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Learner Reviews & Feedback for COVID-19 Contact Tracing by Johns Hopkins University

95,117 ratings

About the Course

The COVID-19 crisis has created an unprecedented need for contact tracing across the country, requiring thousands of people to learn key skills quickly. The job qualifications for contact tracing positions differ throughout the country and the world, with some new positions open to individuals with a high school diploma or equivalent. In this introductory course, students will learn about the science of SARS-CoV-2 , including the infectious period, the clinical presentation of COVID-19, and the evidence for how SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted from person-to-person and why contact tracing can be such an effective public health intervention. Students will learn about how contact tracing is done, including how to build rapport with cases, identify their contacts, and support both cases and their contacts to stop transmission in their communities. The course will also cover several important ethical considerations around contact tracing, isolation, and quarantine. Finally, the course will identify some of the most common barriers to contact tracing efforts -- along with strategies to overcome them....

Top reviews


Jan 15, 2021

This was a Fantastic Course!! I highly recommend it!! I took it since I'm applying for contact tracing positions and wanted to have a certificate of completion in hand to show perspective employers!


May 24, 2020

The short modules made it easy to fit the work in around my work schedule AND helping my daughter with schoolwork. Simple, easy to understand, with regular checks for comprehension. Highly recommend!

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2526 - 2550 of 10,000 Reviews for COVID-19 Contact Tracing

By Gloria C P


Oct 21, 2020

Contact tracing is a standard public health tool used for many decades to control the spread of many different infectious diseases and contact tracer cannot ask people to isolate or quarantine because this violates the idea of justice.

By MD. F K


Oct 13, 2020

Everyone needs to study this course for the learning needs during Covid-19 era across the world.. Course content was too specific, clear and understandable thus thanks to the Instruction and the associated people arranging this course.

By yulani a


Sep 29, 2020

Es un curso que todos deberíamos hacer porque nos educa mucho sobre este nuevo virus, especialmente la forma en que podemos evitar contagiar a otros y cómo responder ante ciertos síntomas que requieran o no atención médica prioritaria.

By Catherine L


Sep 27, 2020

The course was well done and very informative. The information presented gave useful background and excellent examples of the proper way to contact trace with appropriate dialogue between the tracer and the contact or case individual.

By Nancy A K M


Sep 16, 2020

Program materials were precise, spot on, clear, and easy to understand. Dr. Gurley presentation skills are top notch. My only issue is gaining clarification as to whether any CEU credits have been assigned for completion of the course.

By Danielle M


Aug 24, 2020

Very clear, very thorough! I wish that everyone could watch these videos. I think that this level of clarity and ease of information would be beneficial to the whole population; it would dispel a lot of confusion surrounding the virus.

By Sabrina W


Aug 22, 2020

This is the first college course I've ever taken and it was very easy to follow. By the end, I felt confident that I had the skills to be a contact tracer, though I'm not qualified. It also inspired me to look for more courses to take!

By Nathaniel J P U G


Aug 18, 2020

I enjoyed the course very much. Although the title seems somewhat misleading, because the course does not only teach the learner about CoViD-19 contact tracing, but also about CoViD-19, a brief history, and its more scientific details.

By Lucie F


Aug 16, 2020

The course was excellent but there were a couple of questions that seemed confusing to me. I'm sorry I can't remember which ones. Additionally, on the exam, the use of their when you were referring to one individual was also confusing.

By Annisa A H A


Aug 6, 2020

it is easy to follow and the presentation is great. but the pace of the course is too slow so I have to make it 1.25x to 1.5x faster for every video, even though I am not excellent in English listening. but overall this course is great

By Barbara S


Jul 16, 2020

Fantastic course. The materials were thorough and well arranged. The method for online instruction was easy for me to navigate and use. The information that I learned is incredibly useful and helpful, especially in our "new normal!"

By Kimmely R T


Jul 8, 2020

This course does a great job on covering information on how to stop the spread of covid-19 to give your cases and contacts. So you can inform your people and provide the right information needed for help during isolation or quarantine.

By Elizabeth S


Jun 22, 2020

I learned so much information about the importance of contact tracing and the virus. I hope to apply this with a job in my city to help. Thank you for providing this tool for free during this time. I appreciate it dearly.


By Alicia


Jun 19, 2020

Awesome course. Very informative especially information on the history of Coronaviruses, how to isolate/quarantine effectively and the different types of technology used in contact tracing. The course is well taught and is not boring.

By Amy R


Jun 2, 2020

Excellent information which was presented really well, easy to understand and digest and also clarified specific points. The graphs were beautifully designed and reinforced the written word.

I hope get a job in an effort to do my part.

By Matthew M


May 28, 2020

This is a great course. There is a lot of detail and a wide variety of subject matter to master. But as a beginning course it gives a broad range of basic principles needed to be a successful contact tracer - specifically for COVID-19.

By Antheia T E


May 28, 2020

The course presenter took her time to discuss the main points. Her voice offered a sense of calmness and ease. somewhat reassured my confidence in that I can carry out this task because of all knowledge I was given especially examples.

By Angelos M C


Feb 7, 2021

Very interested course for students to learn about the science of SARS-CoV-2 , the infectious period, the clinical presentation of COVID-19, and the evidence for how SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted from person-to-person and more and more...

By Savannah W


Dec 28, 2020

I really enjoyed this course and the way it was broken down made a lot of sense to me. I also enjoyed listening to the professors voice throughout the videos and the the PowerPoints were very visual which is great for visual learners.

By Alaina E


Nov 16, 2020

This was an excellent course. It is brief, but thorough. The instructor had excellent speech pacing, slides were not overly wordy, and there were lots of resources provided for further investigation/information. I highly recommend it!

By Roberto L L


Sep 13, 2020

This course has been truly helpful in my additional task as a contact tracer for our organization. It is brief and concise, providing the necessary skills and information that I need to effectively perform my task as a contact tracer.

By Jessica G


Aug 27, 2020

Emily Gurley was an excellent instructor for this course. The course content and videos were very helpful in understanding what it means to be a contact tracer and how to overcome some of the challenges you might encounter on the job.

By Anitra F


Aug 13, 2020

The Course instructor was very clear and precise. I believe everyone will progress to the next phase that went through the course. The Course teaches very good ethics and promotes thought when speaking to others, cases and contacts.

By Mai D


Aug 11, 2020

Thank you for providing this to everyone. It's something we all should do, if nothing more, it helps you understand this better and the ALL steps that contact tracing entails. Helps you understand why you need to follow protocols!

By Tina F


Aug 6, 2020

This training provides an amazing way for you to understand what it happening during this pandemic and provides training that yourself and those you will help can understand to better how to help yourself and other during this crisis.