Jun 30, 2020
I think that this course went a little bit too much into needy greedy details of the math behind deep neural networks, but overall I think that it is a great place to start a journey in deep learning!
Jun 16, 2019
Thank you so for this wonderful course. Thank you Andrew Sir and the entire team. The forum especially is very lively and helpful. Thank you for making my learning experience exciting and brilliant.
By jerome c
•Oct 3, 2018
Perfect, if you have already done the first course from same professor. (Backprop intuition is better in first course)
By Anna T
•Sep 1, 2018
Great course, it really thoroughly answered the questions that came up during the lectures. Informative and practical.
By Juan M P
•Aug 25, 2018
Great course. Explains very well the foundations of neural networks.
I finally understood backpropagation thanks to it!
By Yuqing C
•Aug 3, 2018
This course is very become it provide great details on both mathematical derivation and also on python implementation.
By David S
•Jun 12, 2018
Very good explanation and get good intuition about neural networks and deep learning. Thanks so much. I appreciate it.
By Ryusuke M
•May 16, 2018
I took ML course a few months ago. This course helped me to review the ML contents in the pythonic context. Thank you.
By rachit g
•May 2, 2018
Excellent Leature. Course structure is awesome. Highly recommended for anyone who is interested in deep neuro network.
By Warwick T
•Mar 18, 2018
A short, comprehensive course on NNs that will get you up and running. Also contains some nice programming exercisies.
By Divyanshu S
•Feb 20, 2018
Andrew Ng sir has made even some tough concepts of Deep Learning easy to learn. Thank you for such an excellent course
By Akshay A
•Dec 22, 2017
There could not be any better introduction to deep learning than this. Really enjoyed the videos as well as exercises.
By Dean B
•Nov 23, 2017
Another brilliant course from Andrew Ng and an excellent follow up to his Machine Learning course. Highly recommended!
By Abhinav P
•Oct 16, 2017
Crisp and clear information with plenty of exercises to help better understand the concepts and programming in Python.
By Roussel R
•Oct 13, 2017
It is an excellent introduction to Deep Learning. Thorough and well-explained, as it seems to be the norm with Dr. Ng.
By zawar k
•Sep 30, 2017
Good course as it gives you knowledge as how to make your own model and develops intuition to solve different problems
By Edgar V
•Sep 11, 2017
Good course with not only the theoretical part, but also with practice using Python on Notebooks! Definitely is worth!
By Rengarajan B
•Sep 1, 2017
Very nice, hands on course. Its challenging as I am not any more a coder but could pick up faster than what i thought.
By G2
•Aug 24, 2017
Excellent Course to start deeplearning
This course saves time reading book and attending lectures. Absolutely loved it.
By Cheng X
•Aug 22, 2017
It might be the best online DL course by now. All the assignments are designed perfectly and very useful and helpful.
By Nnaemeka N
•Feb 23, 2023
It was great knowing how to code up your own algorithm, totally demystified the neural nets I feel like a genius lol.
By Beekay
•Aug 11, 2022
Didactically well organized learning content with great, but challenging, time intensive Python hands on exercises.
By Deaken T
•Jun 22, 2022
It's an awesome course, with lots of details about neural networks, professor Andrew explains back prop very clearly.
By Shubham W
•Apr 28, 2022
All fundamentals explained properly with mathematics before getting into programming and applications. Great course!!
By Victor A
•Dec 22, 2021
Great introduction to deep learning! i'm even more motivated to keep researching after this course. Thank you Andrew!
By Feroz K
•Oct 18, 2021
It's an awesome course with very brief, to the point and all concepts covering lectures and assignments. Recommended.
By Hussam A
•Aug 12, 2021
This course made it easy to implement and understand how Neural Networks works with simple vectorized implementation.