Oct 7, 2021
This course is really a great start to learn Korean language. It taught me Hangul, particles used, vocabularies and how sentences are made. Thank you to Professor Seung Hae Kang and Yonsei University.
Jun 27, 2021
This course is very very good to us especially for the students of Myanmar during Military Coup. We all must do self study because the government can't control the situation. So thank you very much.
•Dec 29, 2020
Very helpfull course if you are starting to learn the Korean language! The teacher is very good! Thank you for the lesssons privided!
By Mahdiya
•Dec 5, 2020
This course made my Korean a lot more fluent and now I can understand a lot of different conversations. I really enjoyed this course!
By Heidi Z N
•Nov 21, 2020
Really interesting course, very friendly the materials and the videos were so helpful. I would like to learn more about this languge.
•Oct 24, 2020
me diverti mucho aprendiendo de este idioma muy curioso, valio la pena star en este curso, me encnta estoy muy agradecida con ustedes
By Guadalupe J O G
•Sep 11, 2020
Me gusto mucho, la profesora Kang explica muy bien, y aunque no esta subtitulado 100% al español es posible entenderlo con el ingles.
By Patty H
•Sep 5, 2020
Disfrute mucho del curso, aprendí mucho y muy rápido. Los videos se dan a entender muy bien además de la explicación de la profesora.
By Lily M V S
•Jul 14, 2020
Es un curso bastante completo. Muchas gracias a la Universidad de Yonsei por brindar este excelente curso para principiantes como yo.
By Nina F
•Jul 4, 2020
It was quite hard for me to find the time for this course, but even if it took me longer than expected, it was very much worth it! :)
By Dhania D P
•May 17, 2020
Studying this course makes me want to apply it in real life conversation... so i have to go to Korea!!... thank you Yonsei University
By Aharah J A
•May 15, 2020
Very useful tool to learn and the instructors' good in explaining the modules and the questions being asked in the forums. Thank you!
By Andrés E R S
•Dec 27, 2018
Muy muy bueno muchas gracias por todo!!! Avísame cuando cae intermedio o siguiente nivel por favor Saludos de Mérida, Yucatán. México
By Alisha S
•Feb 7, 2024
감사합니다 선생님이 저는 한국어 읽어요 thank you ma'am this course is really helpful for me and now I am able to read write and speak Korean language
By 김민채
•Aug 16, 2022
이 과정 덕분에 나는 한국어에 대해 조금 더 알 수 있습니다. 우리처럼 한국어를 배우고자 하는 학생들에게 지식을 전하기 위해 항상 애써주신 연세대학교와 선생님들, 그리고 스태프들에게 깊은 감사를 드립니다. 매우 감사합니다. 사랑해요 <3
By Emilio P
•Jun 25, 2022
A great introduction to the language of Korea. Easy to understand, and it really is a great way to learn the basics of the language.
•Mar 17, 2022
this course is helful for every beginner . you get to learn vocabulary, grammer and sentence making for begining of a conversation.
By Galuh A Y
•Feb 13, 2022
waw, im sooo excited can join this course. make me happy and of courseee my knowledge about how to speak korean increase. thank uuuu
By Ayshilla O d S
•Jan 18, 2022
Th is a really amazing course! It has a different way to explain the language, and makes us improve a lot... I am happy a satisfied!
By angeli r p
•Nov 5, 2021
You'll learn the basics! This is an effective learning course. The instructor sounded so kind and she explained the modules clearly.
By Dalia B
•Sep 19, 2021
i recommend this course 100%. If you have the basic hangul knowledge this course will be easier. But in general i loved this course.
By Samantha P U
•Jun 28, 2021
I love it!! I felt that the journey was easy, it takes you step by step, it keeps repeating important information. I'm satisfied :)
By SumanaSree G | A
•Jun 20, 2021
i came here to learn korean language for a purpose . this course learnt me soo better than any one else thank you for supporting us.
By Julanee L
•May 26, 2021
really good for beginner! it suits for those who interest about Korean language. Easy to understand. Exam not too hard to accomplish
By Karmel A
•Apr 18, 2021
Very helpful and easy to follow. Learned a lot of vocabulary and as well as basic conversation. It was a fun and easy to learn class
By Paulina L
•Mar 16, 2021
Coursera me ayudo a poder entender y poner en practica un idioma muy difcil y que ame gracias a las explicaciones de los profesores.
By Karen D
•Feb 1, 2021
Loved this course. I can read Korean easily but I need to practice more to speak more fluently. This was very helpful. Thank You!