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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) by University of Michigan

230,760 ratings

About the Course

This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. The course has no pre-requisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics. Anyone with moderate computer experience should be able to master the materials in this course. This course will cover Chapters 1-5 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. Once a student completes this course, they will be ready to take more advanced programming courses. This course covers Python 3....
High quality instructor

(1484 Reviews)

Introductory course

(4203 Reviews)

Top reviews


Nov 12, 2016

I completed the course in about three days. I've never programmed before to the learning curve was excruciating but nonetheless I managed to get through and finally get my python feet wet so to speak.


Jun 17, 2020

i really liked the course very much, especially sir who is teaching us in a very simple manner, The best teacher I have ever seen who now the tacts for explaining the language in a very nice manner

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7751 - 7775 of 10,000 Reviews for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

By Muhammad B

Dec 28, 2024

0verall this course is best for the people with least knowledge of python. Special thanks to our instructor for giving his precious time to us.

By Yixin Z

Jun 16, 2024

As a beginner, this course gives me a wonderful adventure of python learning, and the lectures of Dr. Chuck is appealing and easily understood.

By Marco I V U

Jul 5, 2023

Its amazing. Thank you very much for this course because was a good start for people who dont know where to start in this programming universe.

By Deleted A

Jun 22, 2023

I truly enjoyed learning Python from Chuck Severance. He is clear, well-paced, a master of his domain and very much in tune with the students.

By Jordi C

Feb 1, 2023

THe teacher is so kind and explains everything so good. It's a good point to start from if you want to start diving into the programming world.

By Luis C B

Sep 1, 2022

It is a great course. I like that the explanation is easy to follow. Also, I recommend using the book too, to understand and get some more tips

By Will S

Apr 12, 2022

Great course for beginners. I learned a lot. I liked how Dr Severance designed the course from the ground up. it helped explain a lot to me.

By Jinming H

Mar 25, 2022

I think this is a perfect course for those who have no experience with Python. I loved it and will continue to take the rest of the 4 courses.

By Neil B

Mar 15, 2022

very interesting subject made even more so by the instructor, their knoweldge and teaching methods, wants to make you continue with the subject

By Umut A

Feb 10, 2022

Last assignment is hard for me but overall great course, I think assigments should be easier or the scope of the assigments should be smaller.

By Dayuse

Jan 24, 2022

The course is very well structured so that even a person with no prior knowledge can undertstand. Course teacher made everything easy to learn

By Mohamed M

Jan 19, 2022

Great pedagogy and smooth transitions between courses, I definitely think It is something amazingly helpful and I recommend everyone to try it!

By Saurabh S D

Jan 4, 2022

This course helps you to understand basics of Python. Recommended for new learners/ professionals who wants to work with Python with a fun way.

By Luis B

Nov 3, 2021

The course was excellent and very inspiring Mr. Charles Russell Severance .. Thank you very much and I will continue with the following courses

By Alamudin A S

Aug 29, 2021

I am very excited to learn programming for everybody and also i will invite all my frieds to learning with us python for everybody.

thank you !

By Edgar P A

Aug 25, 2021

vthe course is good and the instructor is very funy, the leccions in general are the best. very clear and I think is very easy lerning whit him

By M N P

Jul 21, 2021

The professor is very easy to understand and to the point. No long classes or elaborately tiresome methods. One of the best courses i attended.


May 30, 2021

I have tried a lot of courses to learn python but this is where I stopped without skipping any class. This is the best course to learn python.

By Deleted A

Apr 30, 2021

It was fun and a good way to learn about the miniscule technicalities of python. Would recommend! Teacher also seems friendly, big "Dad" energy


Apr 13, 2021

This was one of the best basic course. Thank You Dr. Chuck. This made me clear about the python basics. Hope I will do rest of 4 courses soon.❤

By Nikhil Z

Feb 16, 2021

The course is somewhat nursery for the person who wanted to learn Python in a efficient way.

I have gained confidence that I can work on Python.

By mihir j

Jan 23, 2021


By Yonnattanth F P O

Dec 27, 2020

Un curso excelente. Contiene todo lo necesario para comenzar a programar en Phython. Las explicaciones por parte del instructor son muy claras.


Nov 4, 2020

Being a civil engineer ( structural engineer) it was difficult to understand the function and other things but the course made it easy to learn

By Sampanna T

Oct 11, 2020

This course is perfect for beginners but basic knowledge about Python is always good.Overall,I enjoyed this course and learned a lot of things.