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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) by University of Michigan

230,632 ratings

About the Course

This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. The course has no pre-requisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics. Anyone with moderate computer experience should be able to master the materials in this course. This course will cover Chapters 1-5 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. Once a student completes this course, they will be ready to take more advanced programming courses. This course covers Python 3....
High quality instructor

(1484 Reviews)

Introductory course

(4203 Reviews)

Top reviews


Dec 27, 2019

Extremely basic but Dr. Chuck is so interesting that you never get bored. You can pass the course in a few days with minimum or even no programming knowledge. It's a good starting point for beginners.


Sep 8, 2019

Great course! I always thought of programming as a too-difficult-and-complex thing for me; now I want to learn more. Thank you Dr Charles Severance for explaining everything in such an affordable way.

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6226 - 6250 of 10,000 Reviews for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

By Zhiduo X

Aug 2, 2020

The instructor explains things so clearly and the logic of the course is in such a nice flow. Very friendly to beginners! Great thanks to the University of Michigan!

By Vinayak M

Jul 29, 2020

The teacher taught the subject in a very simple and interesting way, which made the subject easy to grasp! Especially for those students who don't know programming.


Jul 19, 2020

Professor Severance has explained so good, that its very easy to clear the basics of python. I wish I can complete done my masters under his guidance. Thank you Sir.

By Gaurav B A

Jul 18, 2020

Hi this is Gaurav Agwan from INDIA . and as per i think this course is really good for the sake of clearing the basic concept .....I am so happy after getting pass.

By Madupathi S Y

Jul 14, 2020

It is a very good option to start with this. I learnt very much about this and thank you coursera for providing hands on experience like providing a lab experience .


Jul 11, 2020

It is really a great experience to learn on coursera platform .All the content is explained extremely well. And the hands on challenges boosts your confidence level.

By Golam M C

Jun 30, 2020

The instructor teach Python interestingly for beginner programmers. He also explain the key terms of programming (such as: variables, loops, data types etc.) easily.

By Manuel E Q U

Jun 29, 2020

It is a great course, perfect for people with certain knowledge in programming, as well as for people who want to start in the world of programming, 100% recommended

By Michael S

Jun 23, 2020

This course is amazing! It is compatible with people from all academic backgrounds. This is perfect for anyone seeking a thorough introduction and view about Python.

By Norina D

Jun 14, 2020

I highly recommend this course because it is interactive and easy to follow. It is very well organized and the professor makes the learning process fun and engaging.

By Nishchay P

Jun 12, 2020

Charles is a great teacher and comprehensively explains all things. Even though I am a newbie at coding I had no issues understanding and writing in python language.

By Abdus S

May 27, 2020

It was a beautiful course. I mean both the content of course as well as the instructor. Loved it Thanks Dr. Charles Severance, Coursera and University of Michigan...

By Rishabh G

May 27, 2020

Amazing course from Michigan University for freshers in Python Programming Language but very easy for Intermediate level students.

Thank You Coursera for this course!

By Aishwarya P

May 21, 2020

Amazing teacher and lectures were so fun! The forum really helped me realize my small mistakes while programming. Any beginner can take up this course and enjoy it!

By Afeera S

May 16, 2020

It was amazing to complete this course. The instructor of this course is way too amazing and I enjoyed learning from him. Hope to attend the next course of him soon.

By Jonnada G

May 4, 2020

Instructor is awesome & i really enjoyed and learn the basics as a naive to programming i struggled a little bit in the last week of assignment however i got cleared

By Aman C

May 3, 2020

Its really an interesting and informative course to learn basics about Python.It helps to grab information easily and the way of teaching by instructor is very good.

By Shobhit J

Apr 29, 2020

One of the best courses to start off with Python! Hats off to Charles, one of the best course instructors who made it all simple and fun to learn! Recommend 100/100.

By Alugolu k k

Apr 25, 2020

The course is started teaching from basics.This can be taken by even the beginner (without any prior language of Python).This is the best course for learning Python.

By Onkar S

Apr 16, 2020

a very helpful course to get ready to use python as a beginner.This course helped me a lot

to learn python from scratch.So thanks coursera for this wonderful course.

By Harivamshi D

Apr 3, 2020

I love the way how Mr.Severus teach. And I also like the name Severus because I am a fan of Harry Potter. Really loved the course. Thank you so much for this course.

By Ricardo A G

Apr 1, 2020

Muy claro dinámico y como su nombre indica orientado tanto como para programadores que quieren aprender un nuevo lenguaje de programación como para no programadores.

By Muhammad H K

Feb 26, 2020

Wow, The Instructor of the course is Amazing! I loved the Course Contents, His Teaching Style and many more. I learned a lot from this course. Thanks to Coursera

By Era I

Dec 20, 2019

It's a great course, not just about to program with python, but also gave a deep understanding about the programming concept and build a good structure of thinking.

By Dattaprasad S

Dec 18, 2019

Loved It. The faculty has a really great understanding on Python concepts. He knows how to teach, got amazing teaching skills. Very highly recommended for new comers