(1484 Reviews)
(4203 Reviews)
Dec 27, 2019
Extremely basic but Dr. Chuck is so interesting that you never get bored. You can pass the course in a few days with minimum or even no programming knowledge. It's a good starting point for beginners.
Sep 8, 2019
Great course! I always thought of programming as a too-difficult-and-complex thing for me; now I want to learn more. Thank you Dr Charles Severance for explaining everything in such an affordable way.
By Nicolas T V
•Mar 29, 2023
very easy to understand, good and reliable course that anyone with no experience in python or even none experience with coding can understand. the tools also very useful.
By Hesham A
•Jan 9, 2023
Useful and helpful I am grateful for the amazing teacher! so simple and clear! now I can write a program in python after a short easy and enjoying course
I am gratitude
•Sep 22, 2022
This course is very well designed and the quiz and assignment section is good part to self analysis what we have learnt and where we are week so overall good experience.
By Troy M
•Sep 20, 2022
Fantastic class, The professor was very informative and intertaining while laying out the subject matter in a very organized and easy to follow manner
Thank you Dr Chuck
By Amirmohammad D
•Apr 26, 2022
Easy to follow and understand. plus, a lot more than just python. I personally took life lessons from the bonus sections that I'm sure are going to help me in the future.
By Kimberly M
•Apr 24, 2022
As a true beginner with no prior programming experience in any language. This was a great starting point. I look forward to continuing through the specialization courses.
By Risham K s
•Feb 16, 2022
I have learnt a lot of things about programming with python language from this course.Thank you very much ,sir for providing such a great course in very simple language.
By Marcela H
•Nov 26, 2021
"I have enjoyed really this classe offered through University of Michigan and really learn a lot. … The class was taught extremely well and provided grateful information.
By Yoonwoo K
•Aug 8, 2021
Thank you Severace for thoughtful explanation about python 3. I think explaining an easy concept well is hardest things to instructor. He is a best instructor. Thank you.
By Raniella B C
•Jul 28, 2021
Professor Charles is very good at explaining concepts and showing solutions. Learning through this course was super fun for a person like me who is starting from scratch.
•Mar 30, 2021
Wonderful course, I really loved the teaching style of The professor. His way was engaging and intriguing, It's a good course to get a solid base to build a python tower.
By Tarek F
•Mar 10, 2021
Easy to understand. Just the right amount of challenge. I really learned a lot. Although videos were a bit long, which made it a bit boring so I 2x speed'd through it XD.
By Ron N
•Nov 23, 2020
Very good programming course especially as a first course to take when starting to learn programming. It explains the basic concepts well. No prior knowledge is required.
•Nov 18, 2020
it was good, but the way to express may codes within one like loops and functions and definitions in same program should be more explained with some more examples. thanks
By juan p p l
•Oct 12, 2020
Me gusta la forma natural y fluida de explicar del profesor, su léxico y su forma concreta y sencilla de explicar facilita el entendimiento a los hispanoparlantes como yo
By Muhammad R
•Oct 11, 2020
Love this course I had zero knowledge before taking this course but now I'm pretty sure I can solve basics problems with python thanks to the team and dr: chuck Thank you
By Ricky G H
•Aug 27, 2020
Fue un excelente curso, lo recomiendo para todas las personas que aún tienen miedo de programar, y para los personas como yo, que ya tenía más de 22 años de no programar!
By Carlos E d A M
•Aug 21, 2020
Um curso muito bom, recomendo para aqueles que, assim como eu tem dificuldades com programação
A very nice course, I recommend for all those who have issues at programming
By Rushikesh V J
•Aug 16, 2020
great teaching overall . simplified and easy to learn for anybody . I liked the way the teacher tries to interact with the student even if these videos are pre uploaded .
By Bruno R B d S
•Aug 5, 2020
Ensina os conceitos básicos de programação. Gostei bastante pois é bem simples, direto e didático nos assuntos abordados. Se você é iniciante é um ótimo ponto de partida.
By Ana L B d O
•Aug 3, 2020
I really enjoyed this course! It stars from the very beginning and then you are coding! Instructor Charles Russell Severance gets his point across in a clear and fun way.
By Sohit A
•Jul 7, 2020
the instructor is quite great and the lectures were pretty easy to understand and this course was quite great as it has assignments and quizzes just after the topic over.
By Aditi S
•Jun 28, 2020
This was my first programming course, I can't be more overwhelmed, that I've completed the course.. this is really helpful and totally understanding content and lectures.
•Jun 17, 2020
The course wa really helpful. It gets to me understand the basic programming approach one needs while solving a programming question. I hope to learn more with Dr. Chuck.
By Karrmanya P
•Jun 10, 2020
The perfect course you wanna get yourself enrolled into if you are new to python, or programming itself. U will literally learn from the ABC's of python. Excellent course