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Learner Reviews & Feedback for SQL for Data Science by University of California, Davis

16,667 ratings

About the Course

As data collection has increased exponentially, so has the need for people skilled at using and interacting with data; to be able to think critically, and provide insights to make better decisions and optimize their businesses. This is a data scientist, “part mathematician, part computer scientist, and part trend spotter” (SAS Institute, Inc.). According to Glassdoor, being a data scientist is the best job in America; with a median base salary of $110,000 and thousands of job openings at a time. The skills necessary to be a good data scientist include being able to retrieve and work with data, and to do that you need to be well versed in SQL, the standard language for communicating with database systems. This course is designed to give you a primer in the fundamentals of SQL and working with data so that you can begin analyzing it for data science purposes. You will begin to ask the right questions and come up with good answers to deliver valuable insights for your organization. This course starts with the basics and assumes you do not have any knowledge or skills in SQL. It will build on that foundation and gradually have you write both simple and complex queries to help you select data from tables. You'll start to work with different types of data like strings and numbers and discuss methods to filter and pare down your results. You will create new tables and be able to move data into them. You will learn common operators and how to combine the data. You will use case statements and concepts like data governance and profiling. You will discuss topics on data, and practice using real-world programming assignments. You will interpret the structure, meaning, and relationships in source data and use SQL as a professional to shape your data for targeted analysis purposes. Although we do not have any specific prerequisites or software requirements to take this course, a simple text editor is recommended for the final project. So what are you waiting for? This is your first step in landing a job in the best occupation in the US and soon the world!...

Top reviews


Aug 22, 2020

A comprehensive course that covers major aspects of query building and retrieval in a management system. The topics were delivered well and the materials/assignments were relevant for skill-building.


Apr 2, 2023

I loved the practices. I learned alot But I think some of them had mistakes... The online visual studio code never worked for me! It might be good to make a video that explains how to work with it.

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3901 - 3925 of 4,308 Reviews for SQL for Data Science

By Linda R P

May 23, 2021

I really enjoyed the course, I think it covers the basics pretty good, as a first time using SQL I think I got a good grasp over the topic, exercises and materials were simple and easy to follow. I personally enjoy the professionalism of the teacher, she was very sweet and funny, but at the same time during multiple videos it was really hard for me to follow on what was said because the way the teacher spoke felt very unnatural, as if it was being read for the first time as she was trying to explaining it, making it very distracting and difficult to follow along.

Overall I think it's a great introductory course to SQL!

By Yuelai J

Aug 26, 2019

As can be seen in the discussion forum, the course is not really so well designed. I found some difficulties during the process even if I have learned programming before at intermediate level. The language sometimes is confusing. The lecture examples in the last two weeks weren't helpful in understanding the concept and improve coding, though the coding test is not hard to pass. The course has improved according to the discussion but won't be so helpful if you really want to get some solid skills in SQL. I came for this course for prerequisite and I actually studied at UC Davis before, so a little disappointing.

By Andrew L

May 22, 2022

There is a lot of good information here. It is a good starting point. I felt like I learned a lot. However, it is clear the instructor is reading from a script, (not normally a problem), but often their cadence and speech pattern are off because they are reading. Also, the assessments don't always obviously align to the instruction. There are often questions that tie back to single sentence statments from the instructor. I would highly encourage any student to suppliment course material with other sources of information to ensure all of your questions are answered.

That being said, I am glad I took the course,

By Shannon M

Jun 21, 2023

The videos were pretty high level, but provided at least a foundational knowledge of a variety of topics. I think the videos could be more in-depth. The final assignment needs some help. It has some great practice opportunities; but someone needs to provide detail about what the tables contain. It took a long time and some searching on the web to find the definition of what is in the tables in order to successfully complete the assignment. All Coursera would have to do is either provide a link to that information or provide a summary themselves in order to make the assignment better.

By Suzette L

Mar 4, 2018

The lectures are fantastic but the final course project was a nightmare that was poorly worded so that you had to spend a long time trying to figure out what the questions meant before you could attempt to answer them. Also the database was restricted to 10,000 rows which meant that when trying to answer questions there were so few relevant results from queries you couldn't do much. This resulted in even more wasted time. There was no mentor help on the forum that was actually useful - other people had asked questions based on the same issues and the responses were of no help.

By Ramtin N

Jul 18, 2024

While I liked the content, the paste of teaching was fluctuating. Sometimes the instructor focused on definitions for multiple minutes which was good but then sometimes she just mentioned lots of technical stuff without a walkthrough syntax. Apart from that, there were some syntax mistakes on the video like closing a parenthesis without openning one. Last but not least, editor of the video could have done a better job, removing duplicated dialogs and better timing on cutting and assembling the video. With all that being said, I learned a lot about SQL using this course.

By Christopher S B

Apr 23, 2020

The interface, video demonstrations, and lectures are good; however, there is a lot of information; its hard to go back and review the information unless you re-watch the videos; there are no handouts or other notes you can reference. The quizzes and assignments are difficult to complete due to some errors with the quiz content. There needs to be glossary of terms that the learner can reference during the quiz. I'm only in week 3, so maybe the remaining weeks will get easier now that I've practice with SQL syntax a little bit.

By Louise P

Sep 2, 2022

The course covers a lot of worthwhile, useful material. But some of the lectures are poorly written. Be prepared for what the instructor says to not always make sense, or in some cases to be wrong.

The final assignment is more involved than the course materials indicate. Also, one of the questions in the final assignment is ambiguous and needs rewording. Of the five answer sets I saw, mine and the four I graded, two made a reasonable but wrong interpretation of the question.

This was a useful review of the material for me.

By Anne N N T A

Jul 5, 2020

The course content overall is very good, with assignments being appropriately challenging and thus facilitating learning better than some other introductory Coursera courses. That said, the final assignment in Week 4 is an overkill, and the estimated duration needed of 2 hours is a severe underestimation, especially taking into account the fact that it is also peer-reviewed, requiring not 1 but 3 reviews. If you are taking this course with a deadline in mind, do leave plenty of time for the peer-reviews to come in.

By Eric B

Feb 6, 2018

This course has great potential, but as of February 2018, it is still not fully fledged out: the lectures focus on general SQL examples with data science mostly in the background. The part that I found the most relevant with regards to data science was the final peer-reviewed project. Sadly, the studied data set was badly truncated to an arbitrary size of 10,000 records in each table, without taking into account relationships between records, which made most attempts at any kind of analysis dubious.

By bmetric L

Sep 2, 2022

Would have been nice with more use-cases for some of the aspect of writing queries. For instance, use-cases and examples for using different types of join, using case with text, numbers, dates, etc., more examples of subqueries, and so on.

The written assignment is worded pretty porly in some sections making it difficult to understand the aim of the question. Further, doesn't seem like instructor clarifies these issues with many posts in the discussion forum being left unanswered for years.

By Andres G R

Jul 12, 2023

Mostly good content to get started with SQL but it very heavily leans towards theory, some weeks have no examples in the video lessons, or the code shown is not even run to show the results. The learning objectives in the videos last almost as much as the actual content of the course. Practical quizzes are not entirely related to the lessons and often cover subjects that weren't instructed. No feedback is given on these quizzes so they are not helpful if you didn't get it right.

By Jack G

Dec 13, 2019

There were times that I felt like I didn't understand the material enough and the examples were sometimes lacking. Also the final assignment was really poorly worded so it could be difficult at times to understand what the questions were asking for. but overall. it was helpful. If you don't know a thing about coding I would advise that you look somewhere else, since this class expects you to know the basics about coding. However if you are familiar with coding it is passable

By Vitor A M R

Sep 4, 2020

The content of the course was good. Sometimes I got lost during the explanations, because the professor did not point to the board to help us follow what she is talking about.

The assignments also were interesting and helped us understand the theory. However, sometimes the exercises were not clearly written. I also found that there is little support in the Forums, giving the impression this is an abandoned course, which is a disrespect for those who paid for the course.

By Marcelo G

Oct 21, 2022

I think this was a good course but it is not enough on it's own. I suggest doing your own reasearch and seperate studies on SQL to get a good grasp on the topic. I would much rather the videos not focus so much on the speaker but instead showed more visuals and better examples. Also the videos do drag on and repeate the same points couple of times. This is a good starting point for a begginer but I do not reccommend for anybody else who has more experience with SQL.


Aug 30, 2021

The initial classes were really good. But from Week 3 onwards, it was getting a little complex. And in the course while showing the examples, the lecture does not show the output because of which everything was bouncing off my head. Similar thing happened in Week 4 classes for a few cases. For a beginner who has not experience SQL at all these issues will badly effect their progress and will leave them clueless making them to think for a different choice of course.

By Cal T

Apr 7, 2020

The exercises were extremely helpful to practise the concepts but I struggle to follow the video tutorials. While it was useful to have the coding / working displayed on the screen, I wanted to also see the output so I know what it will look like. The Peer Review assessment was also hard to work on as some of the questions were not worded clearly. Otherwise, I do think this course met expectations and I have a much better understanding of what SQL can do now!

By Ethan B

Aug 27, 2022

This course could be formatted better. I think that watching 45 minutes of sql content with no opportunity to practice until the end is not condusive to knowledge retention. A learn by doing approach could be implemented so that learners practice queries as they watch the video and learn new syntax. The content in this course will be applicable to the real world and lays a good foundation for more learning in the data analysis space.

By Craig S M

Sep 21, 2021

This is an introductory course for SQL. While the course does cover basic topics at times this feels very shallow and fast. There is a massive gap between the quality of the tutorials and the difficulty of the graded quizzes. I had to resort to hours of study outside of coursera using different resources to help me complete assignments. I would not recommend this course. There are far more thorough and free courses on youtube.

By Laura S H

Apr 29, 2020

The videos were nice and easy to follow, and the quizzes were good too. The first part of the final assignment was fine, but the second part was very confusing and difficult to understand, so completing the course became quite difficult. Also, it seems like there was very little help to get through the forum for the final assignment, which just made it more difficult. Would give 3.5 stars, but I can't give half stars.

By Anshul G

May 15, 2021

The instructor was good but could have simplified the queries and then have taught it to us.

I joined a SQL course on another portal to brush up some concepts and then came back to this course as the instructor and the pdfs weren't exactly clear. Overall, the courses were good and a little pre knowledge is required for this course. A person who doesn't know anything about SQL can't have an easy path with this course.

By Francisco R

Oct 1, 2019

This is a mostly a course intended to review, that's to say, you need to have prior knowledge of SQL if you want to make the most out of it. If you're just a beginner, I wouldn't recommend it though, there are a lot of things that remain unspoken and are important. Readings are okay, but in my humble opinion they fall short to what SQL world can really offer. This, I consider it mainly a sneak-peak.

By Kiran G

May 27, 2021

It is a good course but could be better. beginners find it hard to understand what Mrs. Sadie actually means as some lectures are missing examples to better understand. I found the prompt reading by the teacher a bit flustered too which made it difficult for me to grasp what she wants to convey. I don't mean to be rude that was my personal experience. the first 2 weeks are fine though. Thank You.

By Cristian F D C

Dec 8, 2020

It's a nice start for beginers, the videos and the quiz between courses are good.

But, maybe you should be more responsable with the final exam, it was not so clear considering english it's not the natural language of us and not always its the same to translate and to interpretate. By the way, the database used in the last exam requieres a check, and please, enable "INSTR" function in SQL fields.

By Justin B

Sep 29, 2022

I think there were some explanations which were confusing but I did learn a lot. I wish the course utilized the sandbox for questions. While starting out using the encoded SQL text boxes on the quizes was very easy, going into the sandbox I think would replicate a more typical environment. I understand simple structure of SQL, but I have no idea how to use it outside of this course.