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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) by University of Michigan

230,632 ratings

About the Course

This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. The course has no pre-requisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics. Anyone with moderate computer experience should be able to master the materials in this course. This course will cover Chapters 1-5 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. Once a student completes this course, they will be ready to take more advanced programming courses. This course covers Python 3....
High quality instructor

(1484 Reviews)

Introductory course

(4203 Reviews)

Top reviews


Nov 22, 2020

This course is very useful and the way Dr. Charles Severance teaches is outstanding. It's gonna be a perfect course for those who are looking for a programming course specially designed for beginners.


Dec 27, 2019

Extremely basic but Dr. Chuck is so interesting that you never get bored. You can pass the course in a few days with minimum or even no programming knowledge. It's a good starting point for beginners.

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5726 - 5750 of 10,000 Reviews for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

By Vipul P

Feb 19, 2020

I wasn't having any knowledge of programming earlier. This course has helped me learn Python from scratch. I would also like to thank the course instructor Charles Severance.

By Francesco V

Jan 17, 2020

A great start in the world of programming. The course really lay the foundations for huge future improvements. Prof. Severance lessons are quite simple and very interesting.

By Felipe A Q

Dec 30, 2019

Realmente muy interesante el curso de programación con Python, te enseña y te prepara para los usos cotidianos. Super recomendado. Gracias profesor Charles Russell Severance.

By James M

Dec 9, 2019

As an introductory course to python i thought this course was very competently put together i got a vry good for how Python begins i look forward to seeing where this will go

By Deleted A

Nov 24, 2019

The Professor is very humourous. But his teaching methodology is very efficient. I have learnt the basics of Python programming in a very short time but very interesting way.

By Christopher B

Oct 24, 2019

I thought this course was a great introduction to programming concepts in the context of Python 3. Highly recommended for beginners and those with basic technical knowledge.


Sep 28, 2019

This course is a good introduction to the basics, but I already have the foundation in this area, so I hope to invest in the following courses as soon as possible, thank you.

By Srishti S

Aug 30, 2019

Even as somebody who was generally terrified of computers and computer-related jargon, I found this course pleasantly easy to follow, rewarding and enjoyable. Sincere thanks.

By Ishan A

Apr 6, 2019

Amazingly easy to learn and Prof Charles is great at conveying his point across. I am refreshing my programming understanding after almost 10 years and no better way to start

By Vijay M B D

Nov 20, 2018

Best Online Lecture Course.

Thank You Very Much Sir & Thanks Coursera.

I am interested more courses in coursera.

Thanks You Very Much Sir.

Thnaks & Keep Smilling,

Vijay M. Dantani

By Tassilo B

Oct 18, 2018

Great start into Python. The instructor Charles Severance does a great job in transferring the knowledge to beginners. Looking forward to start the second part of the series.

By Cathy C d D C

Aug 30, 2018

Great course, great instructor Dr. Chuck, I never thought it would be possible for me to learn to code late in life but this course has made it possible. Thank you Coursera¡

By Patty W B

Aug 3, 2018

Great teaching. I loved Dr. Severance. The material was presented in a way that was easy for me to learn and I feel really good about the skill I've acquired with this class.

By Sambhav J

Mar 8, 2018

It is really a wonderful course and what I like the most in this course is interactive exercises and a free coursebook to follow.Thank you prof. Chuck for making this course.

By Andreas V

Sep 20, 2017

Getting started with Python really helped me to refresh some old programming knowledge and become familiar with Python3 commands. On to the next Courses. The professor rocks!

By Rafael R C

Aug 29, 2017

Curso muy apropiado para iniciarse en el mundo de la programación. Alta calidad de los videos, ejemplos y explicaciones que te permiten aprender de manera rápida e intuitiva.

By Siddharth N

Mar 19, 2017

This Course was Great I will come back later form more courses on coursera. good thing about coursera is you can Wave your Course fee if you are not able to afford the course

By jhm

Dec 23, 2016

I like the teaching style of the professor, I am a total rookie of any programming skill. Thank you very much! I learned a lot and I will continue to learn further knowledge.

By Yaw A

Nov 1, 2016

Very interactive and straightforward which helps students build confidence. The student group feedback session helps students to clearly communicate their concerns and fears.

By 陈佳琪

Aug 9, 2016

Dr. Chunk is so funny and he teaches well.And I like this interview and office hour part.I learned a lot in this course and I will keep learning his other python course. Thx!

By Deleted A

Apr 21, 2016

Professor Charles Severance is excellent at what he is doing.

He can make even people new to coding or even general computer science concepts understand what he is teaching :)

By Taylor

Mar 26, 2016

Great instruction. Learned some things that were unclear before the class. Explanation was extremely helpful to understanding.

Helped to fill in the blanks from code academy.

By Matt B

Dec 5, 2015

Great intro to Python! As someone with some prior programming experience, it was pretty basic, but I still really appreciate having an accessible course for learning Python.

By Shreya G

Nov 17, 2015

Dr Charles Severance has made the course even more engaging and interesting.I couldn't have asked for a better mentor.Looking forward to attending more of his lectures.


By Irfan F

Oct 11, 2023

Such an amazing and great Introduction to Programming with Python and the way problem are solved and the topics are taught is just amazing. Thanks to Dr. Chuck and the team.