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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) by University of Michigan

230,632 ratings

About the Course

This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. The course has no pre-requisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics. Anyone with moderate computer experience should be able to master the materials in this course. This course will cover Chapters 1-5 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. Once a student completes this course, they will be ready to take more advanced programming courses. This course covers Python 3....
High quality instructor

(1484 Reviews)

Introductory course

(4203 Reviews)

Top reviews


Dec 27, 2019

Extremely basic but Dr. Chuck is so interesting that you never get bored. You can pass the course in a few days with minimum or even no programming knowledge. It's a good starting point for beginners.


Sep 8, 2019

Great course! I always thought of programming as a too-difficult-and-complex thing for me; now I want to learn more. Thank you Dr Charles Severance for explaining everything in such an affordable way.

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6376 - 6400 of 10,000 Reviews for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

By Shabahat H

Apr 15, 2020

I Learned a lot from this course.the concept behind the coding basis of python. And the assignment present in this course helps you to understand the course better


Apr 15, 2020

I am very happy after completing this course.

The course is very well designed and our instructor is excellent and personally,i loved his way of teaching.

Thank You.

By Stamatios G

Apr 1, 2020

A great introduction to the world of Python. Even if you have NO idea what programming is, after this class, you'll be on a good point to start a whole new future.


Oct 23, 2019

Exceptional, Great, Take this Specialization, Buy Dr. Chuk's Book. Enjoy the course and the language. A beautiful Experience by Prof. who is from Slytherin house.

By tolulope o

Oct 10, 2019

The course was clearly taught by definitely a professional in the field. I particulalrly love the bonus videos who had used python to develop one thing or another.

By keith r

Aug 13, 2019

I am programming after 10 years and i found that this course is paced very well and taught in a very fun and easy to learn manner. Dr Chuck is absolutely fabulous!

By Rishabh S

Jul 28, 2019

I love this course, there are many things to learn here. Dr. Chuck is awesome.

Just a little bit of efforts and you're good to go in programming.

Thank you Coursera.

By Md A H

Jul 22, 2019

This is awesome and Dr. chuck really great and way of teaching really excellent .

in this tutorial i m totally confident and i want to forward . thank you Coursera.

By Barta K Z

Jul 19, 2019

Had great fun watching the videos, they were very simple and clear about what did what, and it helped me easily understand the different items that make up Python.

By Deleted A

Mar 3, 2019

Its a very good course especially for those who have no coding background. Professor has explained things so nicely that even a beginner will learn things quickly.

By Anson V A

Nov 5, 2018

Highly recommended for anyone who wants to learn programming. The best start to programming with Python, Dr.Chuck literally makes us learn Programming with Python.

By Lucie

Aug 5, 2018

Very approachable to students who have no background in Python. Challenging homework/exercise, so we need to spend time to really think through how to work it out.

By Manlin Z

Jun 29, 2018

really good classthe pro make sure that the def and the app are easy for beginners to understand and it is really interesting, so I finish this course really quick

By Yusuf E G

Jun 25, 2018

The contents are very educative. It gave everything to be able to learn the matter. After the videos and slides, the quizzes and assignments complete our learning.

By enrique p

Jun 11, 2018

I Attend a university for CS and this course get straight to the point and covers all the basics required for python.. This is perfect way to start learning python

By Ping L

Apr 24, 2018

the course is very interesting. Although I know python before the class, the class show me the python in different view point. I love the teacher's teaching style.

By Chunhao H

Mar 31, 2018

The course is very helpful and very easy to understand. But it's kind of slow in terms of overall time schedule. Overall a very good course, thanks Professor Chuck

By Natalia V

Mar 5, 2018

A very welcoming and user-friendly way to get starte with Python. A little bit loose for them aware of usual programming habits, but very useful for total newbies.

By Zijia L

Jan 1, 2018

I am quite pleasure to be one of the students in this course and I really admire the professor in this class, which had a strong inspiration on me to learn Python.

By Lukas R

Nov 25, 2017

I learned about python fundamentals so much and in very easy examples. Thank you prof. Charles for this enormous work and sharing your knowledge with other people!

By marc h

Nov 6, 2017

As a complete beginner, I found this course very easy to understand and follow. I only wish there were a few more opportinities to practise. Thanks a lot Dr Chuck!

By Matthew J

Nov 1, 2017

Dr. Chuck is the man! I have previous programming experience but I'm new to Python. I thought this course was a fantastic start for anyone looking to learn Python.

By Andreas P

Sep 8, 2017

Excellent course to learn the basics of Python, the professor does a great job explaining how to start programming step by step. Totally recommend it to everyone!!

By Anirban C

Aug 11, 2017

Great for learning the basics of the Python Programming Language.

Would have been more beneficial if the Python Data Structures course was also available for free.

By Haoyu C

Jun 20, 2017

Very simple and easy to learn, especially when you have learnt other coding language. I learned this after work every day, and I used 3 days to finish this course.