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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) by University of Michigan

230,685 ratings

About the Course

This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. The course has no pre-requisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics. Anyone with moderate computer experience should be able to master the materials in this course. This course will cover Chapters 1-5 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. Once a student completes this course, they will be ready to take more advanced programming courses. This course covers Python 3....
High quality instructor

(1484 Reviews)

Introductory course

(4203 Reviews)

Top reviews


Mar 29, 2018

Very good introduction to basic programming. Very easy for beginners in python who have already some programming background - but still extremely useful to quickly and efficiently learn python basics.


Jul 2, 2021

Dr Chuck is amazing!! Great methods, and informative.. Gained knowledge and confidence. Definitely worth the time.. cant wait to start my next course with the University of Michigan, and with Dr Chuck

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6476 - 6500 of 10,000 Reviews for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

By Sriram T

Jun 28, 2017

Great introductory level course that starts at the most basic levels. I had prior experience with C++ and breezed through the course in slightly more than a week.

By Nikolaos M

Apr 28, 2017

Quite simple and insightful for programming beginners. I would really recommend it for students and people that want to be introduced to the basics of programming

By Antonis D

Mar 5, 2017

I'm extremely satisfied about this course. I could understand easily the concept and the first steps of Python. The professeur is a cool guy and that helps a lot.

By Masoud P

Jan 6, 2017

This course is by far the best beginners course on programming. I really enjoy the presentation of the instructor and the interactive online programming platform.

By Amit K

Oct 21, 2016

Basics are perfect. Started off very well. By the time the last chapter had come, I feel that too much was spread into the last chapter. It could be split into 2.

By Ashwin K

Apr 23, 2016

Brilliant course, Professor Chuck is awesome. The amount of time he takes explaining the concepts is remarkable and the assignments and quizzes makes great sense.

By ilaria

Feb 29, 2016

Great course to start programming and learning Python.

Dr. Chuck is a very smart teacher. His lessons are interesting, usefull, clear and funny at the same time.

By Zhu Q

Feb 1, 2016

I love this class because the teacher is humorous and the content is understandable. It triggers my interest to take more courses about Python. Thanks very much!

By Yang H

Jan 19, 2016

Before this course,I know nothing about coding.I think it's a good start for python study.Dr.Chuck is truly brilliant and humorous.I do love this course. Grazie!

By jess i

Jan 4, 2016

Great class for anyone who as not written code before. Well paced exercises and lectures allow non-coders to become informed about the basics. Highly recommended.

By Nicola B

Oct 1, 2015

Really well done, it does't teach you just the lenguage but let you understand how it works in the computer.

but is for real beginners, usefull the student's notes

By Fanny M

Feb 12, 2025

Absolutely great. Thank you very much for this course. I understood so many things about programming and more importantly, my computer seems a little less scary.


Jul 31, 2023

The lessons are literally so easy to follow and the syllabus is arranged in a very orderly and systematic manner which makes learning so easy and less stressful.

By Thomas A

Feb 3, 2023

Great course. For someone who knows a little programming, this course only took 12 hours. But it was a great intro. Going to move on the intermediate course now.

By Tushara

Jun 4, 2022

This was the first timing learning python and i had amazing start, so thank you so much professor Severance. I am keen to learn more and use this tool in future!

By Robert K

Nov 24, 2021

Dr. Chuck was a great instructor who used meaningful examples to illustrate the material. His delivery style was engaging for what could have been dry material.

By Maxwell W

Sep 29, 2021

Very good, some slight errors concerning the translations between Python 2 vs. Python 3. But other than that, very informative and great notes for learning code.

By Jenny P

Jul 6, 2021

The professor is so cute! He teaches well too! Personally, I think the textbook from the course is useful since there is some exercise you can practice yourself.

By Deleted A

Jun 11, 2021

Teacher use the simple word to explain how python control flow work and use it, It's my pleasure to take this course, I'll continue to the data structure course.

By Ashley W

Feb 18, 2021

The class was very easy to follow as the course material was thoroughly explained. The professor is enthusiastic and holds your attention throughout the videos.

By Makar H

Jan 18, 2021

Excellent easy to follow course. It teaches you the very basic knowledge of python such as loops, Conditional statements, functions and basic embedded functions.

By hitomi m

Jan 15, 2021

Somebody like me without any tech background was very challenging, but compared to other course that I tried, it was easiest course I believe. Thank you so much!

By Yergaliev D

Jan 1, 2021

Самый раз для тех кто только начинает свои первые шаги в программирование, если же вы знакомы с программированием то боюсь курс не предоставит вам ничего нового.

By Raul G S

Nov 29, 2020

Disfrute del curso, es muy didáctico y fácil de entender, lo recomiendo a todo aquel que quiera repasar lo básico del Python oh que guste de aprender sobre ello.