Jul 25, 2021
The notation and the description of the course materials are way more comprehensible than that of the ML course. I deeply appreciate all the efforts made so that this course could be presented to us.
Dec 4, 2018
Extremely helpful review of the basics, rooted in mathematics, but not overly cumbersome. Very clear, and example coding exercises greatly improved my understanding of the importance of vectorization.
By Alvaro G d P
•Oct 16, 2017
Great theory and practice. Fantastic follow up for classic Andrew Ng Machine Learning course
By 苏高生
•Oct 6, 2017
The design of the homework is perfect and the lecture is very detailed. Thank you very much!
By Ayman A S
•Oct 4, 2017
Good course although it's an easy one if you have taken Machine learning course by Andrew NJ
By Tony Z
•Oct 1, 2017
Easy to follow course materials. Clear and educational tests with step by step verification.
By Aashish A
•Sep 11, 2017
Excellent course for beginners, clears concepts and the programming exercises are also good.
By Bojun W
•Sep 10, 2017
Extremely helpful and easy to get hands-on practice experience. Thanks the team, keep going!
By Rahul I
•Sep 6, 2017
Excellent!!! Andre makes great effort to make us understand the basics of the deep learning.
By Nikita F
•Sep 6, 2017
The course provides very basic, but also extremely useful information about neural networks.
•Aug 29, 2017
A great course, very accessible. Andrew Ng deploys a true talent to simplify complex issues.
By Namrah S
•Sep 22, 2023
The course is designed really good and it is really easy to understand as well. Thank you!!
By Yuvan C
•Jul 11, 2023
explained in a way that made developing these basic networks feel intuitive would recommend
By Paras S
•Jun 1, 2023
Excellent teaching!! Very clear mathematical intuition of deep learning and neural networks
By Jimena M M
•Apr 16, 2023
Greate course, now I feel much more confident in DNN. Thanks a lot for your great teaching!
By Neel P
•Feb 25, 2023
Excellent course, all the concepts are explained very well and makes it clear for begineers
By Hoang N
•Aug 9, 2022
Andrew is an excellent instructor. The content is well thought out, prepared and presented.
By Jasnoor S
•Jun 26, 2022
very good course. equally good for absolute beginners as well as people versed with python.
•May 12, 2022
Classic introductory deep learning classes, especially programming assignments, help a lot.
By Chia H H L
•Apr 25, 2022
Excelente course, amazing teacher, loved it throught. Thank you so much for the experience.
By Kilian M
•Feb 18, 2022
Perfect course for someone with a bit of knowledge in this field. Everything made tangible.
By Zachary K
•Oct 26, 2021
Excellent course, great mix of new information, challenge, practical application, and fun!
By Jianye X
•Oct 20, 2021
Very helpful course. A good way to start yout DL study, even you barely have DL knowledge.
By Gaspard G
•Jul 25, 2021
Cours très intérressant et bien expliqué ! Rien à voir avec ce que l'on voit en Université
By Lu X
•Jul 19, 2021
Excellent course! I felt happy and satisfactory while learning this course! Thanks Prof.Ng!
By Mahee G
•Jun 19, 2021
It was well balanced course for beginners since it allow us to program with a good guidance
By Huỳnh Đ L N
•Mar 30, 2021
best course on deep learning there is. Easy to understand no matter the academic background