Jan 15, 2021
This was a Fantastic Course!! I highly recommend it!! I took it since I'm applying for contact tracing positions and wanted to have a certificate of completion in hand to show perspective employers!
May 24, 2020
The short modules made it easy to fit the work in around my work schedule AND helping my daughter with schoolwork. Simple, easy to understand, with regular checks for comprehension. Highly recommend!
By Lakhwinder S
•Jun 8, 2020
I experienced teaching methodologies were really good and i enjoyed my COVID-19 CONTACT TRACING course work fully with a practical way of handling cases. Thank you Dr. Emily S. Gurley for your valuable guidance and kind efforts.
By Niha M
•Jun 7, 2020
Really loved the course. It was really informative and I learned a lot about COVID-19. This material helped me learn about what to do in order diseases spread or even solving different Public Health problems in a strategized way.
By Debborah H
•Jun 5, 2020
Very Informative course. It answered a lot of questions and put to rest myths and half-truths that I had heard. Great Instructor, very easy to understand and to follow. Voice was very pleasing with the right inflection and tone.
By Dolitah M
•May 29, 2020
Thank you for this wonderful course, so well designed and easy to follow. I am better informed about Covid-19 Contact Tracing. Since I work for a Senior Living Community, this could be very useful for my work and my organization.
By Cassandra C
•May 28, 2020
This course was clearly laid out, it was simplified enough that even someone with very limited health care knowledge, could completely understand the information. I enjoyed completing this class in just two sittings. Thank You.
By Temitope A
•May 25, 2020
I have no medical background but after completing this course, I am more aware of my environment and the course helps me to understand COVID-19 very well and how to support anyone that needs support at this very challenging time.
By Vishnu V
•May 25, 2020
Informative, I have learned quite a few useful skills through this course. Easy to follow and keep up with, with adjustable pacing. I recommend this to anyone looking to get more of an edge on understanding the impact of COVID-19
By kristen e
•May 22, 2020
Very clear and concise. Well paced, and the increased interaction as the course progressed along with "call examples" was very helpful in simulating firsthand experiences. Thanks for the great work and service to the community!
By marilyn l
•May 19, 2020
Presented in a very understandable way - speaker had an easy listening voice - information provided were directly related to the test questions - test questions fashioned in an upfront manner, not trying to trick you - excellent!
By Socorro D
•Aug 29, 2021
as a healthcare professional, this course opened doors to a lot of information that will help us deal with covid 19 pandemic. this also provided great resource contents and website sources pertaining to corona virus. thank you.
By Aileen G
•Jul 11, 2021
This course is worth taking. All is explained clearly and with video examples too. Makes you appreciate contact tracing more. Kudos to the character "Amy, the contact tracer. Thank you, Dr. Gurley for making it also interesting.
By MarZer Z
•May 13, 2021
The subject is very important not only for contact tracer but all people who want know about COVID 19 and how they could help stop transmission of COVID 19. The course is easy to understand, yet complete and full of information.
By Stefany S
•Apr 3, 2021
I had knowledge prior to taking the course, however, this course brought light more to the history of the virus which I did not know completely about. It was easy to navigate through and I thank all who put this course together.
By Nikarta W
•Mar 19, 2021
The course was very helpful and it helped me gain knowledge on Covidconnect-19 that I lacked in. It also helped me learn the importance of why and how protecting my friends and family is more meaningful than one could ever know.
By Cyndy Y
•Feb 16, 2021
The mock conversations and quizzes drove home the importance of establishing rapport and using non-threatening but appropriate questions to trace contacts. Quizzes really helped me discern the fine details of what I was missing.
By Timothy M H
•Jan 23, 2021
I like everything except that you used a woman always in examples of good communication and a man as bad examples of communication. It would have been better to show both a man and a woman as examples good and bad communication.
By Nacala A
•Nov 28, 2020
This course was very helpful to me. Thank you SO much! I now feel confident to proceed with applying for a position as a contact tracer. I am sure that it is something I will enjoy doing and be very good at. Thank you again.
By Danielle L W
•Nov 25, 2020
I have a greater appreciation for the hard work and service of Contact Tracers. I really did not understand it before, now I do. This process is an extremely invaluable service to humanity during this terrible COVID-19 pandemic.
•Oct 31, 2020
With the pandemic affecting the whole world, the new and fresh ideas i got from this short course will be of great help in combating against this virus, not only for me, my family and the to the community where I am living with.
By Dr. K M H
•Oct 1, 2020
Excellent course to introduce a novice to COVID-19 Contact Tracing. Very easy to understand and follow, excellent examples of role playing and the glossary was very much needed to help explain what unknown terms were. Great job!
By Michael-Scott D
•Sep 8, 2020
Real information presented with useful scenarios to not only understand the role of COVID trackers but also understand the emotions and possible reactions to the people we contact.
Great course you can access around your schedule
By Philip A
•Sep 4, 2020
The instructor was very good and she spoke at the right pace. The examples are very good. It is very insightful. I have learned a lot about COVID-19 and proper way to communicate my thoughts to other people. Thank you very much.
By Kelly A H
•Aug 26, 2020
Excellent course for health care providers looking to supplement direction and education regarding COVID-19 to patients. Helps us to prepare patients with what to expect if they are either a case or contact during this pandemic.
By Grayson G
•Aug 11, 2020
I like that this course was accessible to people who might not have had an extensive public health background. The terminology was clearly defined and explained in context, and provides a great basis for contact tracing efforts!
By Arlene F
•Jul 20, 2020
I found the course to be very interesting. The course made me aware of so much more information about COVID19. I was taught at a good pace, the speaker was very clear and concise and the quizzes prepared me for the final test.