Oct 7, 2021
This course is really a great start to learn Korean language. It taught me Hangul, particles used, vocabularies and how sentences are made. Thank you to Professor Seung Hae Kang and Yonsei University.
Jun 27, 2021
This course is very very good to us especially for the students of Myanmar during Military Coup. We all must do self study because the government can't control the situation. So thank you very much.
By Mirza M U R
•Jun 28, 2022
Excelente aprendí mucho y me siento más animada a continuar aprendiendo Coreano, sería genial si se tuviese cursos de nivel intermedio.
By Geanina D
•Mar 18, 2022
Me encanto , todo es mu practica y facil de enteder. Debo decir que realmente he podido aprender coreano con este curso. Muchas gracias
By Paulina O
•Oct 4, 2021
Ideal para iniciar con el idioma coreano, completamente entendible, ayuda mucho a la fluidez y formar una base para seguir aprendiendo.
By Meliana T G
•Sep 12, 2021
i am happy to learn from this course now i can reading, listening, speaking, and can make the sentences with korean. thank you coursera
By Princess M G A G
•Sep 5, 2021
Considero que es un curso "begginer friendly" y más aún si ya has estado en contacto con el idioma a través de la música o alguna sere.
By R. A D
•Aug 9, 2021
this online course help me so much for studying entry level of korean language, knowing the hangeul and how to speak as korean people.
•Aug 7, 2021
Este curso es excelente para conocer lo básico, lastima que no tengan las letras de mi nombre jajajaja pero agradezco la oportunidad <3
By Kacper
•Jul 26, 2021
Very nice course helped me with complex grammar and vocabulary.I use other fast learning apps and this was to check my skills. 매우 감사합니다
By Varuni S
•May 30, 2021
I'm so glad that I chose this course, I learnt a lot like basic and how to pronounce the words and talking about daily life. Thank you.
By Lauren H
•Apr 22, 2021
This course got me so much farther in the learning process than learning by myself, and the classes were well-paced and easy to follow.
By Carolina A
•Mar 2, 2021
Excelente curso que ofrece La Universidad de Jonsei, para incrementar las habilidades ya sea por requerimientos laborales o personales.
By Maximino O A
•Dec 21, 2020
Es un excelente curso. La explicación de la profesora es clara y fácil de comprender. Aprendí mucho y el curso supero mis expectativas.
By Hemawansha P k D S
•Dec 15, 2020
A good start where all can try to discover Korean language. Nicely arranged program with adequate learning aids as well. Thanks to all!
By Juliana Z
•Dec 1, 2020
Excellent course. I learned a lot. Every lesson was full of new knowledge about the Korean language and it was very easy to understand.
By Ana A
•Nov 16, 2020
I learned so much from this course. i noticed that when i watch K drama or listen to music i can understand the context so much better.
By 호이조이
•Oct 25, 2020
Clear instruction. Simple and easy to follow modules. A great learning experience. Please add more levels for Korean language learning.
By Edelyn J S L
•Oct 25, 2020
Excellent teaching! I learned a lot in hangul and I am very excited to learn more. More power to Professor Seung Hae Kang! Thank you :)
By Zain
•Sep 29, 2020
Thank you very much for Coursera and Ms. Seung Hae Kang, I am here to learn a lot about Korean, I'm happy to know and understand Korean
By Verónica G L P
•Aug 31, 2020
Excelente curso, aprendí bastante a pesar de no tener conocimiento alguno del idioma, un muy buen curso para introducirte en el coreano
By Shrawani D
•Aug 22, 2020
I really loved to learn the korean language lessons from miss Kang. I learned all the basic words and their pronunciations very easily.
By Payel M
•Aug 17, 2020
Really very helpful and beginner friendly. I am always searching for such type of course finally I got it and also completed it. 감사합니다.
By ayesha
•Jul 31, 2020
Course Outline was great and the instructor's approaches helped much to understand Korean easily. Loved her teaching method. Thank You.
By Rosangela S F
•Jul 29, 2020
Realmente muy bueno, aprendí muchísimo, cosas que jamás pensé.
Le agradezco mucho a la maestra explica muy bien y es paciente al enseñar
By Nurul R A M
•Jul 16, 2020
Very informative & useful for beginners. I enjoyed it a lot! Would recommend this course to anyone who wants to start learning Korean:)
By Arya K
•Jun 22, 2020
its an awesome site to learn things...i recommend this to everyone who is looking for a site to explore and learn ...kamsahamnida....;)