10, 2018
Useful and interesting course.
The basic principles are well introduced and described.
The assignments are well structured.
By Jie M
•Apr 6, 2018
1.利用python实现了多层的standard NN。实现了cat 的识别。
3.从单个logistic regression单元讲起,由浅入深!
By Atul D
•Dec 26, 2017
A great step by step learning experience, however, I would like to see a little less hand-holding to complete assignments.
By 吴俊楠
•Dec 20, 2017
The assignments in the course are well-designed. Learners can get through the course without too much specific background.
By Robin S
•Dec 11, 2017
Brilliant. Deep explanations to help learners grasp the complexities of neural networks from the foundation up. Thank you.
By M K
•Dec 5, 2017
The videos are very detailed, the homework tasks cover all the necessary steps of training neural nets. Loved this course!