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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) by University of Michigan

230,632 ratings

About the Course

This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. The course has no pre-requisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics. Anyone with moderate computer experience should be able to master the materials in this course. This course will cover Chapters 1-5 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. Once a student completes this course, they will be ready to take more advanced programming courses. This course covers Python 3....
High quality instructor

(1484 Reviews)

Introductory course

(4203 Reviews)

Top reviews


Dec 27, 2019

Extremely basic but Dr. Chuck is so interesting that you never get bored. You can pass the course in a few days with minimum or even no programming knowledge. It's a good starting point for beginners.


Sep 8, 2019

Great course! I always thought of programming as a too-difficult-and-complex thing for me; now I want to learn more. Thank you Dr Charles Severance for explaining everything in such an affordable way.

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6126 - 6150 of 10,000 Reviews for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

By Bobmond C

Feb 25, 2020

Great foundation course - good pace, thorough and very well documented materials. Professor is quite personable and entertaining as well which made learning quite fun.

By Abhinav A

Jan 18, 2020

great way to start your understanding not just of Python but the programming language and its importance. Thanks Dr. Chuck for sharing his valuable experience with us.

By Jesid A

Dec 24, 2019

Very instructive program. It gives you the foundation needed to continue learning Python by understanding the control flow and very important key vocabulary and syntax

By Pavan’s C

Oct 5, 2019

Severance sir's method of teaching is unique, and it is evident that he loves teaching, I like to learn from those who love teaching. 12/10 would recommend this course


Jul 3, 2019

Es uno de los mejores cursos que he tomado, el profesor se toma muy enserio el trabajo y definitivamente busca cualquier cosa para hacer didáctico y divertido el curso

By Aditya S

Jun 21, 2019

The way of explanation of course is exceptionally amazing.! It not only make you learn python but it make you to love python..pace is bit slow but overall it's perfect

By Christophe I

Dec 26, 2018

Very interactive and Dr. Chuck is probably one of the best programming evangelizer I met! Bravo. I strongly encourage this course for non developers and geeks like me.

By Ulisses M

Dec 2, 2018

Amazing course. I have learned a great deal and Mr. Severance is just amazing, a great professor. I only wished there were more interactive activities and assignments.

By Michael W

Nov 13, 2018

Great intro class, you could finish it in a Saturday if spend the day on it. Knowing 0 python, great for learning syntax that isn't explicit just copying code online.

By Yulia Y

Jul 18, 2018

Great course even for those who have some experience with Python. Clears out all the main moments which I approached intuitively before, strengthens the base knowledge

By Ignacio A U H

Apr 2, 2018

Cool course. The profesor is cool and funny, wich makes it far more easy to learn. I liked the assignments, they were cleaverly designed to underline the key concepts.

By Khaled E

Oct 17, 2017

The course is pretty useful at the beginning. What I love the most in this course that it gives me a solid foundation of hardware understanding. I did really enjoy it.

By Michael G F

Jul 22, 2017

Really excellent class and very excited to learn with the PhD. Chuck professor, he explains very but very well, for everyone to want take this course. CONGRATULATIONS.

By Aaren G C H

Nov 27, 2016

I love this course very much, as the lecturing very funny and interesting, easy to learn, and clear instruction. Is a highly recommended course for my friends / family

By D. P

Nov 17, 2016

A good introduction to the structure and syntax of Python. Easy to understand reference material and good examples. The exercises really helped reinforce the material.

By Fred P

Oct 25, 2016

I have absolutely no talent with regard to programming yet made it through this initial course and believe I can now take the subsequent courses in the specialization.

By Fabrizio S

Oct 11, 2016

it's my first online course. It's a powerful strument to learn. Chuck is great (magician), he uses a sort of game and joke to teach easily the basic of python. Thanks!

By Sreejith

Jul 4, 2016

I have had a wonderful experience with this basic python programming. Dr.Charles is funny and at the same time informative. Looking forward for more lectures from him.

By Angeleta W

Mar 28, 2016

Excellent course! Material was easy to understand and explanations made sense...perfect if you have no experience in programming and need to take baby steps! Loved it!

By Randall N

Feb 27, 2016

Los felicito, yo he tratado de llevar otros cursos en web sites semejantes y no son tan claros y fáciles de llevar como este. Muchas gracias y a seguir con su programa

By Deleted A

Jan 30, 2016

The right course which gets you started with programming. The instructor makes it right too by putting in tremendous effort in explaining the content with so much fun.

By Jun G

Jan 28, 2016

I love the pace of the course. Professor Chunk not only teach me how to write in python ,but also how to think like computer. It makes me learn the python more deeply.

By Rubens A

Nov 30, 2015

A very good beginning course. The instructor is excelent and his explanations very clear. I recommend this course for people that is starting to program.

Rubens Araujo

By 丁玎

Nov 28, 2015

It is a extremely clear course that introduce the basic programming skills with python. I like the interest way the professor explain the principle of the programming.

By red s

Nov 19, 2015

Well designed. The easy does it approach is very effective to focus on how the language works. With this method it is easier to learn Python than Ruby. I recommend it.