May 4, 2020
Still a great refresher to me and listed in a comprehensive manner which I am thankful for even though I knew some or even a lot of these fundamentals already in a distant and previous life of mine...
Apr 17, 2021
This was a great experience learning skills from different fields and from industry experts gives so much of satisfaction and knowledge which would be very helpful in Life.Thankyou google and coursera
By Realkuy A B A
•Feb 4, 2023
That was an excellent opportunity to learn in my own space. I love it; that's an eye-opener and booster to the next step in the IT career path, thank you instructors for putting up together these may God bless you all.
Daniel R. Awad Barnaba Akec
By Florence A
•Aug 22, 2022
I was told by Google anyone could complete this course, even if you had no experince. well, they were correct Im proud to say I had no experince and I have completed the first course in IT Tech. Im looking forward to starting the advance course.
By Nick T
•Jun 4, 2022
This course help cement the knowledge that I've already known into something more lifelong; after taking this course, I feel more comfortable talking about the various topics that were discussed, which will help me learn even more in the future.
By Kazim C
•Apr 29, 2022
I gained very useful and useful information for me, there are videos and readings prepared with great effort. I recommend it to everyone. It is a course that I think that those who want to make a career in the field of IT should definitely take.
By Nathan O
•Apr 8, 2022
Great for people wanting to enter the tech industry. Easy to learn and very knowlegable intructors. Great resources provided for students and informative content to learn from. Thank you for helping me on my new adventure into the tech industry!
By A L
•Nov 4, 2021
Course covered all the essential topics for the IT, I love the supplementary learning its too informative and helps me to dive deep into the topics, although it would be cool, if the supplementary resources include Youtube and other Tech Forums.
•Jun 28, 2021
Excelente curso de la mano de los especialistas de Google, lo recomiendo ampliamente, tengo dos decadas trabajando en la reparacion y mantenimiento de computadoras y hay cosas de las que no tenía conocimiento, Gracias google y gente de su Staff.
By Romi S
•Feb 24, 2021
This course does a great job of introducing you to the world of IT Support Fundamentals. It's not overwhelming and by the end of the course, you feel that you have a good grasp of what is expected of you if you decide to follow this career path.
By Hong L N
•Oct 16, 2020
I got through the course pretty fast in compare with the designed process of the course because I already knew some stuffs. However, this is very helpful not just being the review to me but also having given me some interesting details about IT.
By Justin N
•Oct 6, 2020
Thought it was a well done course for those that really know nothing about computers. However, if you do already know the basics, the course tends to be a bit of a slog with how shallow the learning really is. For its audience, it's good though.
By Dominik S
•Apr 26, 2020
To be able see how is actually done this job with real life scenarios and so many comparisons to real world get me through hard to imagine concepts of all used technological terms and protocols. Thanks very much for all that work done ! Awesome.
By Manish s s
•Dec 7, 2019
What a awesome experience it was and i am very excited to learn more from Google the experts was really very cool and fantastic and the virtual experience of the computers of virtual machine was awesome
Really Really Excited For More From Google
By Frederick B
•Oct 1, 2019
The course was very easy and fun to work on. It gives off a very good starting field to people first introducing themselves into IT. It also gives those who have been doing IT for a while a fun refresher while also showing them some new tricks.
By Oluwasegun E
•Feb 3, 2019
This is one of the best google fundamental course i have ever learn. All the skills are very interesting and inspiring ranging from Binary Code, Customer Support, Linux and Troubleshooting. I recommend the course for everyone in the field of IT.
By Richard H
•May 22, 2018
A fantastic course to get you started on the Google trail to a Professional Certificate. Easy to follow videos and quizzes to check you were listening, really enjoyed taking this and can't wait to venture into my second Technical Support course.
By Robbie M
•Feb 28, 2018
I really enjoy this course. I am a beginner and I have learned a lot about the fundamentals of technical support. It definitely is a stepping stone to a more in-depth study of Information Technology. I look forward to continuing this course.
By Candy A
•Oct 17, 2023
Saya sangat senang telah menyelesaikan kursus IT Support. Materi yang diajarkan sangat informatif dan berguna dalam pemecahan masalah teknis. Saya sekarang merasa lebih percaya diri dalam memberikan dukungan teknis kepada pengguna. Terima kasih
By Lynne C
•Mar 17, 2023
I really enjoyed taking this course and I've come across a lot of challenges, but the quizzes gave me chances to get it right and to get an understanding by going back over the course work. I'm looking forward to the next course in IT Support.
By Hafiz A
•May 6, 2022
This course was very amazing, it helps me alot to learn more things about Technical Support fundamentals. I am very happy to having this course by this platform with great environment and professional practice. Really appreciated for the staff.
By Brian T D
•Mar 6, 2022
I thought this course was extremely informative, interactive and valuable. The manner in which the material was presented was professional, easy to understand and timely. I am looking forward to continuing with other courses that are available.
By Desten H
•Feb 5, 2022
It was quality information provided for both beginners and people already in the industry. This course has a great deal of fundametal information that will solidifly your knowledge and understanding of IT whether you're new or returning to IT.
By Damo O
•Sep 16, 2021
Great first introduction to the world of IT support. I really enjoyed the fact that the presenters are real world professionals who are clearly passionate about their respective job roles. I look forward to continuing my learning with Google!.
By Cassandra L
•Aug 3, 2021
I believe my skill level might up been too high for this course. This is a beginner course and should only be taken for someone with no formal training in IT it gives you a good area to start and allows you to understand what you will be doing.
By Jules D S
•Oct 23, 2020
I definitely enjoyed learning the basics in this fashion. I'm also studying for the Comptia A+ at the moment, and I found that while going through this course it actually helped clear up several items that I was stuggling with in the A+ course.
By Gustavo A L D
•Oct 5, 2020
Great course!!! Definitely what helped me master the topics in this course were the quizzes and the hands on labs. Great feature in this course. I look forward to keep learning more and reinforcing concepts that I already have knowledge on.