Oct 7, 2021
This course is really a great start to learn Korean language. It taught me Hangul, particles used, vocabularies and how sentences are made. Thank you to Professor Seung Hae Kang and Yonsei University.
Jun 27, 2021
This course is very very good to us especially for the students of Myanmar during Military Coup. We all must do self study because the government can't control the situation. So thank you very much.
•May 25, 2020
It's great course that teaching basic Korean. I like it very much. Thank you for the teacher and the one who made this course. ^_^
By Aretha
•May 22, 2020
I enjoyed this course a lot! The materials' explanation is simple, clear, and easy to understand. The videos are also interactive.
By Isabela D
•Mar 15, 2019
This is an excellent course to learn Korean from scratch, with a very good method of tracking and learning. I recommend it a lot!!
By Carles M
•Apr 10, 2017
Amazing, easy, responsive and very accurate.
I would like more optional exercises or sources to practices and continue learning it.
By Swati A
•Dec 7, 2016
It was a great course and helps in understanding the basic concepts very well. Waiting for next session of the course. 선생님, 감사합니다!
By Maha O
•Apr 20, 2016
The course is very useful i like it so much and i had no problem to understand any of the lecturers i find it very good and useful
By Temptress L
•Feb 1, 2025
A well detailed lecture for beginners. I am glad to benefit freely from this program. Abig gamsahabnida to sonsennim and the team
By Jing W
•Dec 27, 2023
This is a great course for those who already know the Korean alphabet. The content is useful for those who will visit Korea soon.
By Indana Z
•Oct 30, 2023
thank you so much for your course. The course give me more knowledge about Korean language. thank you so much. have a nice day :)
By Joselyn M G
•Jan 30, 2023
This course helped me a lot to understand Korean and to know the daily expressions and it made me want to continue learning more.
By Kirti S
•Nov 15, 2022
I am Kiirti Sen from INDIA. And it quite nice to have knowledge of other language in my opinion. I found this course very useful.
By Nafit D N
•Aug 9, 2022
Hai, kursus ini sangat berguna untuk saya sebagai pemula. saya dapat mengenal alphabet korea dengan baik. terima kasih banyak ya.
By Esther D R R
•Jun 27, 2022
I love this course! It helped me for better understanding of the Korean language. The teacher Seung Hae Kang is very qualified.
By Michel L V
•May 1, 2022
j'ai beaucoup apprécié ce cours, j'ai maintenant une base de travail pour m'améliorer en vu de mon sejour en Corée du sud en 2024
By Novia S
•Sep 8, 2021
thankyou so much for coursera especially for 강승해 교수님 for let me enjoy this course and get another experience for learning korean.
By Constanza L
•Aug 23, 2021
Muy completo, la manera de enseñar es entendible y entretenida, buenos tips y buenos pdf para repasar las unidades. Recomendado!!
By desy p
•Aug 8, 2021
I like the course. it can help me to learn korean alphabet. nice teacher. and i got so many things in this learning. thank you ^^
•Jun 28, 2021
Realmente me encantó, la profesora explica muy bien y los temas son fundamentales para aprender desde el inicio. ¡Muchas gracias!
By win p p p
•Jun 25, 2021
This course is my first in Coursera.I love to watch K drama,so My korea language is not bad and this course help me to be better.
By Kelly F
•May 19, 2021
Thank you so much Yonsei University and Professor Seung Hae Kang . I've learn some of Korean language and promise to practice
By Violeta M
•Mar 29, 2021
Super me gustó mucho, aunque no se inglés pero como pude traducía las conversaciones que no tienen traducción al español. Gracias
•Feb 27, 2021
Muy bueno, yo lo hice habilitando los subtitulos al Español, a veces no aparecían pero en resumen comprendí todo. Muchas Gracias.
By Sammy C
•Feb 17, 2021
It's a very complete course that taught me all the basics of the Korean language and gave me the confidence to continue learning.
By Cy C
•Feb 17, 2021
It's good for first timers. I am able to read and converse with others - although my pronounciations needed extra work and study.
By Victoria C
•Jan 26, 2021
incredibly educational and really aided my learning into the language - I hope one day there may be a next step from this course!