Jun 14, 2021
Andrew Ng is one of the best teachers out there to learn NNs and DL. His deep insight into the math of the subject gives us motivation to learn more, amazing course to learn the basics of the subject.
Jul 29, 2020
Pretty well organized with really helpful examples and assignment especially. Definitely made the basis for deep learning algorithms. Looking forward to the next modules and dive deep in this domain.
•Apr 15, 2020
Very good course.Those who wants to know about NN from scratch this will be the best course I will recommend.
By Mohammed Z M
•Apr 14, 2020
Definitely the best-known course with immense knowledge and in-depth intuition. Great work by
By Ranjith K S
•Mar 13, 2020
Instructor Andrew Ng has explained very thoroughly especially math behind every neural network. Good to learn.
By Azamat S
•Mar 13, 2020
Great course - concepts are very well explained and the assignments are helpful for understanding the material
By satvik v
•Feb 24, 2020
This course gives an excellent introduction to deep learning. Andrew Ng's teaching is very clear and engaging.
By Rahul K
•Feb 22, 2020
Best course for Deep Learning. Andrew Ng is no doubt the best person to learn ML / DL from. Highly recommended
By Gertjan D M
•Feb 10, 2020
Thorough explanation of a neural network's internals, enriched with detailed (but still clear) visualizations!
By Damilya S
•Aug 21, 2019
GIves into depth understanding of basic notions. Assignments also foster understanding of concepts on practice
By Chang-Heng, W
•Jul 20, 2019
Very clear and concise lectures. The instructions for the programming assignments are clear and comprehensive.
By Wencong C
•Jun 2, 2019
I really enjoyed this one!!! I think the exercises are really helpful and make me think deeply! Thanks Andrew!
By Sourabh
•May 27, 2019
detailed and step by step instructions in the assignments are very helpful, and so are the Andrew NG videos :)
By Anubhav P
•Mar 21, 2019
Extremely well prepared course. The explanations are very detailed and the programming exercises are very good
By Debdeep D
•Jan 6, 2019
The assignments could do with a little less hand holding which would make solving them a little more rewarding
By Killian D
•Nov 30, 2018
Perfect balance between hands-on and theoretical approaches. Good Pace for an introductory course on the topic
By Corrado L
•Nov 4, 2018
Great course, every details is well explained, every exercise is step-by-step explained and tested. Thank you!
By Rishabh J
•Sep 25, 2018
Excellent Course. Next challenge to myself will be to do the programming assignment on local jupyter notebook.
By Siddhant R
•Aug 18, 2018
great course to cement your understanding about neural networks as well as why and how back propogation works.
By Alexander S
•Jul 16, 2018
Got a detailed, practical undestanding of how neural networks are implemented. Got intuition on why they work.
By vignesh s
•Jun 21, 2018
Very good explanation by Prof.Andrew Ng. Recommended course for beginners and practitioners in Neural Network.
By Sacha v W
•Jun 2, 2018
Excellent course. All material well explained and nice programming exercises to build your own neural network.
By Puyam S S
•Mar 9, 2018
Thanks Andrew for teaching us amazing concepts on deep neural networks in an easy and fun way!. Just loved it!
By Nazgul Z
•Feb 22, 2018
I'm very thankful for this wonderful online course! Many thanks to the mentors! Andrew NG is the best teacher!
By David E
•Jan 29, 2018
Very gentle introduction to the key concepts and implementation required for shallow and deep neural networks.
By 刘晓芬
•Jan 26, 2018
Andrew Ng老师的课程非常基础,把深度学习具体化,感兴趣的同学建议先学一下Andrew老师的机器学习,然后再学这门深度学习,会更轻松。作业部分偏简单,但是代码引人深思,此课程能让你深入浅出地学习深度学习。强烈推荐!
By Teye B
•Jan 26, 2018
Excellent course. I think it should be put together as a textbook that can be used in parallel with the course