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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health by Stanford University

33,059 ratings

About the Course

Around the world, we find ourselves facing global epidemics of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and other predominantly diet-related diseases. To address these public health crises, we urgently need to explore innovative strategies for promoting healthful eating. There is strong evidence that global increases in the consumption of heavily processed foods, coupled with cultural shifts away from the preparation of food in the home, have contributed to high rates of preventable, chronic disease. In this course, learners will be given the information and practical skills they need to begin optimizing the way they eat. This course will shift the focus away from reductionist discussions about nutrients and move, instead, towards practical discussions about real food and the environment in which we consume it. By the end of this course, learners should have the tools they need to distinguish between foods that will support their health and those that threaten it. In addition, we will present a compelling rationale for a return to simple home cooking, an integral part of our efforts to live longer, healthier lives. View the trailer for the course here:

Top reviews


Mar 11, 2023

This course has a lot of great information on nutrition and simple eating without being overwhelming. It gives practical advice that anyone seeking to eat healthier can implement in their daily lives.


Jun 22, 2018

It was an amazing course that allowed for me to be much more conscious of what I was eating and pushed me to strive to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Overall, it was very entertaining and informative!

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851 - 875 of 9,413 Reviews for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health

By Sumit S B

Nov 20, 2019

this course was very informative and created an awareness about food we consume daily. This course helped me to learn how a healthy diet helps us to keep away from from diseases like diabetes, heart attacks gastro and intestine problems.

By Onpriya “ P

Jun 22, 2019

The course gave me the basic of the food industry and also gave me the knowledge of what component is needed to maintain a healthy diet. I love it that I can do it on my own pace, whenever and wherever. Perfect for upskilling for anyone.

By Goresh K

Mar 26, 2018

Excellent and genuine course. I am yet to learn a lot in health but this course provided me with a sound platform to make a start in such a vast field of food and health. Content given during the course is practical and amazingly simple.

By Kumari U

Mar 27, 2017

I just loved doing this course ! It helped me to have a healthy plate on my dinning table . I would recommend all to this course . The contents of this course were simple and easy to understand through which I was able to gain interest .

By Adele

Feb 15, 2016

Great information that is presented in short segments that highlight that topic. Very basic but good information that is a great refresher and good introduction to learning to eat healthier. Excellent presentation and enjoyable format.

By Mariola B

Aug 15, 2024

Świetny kurs, prowadzony w ciekawy i przystępny sposób. Pokazuje jak dzisiaj żywność jest produkowana i co jest dla nas dobre. Bardzo podobały mi się lekcje gotowania. Szybkie, odżywcze potrawy, które można przygotować w krótkim czasie.

By Fatima M

Jul 31, 2024

This course is so beneficial for me. I learnt much things from this course. Thanks and please i want to do this for free Kindly gave me my certificate of this course. I do this course with hardwork. This certificate is important for me.

By Angelika E

Aug 21, 2022

Very helpful about trends in the food industry, very helpful how to help obese people and very interesting tipps in living a healthy life when we eat food that brings pleasure in moderation; yes, and cooking is easy and brings also joy!

By Octaviano S

Feb 21, 2022

It is an excellent course at a basic level. It provides the foundation for understanding the relationship between food and health. The short videos facilitate the understanding and retention of the acquired knowledge for the long term.


Jun 2, 2021

Thank you so much to Mrs. Maya and Standfor University to make this course! I really really love this course so much. Thank to share all that I'm not knowing. I really enjoying this course, thanks to share food recipe in this course :)

By Michelle L

Dec 12, 2020

Thank you for this course. It presented valuable information in an easy to understand way. Maya Adam comes across as very passionate about this topic and offers excellent advice in the best way to choose the foods that will benefit us.

By Axa P P d R

Jul 5, 2020

excelente la manera de plantear los conceptos de comer saludable, fácil de entender, didáctico y practico, estimula el querer cambiar, de hecho en nuestra familia ya estamos cambiando hábitos hacia el logro de una comida sana. gracias.

By Beghdad A

Jun 25, 2020

I don’t know what to say! I'm very happy,That was a really interesting lessons. I can´t thank you enough for your videos !!! I have learned many things about healthy food, it's very important for us,Your support is greatly appreciated.

By Karthikeyan M

Jul 23, 2019

It was very helpful for me by providing the basic and detailed information about the food and its various types and its health effects . I am glad i enrolled for this course, as I am equipped with some knowledge about Food and health.

By Yun D

Feb 24, 2018

This is a wonderful course to guide us to a health life. In the course, it gives some examples and tips to make the food that be health. It also introduce the basic knowledge to identify which food is health or not. I am well learned.

By Aham N

Jan 10, 2023

This Education on healthy food, is not just for the mental knowledge and swollen CV, it offered me the skill to manage life, maintain a beautiful health profile, raise responsible children and serve others. I recommend it for everyone

By K.I.M.A

Dec 2, 2022

Es un curso que te ayuda como cambiar tus hábitos alimenticios, implementando tus conocimientos día a día, dando a entender que no debes de eliminar tus alimentos favoritos sino consumirlos de manera saludable disfrutando cada comida.

By Lynda

Aug 10, 2020

This is the course I would recommend to everyone, I mean everyone. Thank you Michael Pollan and Maya Adams. Food is Medicine indeed. We need to eat real food, not too much and plant-based, and be responsible for our long term health!

By Галкина А Н

Jun 2, 2020

It was very much interesting and informative. It inspired me and motivated me to make my life better. Many thanks! I hope that many more people will take the idea of becoming better and eating healthy. This course is really wonderful!

By Nicole S

Apr 3, 2018

This course was simple and easy to follow and understand. It was a perfect explanation of food and health and how we should approach food in our daily lives. Highly recommended for anyone who just wants a better understanding of food.

By Emilia I C L

Aug 5, 2016

Enjoyed it tons, really straight forward, easy to follow and common sense! Highly recommend it if you want to understand how your eating habits influence your health and how small changes can make big impact in your future well being.

By Thomas R

Jun 28, 2022

Thank you for this exciting course with the easy to use rules. It is exactly what people are longing for. Positive guidelines and a feel good road map on their way to a better nutrition.

Warm regards Thomas Raida Master in Gastrosophy

By Asnate F

Apr 21, 2020

Thank you for this course. Although I had some basic knowledge of material we covered and I consider myself eating healthy, I still found this course stimulating and useful. I applaud to Professor Maya Adam for putting this together.

By Connie H

Apr 3, 2020

Practical application of the theory of nutrition in a daily living environment. The previous course Child Nutrition and Cooking had prepared me for the knowledge of macronutrients and micronutrients so taking this course was easier.

By Angela S

Feb 1, 2020

Much of this I already knew and will pass this information on to friends and family. I grew up on a farm. Anyway, is there a course on foods that addresses substance abuse and what is good or bad for an alcoholic, heroin users, etc.?