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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

91,607 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information. We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you ideas for turbocharging successful learning, including counter-intuitive test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem sets. If you’re struggling, you’ll see a structured treasure trove of practical techniques that walk you through what you need to do to get on track. If you’ve ever wanted to become better at anything, this course will help serve as your guide. This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or prior to, its companion course, Mindshift. (Learning How to Learn is more learning-focused, and Mindshift is more career-focused.) A related course by the same instructors is Uncommon Sense Teaching. To join the fully translated Portuguese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Spanish version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Chinese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated French version of the course, visit :

Top reviews


Sep 7, 2015

I am a more effective learner as a result of this course. It has also, surprisingly, increased my enjoyment while learning. Thanks to Barbara and Terry for a well presented and informative production.


Oct 7, 2015

Excellent course that really helped me focus on efficient study skills and pass these on to my school students. Thoroughly enjoyed the course content and the way in which is was structured.Thank you.

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5926 - 5950 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

By Fion W

Dec 3, 2015

I do like this course very much! It tells me more about how I can learn more efficient, based on the scientific research results. The references of this course are really very helpful.

By Geoffrey

Dec 2, 2015

I wish I was exposed to this kind of information in my first year of university. Nonetheless, it's definitely still relevant.

Many thanks to all those involved in preparing this course.

By Susan V

Sep 5, 2015

Great course. I put some of the tips to work and it helped me to not follow through with some learning goals but also to feel free from the burden of constantly feeling behind my work.

By Michele P

Dec 27, 2024

An incredibly useful and interesting course .I can take with me the new learnings to make future learning easier and more enjoyable. It is an absolute gift! Thank you so very much:)

By Alicia V O

Jun 10, 2022

It was everything that I hoped, I took my time to completed but honestly it was inspiring. I learned a lot about techniques for start over my studies... And in the end was really fun.

By Zain N

May 30, 2022

It was a deep dive into the workings of the mind. I have learned quite a lot. I would like to thank both the professors Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski for putting this out.

By Liz

Sep 24, 2021

I have learnt of productive learning ways which make me wish I had known this way back in high school and university studies. It's never too late though, I am a different learner now.

By Matt H

Jan 26, 2021

Lots of great learning tools. Helpful to take this course prior to other studies to develop effective learning techniques and habits and have an opportunity to put them into practice.

By Wanda H

Nov 6, 2020

Excellent! I'm looking forward to putting into practice the techniques learned here. And practicing unlearning erroneous ideas I had about studying. Great course, highly recommend it.

By Nagendranath Y R

Sep 30, 2020

This course helps everyone who wants to learn something new in life. After learning how to learn I feel more confident about myself and know how to tackle my brain to reach my target.

By Miriam S R

Sep 15, 2020

The teachers (Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sjenowski) explain everything in a very simple way, that everyone can understand. I learned a lot in this course, thank you very much!! God bless you!

By Orsolya T

Aug 26, 2020

This course was really useful and helpful for me. I enjoyed the videos and the tests. I can you use what I learnt here during my exams at the university. Thanks for this great course!

By Diane M

Aug 23, 2020

Dr. Oakley's delight in sharing the Learning to Learn course material

was inspiring.

I learned much in the course from both instructors.

Want a L2L part 2!

Merci beaucoup/ thank-you both.

By Hossam A

Aug 23, 2020

this really is a good foundation for starting your learning path at any field you want it will help you focus on what matter in learning and what not , i highly recommend this course.

By michelle c p j

Aug 21, 2020

I loved this course, especially the Pomodoro Technique, and the other tools on how to learn better like start with the hard stuff vs the easy stuff, how to memorize difficult matters.

By Wilson G C G

Aug 12, 2020

Wonderful Course, actually you can improve your vision in the process of learning and identify different pedagogical tools in your studies. Thank you so much for this course Coursera.

By Narueparn S

Aug 11, 2020

In this course, you will get tips that will help you learn better, have fun, be more efficient. Learn and understand how your brain affects your study behavior and how to deal with it

By Jitesh J

Aug 9, 2020

A wonderful course which teaches us some of the most relevant techniques to be a better learner. It teaches us a lot about how our brain actually functions and tricks in so many ways.


Jul 27, 2020

Amazing course , very soothing and easy flowing . The mentors are extremely sweet and loving.

A must go for course . special love for both Mentors Barb Oakley and Terrence Sejnowski.

By Ailyn G

Jul 22, 2020

The knowledge acquired in this course will be for me for life. I feel more adequate to start my masters degree now! Thank you everybody who is part of this amazing team. Keep it up!!!

By Volkov A

Jul 20, 2020

Это был просто офигенный курс, очень много именно КАЧЕСТВЕННОГО материала. Технику Pomodoro использую до сих пор, именно этот курс помог мне сдать сессию всего лишь с 2-мя четверками.

By Antonio P

May 24, 2020

Totally worth the time you spent following this course. Really liked it. Prof. Oakley and Prof. Synosky made a good job with all the team of LHTL. Thank you for sharing your knowledge

By Adolfo R

May 18, 2020

Este curso me ayudo a comprender como funciona nuestro cerebro, que lo activa y motiva, mediante esto, entender como lo podemos aplicar más eficazmente para aprender.

¡Excelente curso!

By Sourav D

May 10, 2020

Very useful course for me. Many of the methods discussed here, i used to do but without knowing about it. Hopefully, now onward I shall be able tackle procrastination in a better way.

By Eric M

Apr 29, 2020

I really enjoyed this course. It's a great refresher for someone who's been out of school for a long time and I'm looking forward to applying the lessons here to other online courses.