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Learner Reviews & Feedback for SQL for Data Science by University of California, Davis

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About the Course

As data collection has increased exponentially, so has the need for people skilled at using and interacting with data; to be able to think critically, and provide insights to make better decisions and optimize their businesses. This is a data scientist, “part mathematician, part computer scientist, and part trend spotter” (SAS Institute, Inc.). According to Glassdoor, being a data scientist is the best job in America; with a median base salary of $110,000 and thousands of job openings at a time. The skills necessary to be a good data scientist include being able to retrieve and work with data, and to do that you need to be well versed in SQL, the standard language for communicating with database systems. This course is designed to give you a primer in the fundamentals of SQL and working with data so that you can begin analyzing it for data science purposes. You will begin to ask the right questions and come up with good answers to deliver valuable insights for your organization. This course starts with the basics and assumes you do not have any knowledge or skills in SQL. It will build on that foundation and gradually have you write both simple and complex queries to help you select data from tables. You'll start to work with different types of data like strings and numbers and discuss methods to filter and pare down your results. You will create new tables and be able to move data into them. You will learn common operators and how to combine the data. You will use case statements and concepts like data governance and profiling. You will discuss topics on data, and practice using real-world programming assignments. You will interpret the structure, meaning, and relationships in source data and use SQL as a professional to shape your data for targeted analysis purposes. Although we do not have any specific prerequisites or software requirements to take this course, a simple text editor is recommended for the final project. So what are you waiting for? This is your first step in landing a job in the best occupation in the US and soon the world!...

Top reviews


Aug 22, 2020

A comprehensive course that covers major aspects of query building and retrieval in a management system. The topics were delivered well and the materials/assignments were relevant for skill-building.


Apr 2, 2023

I loved the practices. I learned alot But I think some of them had mistakes... The online visual studio code never worked for me! It might be good to make a video that explains how to work with it.

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3926 - 3950 of 4,308 Reviews for SQL for Data Science

By Alexander S

Aug 10, 2020

Good overview, and you will learn soemthing for sure. Some course notes would greatly help. Also, sometimes in the videos it could help if a cursor would highlight on which part of the slides we are currently talking about and the SQL code in theslides should always go woth the output, so that a beginner can easily grasp what is going on. Some mindor mistakes in the assignments also.

By Hanbo W

Mar 12, 2022

It did a good job of explaining stuff, but it is just hard to connect the actual coding with the concepts since it did not provide following up coding practice to allow the student to practice them. Instead, this course introduced a whole bunch of new concepts and you only got to practice the coding at the end of the course, it is just confusing and frustrating to follow through.

By Nikolai A

Jan 4, 2018

Only reason I did not give this class 5 stars is because the final project is horribly organized and very difficult to through - it doesn't test your ability to use SQL or solve data science problems, but your ability to figure out what the instructor wants.

Besides that, the lectures are great and engaging (and short, so you can't get burned out), and SQL is very fun to use!

By Shuang X

Mar 28, 2022

The basic concepts and ways of use were detailed explained. The code editing tool (Notepad++) recommended by the instructor, however, is not China/Chinese friendly. I would not use that tool at least, no matter how good it claims to be, as there are bunch of other ones as good as it is. Please be politically neutral as an education inistution, both for Coursera and UC Davis.

By Marc G

Mar 27, 2018

A reasonably good course but not of the calibre that I've come to expect from Coursera. Assignments were poorly worded and clearly not thought out properly. The mentors also appeared inadequately prepared and were largely unhelpful. I think with a little effort the course could be tidied up and meet the standards I have experienced in the other Coursera courses I have done.

By Yesra I

Mar 3, 2021

The peer guidance review is not required as this is a beginners course and its makes it a very dependable course on someone to review it

also i personally felt the examples thought during classes where simpler and what was asked in coding paper were challenging, making us go everywhere to check and confirm the coding . It could at times become taxing rather than fun learning

By Sebastian V

Nov 8, 2021

Die Abschlussprüfung ist missverständlich aufgebaut und steht in keinem Verhältnis zu den Übungen davor. Ebenso ist auch die Themeneinführung manchmal sehr holprig. Einzelne Befehle werden nur für wenige Sekunden gestriffen, andere Befehle werden sehr ausführlich ausgekaut. Die Übungen am Ende der Woche könnten hier besser ausgestaltet werden. Diese waren sehr einseitig.

By Cathy W

Mar 11, 2020

Course was a good introduction to SQL and its application to Data Science. There were some more complex concepts such as joins that I thought should have been explained and more examples provided in the course as it was assumed that someone had a good understanding of these concepts for the quizzes and final project when they were only lightly touched upon in the course.

By Warren Y B

Feb 28, 2024

Si bien es cierto la materia del curso es buena, los videos se vuelven aburridos ya que solo esta una persona ahi hablando y hablando, no se hacen practicas durante los videos o mostrar ejemplos auque sea. A mi se me dificultó mucho aprender porque no me quedaba claro y sin practicar es muy dificil. Al momento de hacer las pruebas tenía que venir de 0 sin practica.

By Dominik G

Apr 30, 2024

Very well structured, BUT the final project is not correctly done. The answers they expect are not the correct ones due to mistakes in the dataset. It also tests very simple things and does not really reflect what one should've learned in the course. If the final project were better I would give 5 stars as a good introduction to SQL

By José R

Jan 24, 2019

Good introduction/refreshment course. I think it needs some updates, though. There are some errors in the slides and in the quizzes (even pointed out in the forums) that should be fixed. Some assignments could be improved too, some questions are not very clear.

Minor issues apart, I enjoyed taking the course and would take it again.

By Diego O H

Nov 7, 2019

The quality of the course decreased after Week 1. I understand what you put in is what you get out, but the course didn't offer any additional practice for the extra resources they provided. Also, the lectures were terrible as the instructor hardly showed any of the code's output, which means I had no idea if it was correct or not.

By Jason K

May 22, 2019

It was a great course and I've definitely improved my SQL skills, however there were a few things that could be improved. Practice questions and quizzes should be placed throughout the course material, not at the end just before the final quiz. Secondly, the content itself could be explained in better ways. Not always very clear.

By Ege K C

Feb 8, 2018

I carried some advanced skills from Excel that helped me understand the subject better. I like non-scripted more natural story-telling like courses better. Otherwise I prefer more advanced tricks for programming. Overall, it was a simple to understand and start programming kind of course. Oriented for beginners, no prerequisites

By Michael B

Apr 26, 2022

This course was very informative and ultimately taught me a ton. That said, I would have liked there being more exercises surrounding the individual lectures as opposed to being at the end of each week. I found that I needed to pair this course with other resources like W3 and Mode to really lock down SQL functions.

By Adam J

Dec 6, 2020

Some of the video lessons did not cover the material that well, or were pretty difficult to understand without context. Most of them were fine, but I had to do a lot of research myself outside of Coursera in order to answer some of the quiz questions. Maybe this was the point however...... still frustrating at times.

By Arthur I A

Nov 27, 2019

This course is bad structured - the rule from simple to complex is not respected. Focuses more on theoretical knowledge. Only suitable for beginners to familiarize themselves with SQL.

I recommend read the book: "Beginning SQL Server 2005 Programming" (by Robert Vieira) - it best for your starting in the SQL "world".

By Esteban C

Jul 7, 2023

The course in General was good, but i found the way to give you the knowledge wasn't the proper way. It was very complicated to ask for help in some exercises or to see some programs. In my perspective I found SQLITE a waste of time, not really straightforward, confusing to operate, not my choice to process data.

By Orzumand K

Feb 14, 2020

The course is very good for beginners but you need to do your own homework. No actual coding was practiced in this course so I had to learn it on my own. Also, got very confused with understanding RDBMS and differences between SQL/SQL lite and etc. Overall, course was informative and helpful in learning SQL.

By Thiago G

May 25, 2020

Targeted to business people - explanations might feel unsatisfactory if you're more of a programmer. Final assignment took me a lot longer than expected as it required solving problems for which the course have not prepared me - the optimists will say that's a little of a real life learning experience.

By Sagar G S

Jul 11, 2020

It was good content but I wish after each concept or syntax, there was a sandbox example in-between videos cause it will help understand better and in terms of syntaxes not tested in the final review, we might have forgotten. Also, the peer-reviewed assignment was a bit much for my learning objective.

By Gunjan S T

Jun 6, 2020

I feel the knowledge shared in the course was not extensive and also the lessons could have been more practical. Since I have already had hands on on the SQL DB's before, it was less of a challenge for me but overall content and the topics covered were good. Only if it could be more elaborate.

By Sing Y L

Jul 9, 2020

This course is OK. But the problem is mentor seldom answers your question in the forum, so once you encountered any problem, it's hard to continue. Also, the elaboration in the lessons can be improved with the aid of the output table, since only showing the code is inadequate for beginners.

By Hueseyin C

Feb 28, 2024

Good: - coding assignments were good and lab sandbox/dataset lookup tool was useful Bad: - the learning material is a bit generic - given the course material, the final peer review assignment was too ambitious. I ended up resetting my deadline many times to finish the assignment.

By Shihabun S

Oct 20, 2020

Assignments and practice quizzes are great. Lecture videos should include ER diagrams because without them learners need to imagine the tables and application of each topic discussed. Also lecture videos should include more examples of each SQL function for better understanding.