Aug 19, 2023
A great dive into things that were only in my periphery and now I have a broader understanding of certain technology and ideas and how I might pursue and look into them further. Great beginner course.
Aug 18, 2020
I strongly recommend this certificate to anyone trying to go into the information technology field, very informative. thanks google and coursera for making this available at such a comfortable price.
By Stephanie W
•Apr 23, 2021
I liked this course and enjoyed the overview of all the different aspects that IT support encompasses. I look forward to the next course.
By Jande B
•Apr 22, 2021
Very Informative and helpful for non IT colleagues. I recommend this course for everyone interested to take up Google IT Support courses.
•Apr 17, 2021
The course was a real eye opener into the world of IT Support. It's given me a foundation to build on to become an IT Support specialist.
By Justin C E
•Apr 13, 2021
This course was a great introduction to IT and was actually very well-paced and setup with quick pop quizzes to reinforce learning topics
By Omkar U
•Apr 3, 2021
Very good course. I have learnt lot of information about Internet, operating systems, Networking concepts and troubleshooting techniques.
By Hrithikkumar P
•Mar 18, 2021
Amazing program, hope they can Add up more detailed technology Content so that freshers can Catch up as easily as its described, perfect.
By Sandra G
•Mar 15, 2021
Excelente curso, muito didático, que permite que qualquer pessoa que não seja da área de informática acompanhe o curso com tranquilidade.
By jimmy f
•Feb 11, 2021
Really great course for IT support fundamentals I look forward to using this in my first of many IT certifications. Next one is Comp TIA.
By Pankaj J
•Feb 10, 2021
This course is one of the most organized course on Coursera. Its a fundamental course. Next courses in this certificate will be exciting.
•Jan 4, 2021
Experiencia interactiva, moderna, que te anima a continuar aprendiendo, dándote seguridad para ser capaz de hacer un buen soporte técnico
•Nov 14, 2020
This course is well organized and taught by experienced teachers using combinations of the best teaching methods for any kind of learner.
By Anderson J
•Nov 13, 2020
Es un buen curso para iniciar con el soporte de TI, te brinda las nociones básicas para empezar en este fascinante mundo de la tecnología
•Nov 3, 2020
The Arabic language is not found in all the videos..I hope that in the next session the Arabic language will be present in all the videos
By Matheus P
•Oct 24, 2020
Simplesmente incrível, o curso me proporcionou uma base muito estável sobre diversos conteúdos abordados no dia a dia de um técnico em TI
By Cherril B
•Aug 27, 2020
This is a really great starting point for people who are interested in understanding what part of the IT industry they may wan to pursue.
By kenny g
•Aug 8, 2020
Very informative and accessible. My only issue was with the Qwiklab accessibility but besides this, this course was a great introduction.
By Luis G
•Aug 3, 2020
Excelente curso de entrada, permite apreciar a qué se está ingresando y por ende deja decidir si es lo que uno quiere hacer en el futuro.
By Aditya L
•Jul 17, 2020
It was awesome. I learned a lot of new things in this course. This course has helped me a lot in learning about troubleshooting problems.
By Camille U
•Jul 15, 2020
The online class was a great experience. I learned a lot that I thought I would never understand. I am happy to have given it a chance!
By Brian D
•May 29, 2020
The course seemed mundane at first, then the interesting things were talked about like Networking, and the internet, and troubleshooting.
By Hemanth G C
•May 22, 2020
First of all, I'd like to say that this course is amazing. I'd like to thank each and every teacher who explained to me all this content.
By Samira S
•May 19, 2020
amazing work from google team and this course not only it helps us understand the fundamentals but makes us learn more in the field of IT
By v v
•May 19, 2020
It is really excellent to complete this course , i feel i have little bit upgraded my self . Thanks to all the instructor and coursera .
By Luis S B T
•May 8, 2020
Me gustó bastante este curso. Aprendí unos cuantos conceptos y refresqué otros que ya tenia. Gracias. Espero seguir con los demás cursos.
•May 6, 2020
Excellent I learned a lot about computers and I was completely ignorant of this field.
Thank you, Coursera, and the Syrian Youth Assembly